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Why Would An Atheist Visit a Religious Forums Site?!

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
I was wondering if any Atheist come evolutionist might be able to tell me why they visit a Religious Forums site? it it because your realy searching your own soul but won't admit it? Is it because you just visist to slag and try and put people down who do believe and show a little love to humanity no matter what their religion but show and share and have an interest in a creator, Are you searching?? What does bring an atheist to a Religious Forums Site?? Or are you religious, well not religious, but spiritual, but playing a game??
It occurs to me that you could also ask these questions of anyone of any particular religious viewpoint. Why would a Christian come to a site like this that deals not only with Christianity but also Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Paganism and numerous (limitless) others? Is that Christian looking to convert to another religion? Are they here to put down other beliefs? Are they playing a game?

Perhaps they are here because they doubt their beliefs and are searching, or perhaps they are strong in their beliefs and looking to grow. Perhaps they are here to learn of others positions, and perhaps they are looking for a good debate. Perhaps they find the various beliefs of humanity fascinating, and that fascination is not limited to their own beliefs. Perhaps by trying to understand others we begin to understand ourselves

What I am saying to a certain degree is why would an Atheist even be bothered with a Religious Forums site, is it not a waste of time in their view??
I think this is exactly the kind of misconception that a forum like this can help to correct. There are many Atheists who have no interest in religion at all, just as there are many Christians who may have no interest in other religions. But many Atheists feel that a greater understanding of others beliefs can be a great benefit. And of course many Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Pagans etc feel the same way. This is an excellent place to challenge your beliefs and preconceptions.

Why are you here Freelancer7? I think you may find that people of other beliefs (Atheism included) are here for many of the same reasons that you are.


Done here.
it it because your realy searching your own soul but won't admit it? Is it because you just visist to slag and try and put people down who do believe and show a little love to humanity no matter what their religion but show and share and have an interest in a creator
Yes, that's it exactly. Believers are so much better than us in every way that we can't help resenting them for it.


Perhaps for the same reason that anyone else would come to a religious forum. To discuss their views on the world while hearing about the views of others.


Great thread, OP.
I was wondering if any Atheist come evolutionist might be able to tell me why they visit a Religious Forums site?
What does atheism and evolution have to do with each other? Most evolutionists are theists, incidentally.
it it because your realy searching your own soul but won't admit it?
I search my soul all the time - certainly don't need religion or theism to scrutinize myself or my beliefs.
Is it because you just visist to slag and try and put people down who do believe and show a little love to humanity
You're absolutely right, I'm here to slag and put down people who show love to humanity.
Yes, that was sarcasm.
Belief in a deity does not correlate to showing love to humanity, so your premise is flawed. It would be like me asking why Christians bash atheists so much, is it because we like bunnies?
What does bring an atheist to a Religious Forums Site??
A perspective, same as everyone else. Shouldn't all aspects of religion be discussed here? Many atheists are very religious btw.

Nothing has brought me more personal growth and strengthened my beliefs more than learning from those who believe differently than I do. There was a time in my life where I was very religious and I absolutely HATED it when people believed differently than me and I despised it when something I believed in was shown to be wrong. I stupidly thought that clinging to the false belief meant I had strong faith but eventually realized that wasn't strength, it was weakness. I've discarded that weak, petty side of myself and now realize that when my belief is proven wrong I readily discard it or change it in light of new evidence and every time I do this I grow and my beliefs are strengthened. If I'm not willing to admit error then my beliefs are worthless and I'm no better than any dogmatic fundie out there.

Ultimately, I am grateful to those who believe differently than myself and take the time to try to find any flaw in the things that I believe in, exploring these 'flaws' objectively strengthens my belief system.

Fundies maintain their beliefs by trying to prove the right, I maintain my beliefs by trying to prove them wrong.


Active Member
Just out of curiosity, what does this have to do with Evolution vs. Creationism ?


Because they are connected, an animal created then goes on and on, breeds and adapts to it's surroundings so it evolves from its created state as it travels to different regions, if it so choses, then it will evolve to survive in new regions. One would presume

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
I was wondering if any Atheist come evolutionist might be able to tell me why they visit a Religious Forums site? it it because your realy searching your own soul but won't admit it? Is it because you just visist to slag and try and put people down who do believe and show a little love to humanity no matter what their religion but show and share and have an interest in a creator, Are you searching?? What does bring an atheist to a Religious Forums Site?? Or are you religious, well not religious, but spiritual, but playing a game??


Religion is a fascinating subject that impacts our society, culture and even politics whether you're a believer or not. Also, evolution and religious belief are not mutually exclusive.
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painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
I find discussing religious topics with atheists to be very fun and enlightening.

And yeah, faith and reason can go hand in hand.



free thinker
Religion affects atheists just as much (sometimes more) than theists. Religion imposes itself (or attempts to) on society in every way it can. Many religious people are intolerant of other religions and non believers. There are many reasons why atheists care and would visit a religious forum. Since atheists are far more diverse than any religious group, I am only speaking for myself personally. I don't come here to mock personal beliefs or a specific religion and I think to do so is childish. I am here to learn, hopefully educate, and offer a perspective that maybe some haven't taken a look at before.

That's why I am here anyway...


It just occured to me that although I've seen 20+ threads started about Darwin over the years on various sites, I don't think a single one of them was started by someone who accepts evolution. S'funny now that I think of it.

People post about things they feel strongly about. Those feelings aren't necessarily positive.


Active Member
It just occured to me that although I've seen 20+ threads started about Darwin over the years on various sites, I don't think a single one of them was started by someone who accepts evolution. S'funny now that I think of it.

it is almost as funny as people comprehending they learn each day, getting better than yesterday but forget the process.

People post about things they feel strongly about. Those feelings aren't necessarily positive.
that is what denying evolution shares right up front.