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Why Would An Atheist Visit a Religious Forums Site?!

stacey bo bacey

oh no you di'int
Hm. I wonder why the OPs question stumps so many people. I mean, why this gets asked so much is beyond me. You'd think people would just figure "huh, well perhaps they just like talking or studying about religion." Oh wells. :D


Well-Known Member
Wasn't this question just asked last week in another thread?

Never been asked before actually. This is completely original. It is done not out of desire to avoid search... Though that is advocated since search can consume a dangerous amount of RF resources and thus make it unavailable... but rather out of morbid curiousity.

Why do atheists come to RF? Well... because their not atheists. They want to be. But their not certain so they come here to state their beliefs and are just waiting to be converted.

Now why do evolutionists come? Hah... You know. They read the bible. They know evolution is just hocus pocus. They're here to poke the hive with a stick. Stir up the bees and see if they can avoid getting stung.

YouTube - Creationism with Ricky Gervais

YouTube - 'Debating' a creationist (part 2)


New Member
To answer the question originally posted, I typed "why are so many creationists conspiracy theorists?" into Google, and the very first link brought me to this religious forum. Simple.

A couple years ago, I didn't even know creationists existed. Ever since then, I've been absolutely fascinated by them and the truly bizarre arguments they use. I would guess that's why atheists such as myself would visit a religious forum.


The Lost One
painted wolf said:
Just out of curiosity, what does this have to do with Evolution vs. Creationism ?

Absolutely nothing. Creator is mentioned several times by the original poster, but has nothing to say about evolution, unless Freelancer7 has a misguided view that evolution means atheism....I would not put it pass a theist to make that mistake.

This topic would probably be more suitable in the General Religious Debate than here.


Active Member
I come here to debate, I don't have a soul so I don't need to bother looking for it. My individual self is constantly under construction and revision, the same goes for my stance on the subject of the supernatural and religious. For the latter (indirectly for both) this forum is most profitable.


New Member
well, i occasionally read creationist arguments for a bit of comic relief. i'm sorry, but the creationist arguments are the most hilarious things i have ever seen.


Intentionally Blank
I was wondering if any Atheist come evolutionist might be able to tell me why they visit a Religious Forums site? it it because your realy searching your own soul but won't admit it? Is it because you just visist to slag and try and put people down who do believe and show a little love to humanity no matter what their religion but show and share and have an interest in a creator, Are you searching?? What does bring an atheist to a Religious Forums Site?? Or are you religious, well not religious, but spiritual, but playing a game??

wow, this post collects a lot of misconceptions in one convenient location. Where to start? Atheist does not equal evolutionist, for heaven's sakes, evolution is a scientific theory in the field of Biology, that any education person accepts. Of course I'm searching my own soul, as well as the world and other people, all the time, and will until I die--aren't you? Why would you want to deny that, unless you're close minded. And there is no relationship between believing in God and showing love to humanity; often the exact opposite is the truth. I have lots of love for humanity, and definitely do not believe there is a God. I guess I'm still searching, although I feel pretty confident that I'm right, my mind is not closed--is yours? This isn't a Religious Forum, it's a forum about religion, including the atheist perspective, which is at least as valuable and welcome here as any religious perspective, and if you don't like it, I suggest you go post at a Christian site, which this isn't.

Now, why would a bigoted, ignorant theist post at a site that seeks to educate everyone about varying religious views, that's the question.


Treasure Hunter
The stared out portion (in my previous post) is meant to refer to making people angry... It looks like it could potentially mean something dirty...


RF Addict
I was wondering if any Atheist come evolutionist might be able to tell me why they visit a Religious Forums site? it it because your realy searching your own soul but won't admit it?

No, and it's nice to see that you are trying to put words in my mouth before I respond.

Is it because you just visist to slag and try and put people down who do believe and show a little love to humanity no matter what their religion but show and share and have an interest in a creator,

No, and it's nice to see that you are trying to put words in my mouth before I respond.

Are you searching??

Yes, but not for God.

What does bring an atheist to a Religious Forums Site?? Or are you religious, well not religious, but spiritual, but playing a game??

I log on here because I am interested in any idea that has enthralled and influences the lives of billions of people. Religion is merely one of those ideas.


Premium Member
I was wondering if any Atheist come evolutionist might be able to tell me why they visit a Religious Forums site? it it because your realy searching your own soul but won't admit it? Is it because you just visist to slag and try and put people down who do believe and show a little love to humanity no matter what their religion but show and share and have an interest in a creator, Are you searching?? What does bring an atheist to a Religious Forums Site?? Or are you religious, well not religious, but spiritual, but playing a game??

I orginally came to religious forums to try and find the one true god. My original goal was to prove there was one God that created everything and loved everyone. The debates here were interesting and taught me a lot but in a short period got tired and old and showed me a consitant pattern in all religions.

I came to my conclusion because of religious forums and hope to help others open to debate to find their conclusion. To truly know something you have to entertain both sides if you do not then you can not know.


Active Member
I was wondering if any Atheist come evolutionist might be able to tell me why they visit a Religious Forums site? it it because your realy searching your own soul but won't admit it? Is it because you just visist to slag and try and put people down who do believe and show a little love to humanity no matter what their religion but show and share and have an interest in a creator, Are you searching?? What does bring an atheist to a Religious Forums Site?? Or are you religious, well not religious, but spiritual, but playing a game??
Strange question ... Have a look at the following analogous questions: Why do humans visit zoos ? Is it because they actually are apes and won't admit it ? Is it because they like to mock animals and put them down ? Now perhaps you think humans visit zoos for other reasons ? Might be that atheists visit this forum for other reasons than you think too. Perhaps they just want to show religious people the "correct path" ? ;)


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if any Atheist come evolutionist might be able to tell me why they visit a Religious Forums site? it it because your realy searching your own soul but won't admit it? Is it because you just visist to slag and try and put people down who do believe and show a little love to humanity no matter what their religion but show and share and have an interest in a creator, Are you searching?? What does bring an atheist to a Religious Forums Site?? Or are you religious, well not religious, but spiritual, but playing a game??

YouTube - Why do atheists care about religion?


I was wondering if any Atheist come evolutionist might be able to tell me why they visit a Religious Forums site? it it because your realy searching your own soul but won't admit it? Is it because you just visist to slag and try and put people down who do believe and show a little love to humanity no matter what their religion but show and share and have an interest in a creator, Are you searching?? What does bring an atheist to a Religious Forums Site?? Or are you religious, well not religious, but spiritual, but playing a game??

Why do theists come to a religious forums site? They've already found their belief, so why bother coming? They come for many reasons, as do atheists. One of them I'm sure is to discuss an interesting topic with various people. Or perhaps they want to convert theists or maybe they're bored and this is a time-killer.

I came here because I enjoy debating religion. Am I searching? Yeah, for decent topics.

Your last question, "Or are you religious, well not religious, but spiritual, but playing a game??" I have no clue what you're trying to get at by "playing a game". I assume you mean someone pretending to be an atheist. If they want to, and if it makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside, then why not.


i come here because i think that religion is primarily responsible for the danger in our world. i don't try to force any opinions, don't really have any when it comes to religion, but i hope some common sense talk will help some of the faithful cast of the dogma they were indoctrinated into at an early age.