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Why Women think they need Feminism...


Hear hear.

Also, "equality" refers to fairness in treatment and assessment. It does NOT refer to that assessment having to have the exact same outcome for both genders in past and present. Testosterone can do things to people. That is undeniable. I'm not aware of smart men who would deny it, either. That's good enough for me. The fact that men do have a historical tendency to be stupid and brutal is hidden from the mediocre ones, they are forever doomed to complain and cry foul whenever someone is reaching for the mob to clean the pig's den up a *little*. I mean, can I deny that "white people" did a lot of crap? No. And I don't feel "attacked" by noting that, either. I am just thinking basic thougts and noting the obvious. (though of course, there are sexist women, and there are black supremacists ... but I will obsess about those when they become remotely significant, how about that?)

Why past people did things is... um.. pretty complicated. Tons of factors come into to play. I don't know why people want feminism to be a bite-sized chicken nugget that is just easily digestible in the next fifteen minutes.


I'll never forget the fire the ensued when Sandra Day O'Connor was appointed to the Supreme Court. I'd hear stuff like...

"Women's RIGHTS? Women aren't satisfied with just having RIGHTS anymore! They want to take over completely!!"

And they'd point to the one female justice sitting next to 8 other male justices as evidence.

That doesn't really surprise me.

I find that most people don't really care about things as much as the pretend often. It just becomes a topic that is out there and is to be commented upon (after all, the media does tell the country what to talk about), and they feel to need to take a strong standpoint on things. Guys doing in front of other guys can be so incredibly ridiculous sometimes. How often have you heard someone who individually who is rather thoughtful and consideration, but in the presence of some arrogant male acquaintances will say the most immediately insensitive thing for the purposes of some laugh and social establishment.

That's what I imagine here.... someone's loud uncle at a family gathering. "First the wanted votes, then they want equal pay, and now they just want to complete about how the media misrepresents!"

Gosh, I've never been so tired of talking about subject in my life. It's nice here in my microcosm of a city. People got too much to do to be concerned with how a cabala of women and their master agendum is distorting the public perceptions of words and relationships and religion and all decency and true equality.

EDIT: On the bright side, these threads are great for my frubal intake. Rarely in other threads do I get three or four frubals in a day for a single post.
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Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Have others in the thread watched the video presented in the OP? I know we tend to stray into generalities about the feminism debate. But the video itself was rather specific in how both sides approached the issue.


Sceptic, Libertarian, Egalitarian
Premium Member
Have others in the thread watched the video presented in the OP? I know we tend to stray into generalities about the feminism debate. But the video itself was rather specific in how both sides approached the issue.

Not yet. Once I get around to watching it (which might not be until Saturday/ Sunday) I'll comment.


You do make decent contributions on these threads.
And maybe I'm wrong, but I think some guys need to hear it from another guy.

Thanks. No telling how many times I've said the same debates over and over.

Have others in the thread watched the video presented in the OP? I know we tend to stray into generalities about the feminism debate. But the video itself was rather specific in how both sides approached the issue.

Nah. I don't have time for that now. I'm gonna have to sit this one out. :foot:

Me Myself

Back to my username
Yeah, it's a no true scotsman, but I feel it's justified in this case.

Feminism is about getting equality between the sexes; i.e., destroying sexism. Regarding men as the root of all evil is sexist, and seeks to put men down. That runs counter to bringing equality to the sexes.

It's like a person who worships Satan and doesn't believe Jesus was a historical figure and regards his teachings as utter nonsense calling himself a Christian.

To be fair, feminism main goal is to terminate injustice towards women.

It is also what all feminists have in common.

Me Myself

Back to my username
Have others in the thread watched the video presented in the OP? I know we tend to stray into generalities about the feminism debate. But the video itself was rather specific in how both sides approached the issue.

I thought it was interesting.

I saw several obvious problems with the side of the debate of e islamic lady, which the feminist adressed . When ghe feminist didnt know what to say to counter, she didnt, and when she did, she did throughly. On the other side, I feel the islamic one wasnt as wise and answered some silly things (while she also made some very good points, but they both did)

It was interesting, I watched a bit more, the islamic one does come falling apart more as it progresses. i didnt watch it all either.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
I thought it was interesting.

I saw several obvious problems with the side of the debate of e islamic lady, which the feminist adressed . When ghe feminist didnt know what to say to counter, she didnt, and when she did, she did throughly. On the other side, I feel the islamic one wasnt as wise and answered some silly things (while she also made some very good points, but they both did)

It was interesting, I watched a bit more, the islamic one does come falling apart more as it progresses. i didnt watch it all either.

That was my general impression as well. The Muslim woman who came to the debate wound up relying heavily on theological assumptions about the nature of man and the nature of woman to describe what is observed in the world. And for people who are looking for an explanation not merely from numbers but from a divinity, she presented it very effectively. The feminist offered statistics with her arguments, but so that she didn't come across as aloof, I think her offering of anecdotes to the debate gave a very personalized and "human" perspective to the video that could have simply devolved into theory and numbers.

Me Myself

Back to my username
That was my general impression as well. The Muslim woman who came to the debate wound up relying heavily on theological assumptions about the nature of man and the nature of woman to describe what is observed in the world. And for people who are looking for an explanation not merely from numbers but from a divinity, she presented it very effectively. The feminist offered statistics with her arguments, but so that she didn't come across as aloof, I think her offering of anecdotes to the debate gave a very personalized and "human" perspective to the video that could have simply devolved into theory and numbers.

Both seem very respectful that was cool. I was also a bit surprised by the things I heard from the audience, found theinteresting, that was in a questions section at the last part.

When the islamic lady said that feminism cannot help anything because it cant "agree" on stuff and there are different fronts that contradict each other.... Ad thepresented the solution as "Islam" I kinda loved it :D


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
Both seem very respectful that was cool. I was also a bit surprised by the things I heard from the audience, found theinteresting, that was in a questions section at the last part.

When the islamic lady said that feminism cannot help anything because it cant "agree" on stuff and there are different fronts that contradict each other.... Ad thepresented the solution as "Islam" I kinda loved it :D

LOL yeah, it's not like Muslims everywhere are in complete agreement with each other either. :D


Active Member
Here's one of the many reasons why women, and men, need feminism:

My experiences in tech: Death by 1000 paper cuts

So they can get **** done! Nothing more, nothing less. Then people can still be muslims or not, that's completely besides the point. Feminism isn't some kind of complete package of social, political and spiritual ideas. It's rather the absence of some, like the idea that men are by default stronger or smarter than women, or supposed to be the leaders, while women get to be the breeders.

You know, God may have given men and women "different qualities", statistically speaking, but God also made weak men and strong women, pretty men and ugly women, nurturing men and cold women, and all sorts of combinations. It doesn't take much "research" to notice that, and that labels are useless. That's the point of looking at individuals, not gender, not "race", not nationality, not religion.


Well-Known Member
I'll never forget the fire the ensued when Sandra Day O'Connor was appointed to the Supreme Court. I'd hear stuff like...

"Women's RIGHTS? Women aren't satisfied with just having RIGHTS anymore! They want to take over completely!!"

And they'd point to the one female justice sitting next to 8 other male justices as evidence.
I am fairly sure that if women took over completely it wouldnt be any worse then when men had dominance :p.