Well we need to have a basic definition of God before we can start any debate.
Actually, we don't. But if you wanted everyone to stick to your specific definition of God, then why didn't you just put that in the OP?
I'm saying your type of God kills any need for debate. We should just accept him and accept that we'll never know his ways, that kills any motion to have a debate about God.
That's not true at all. What kills it is your inability to form a counter-argument.
but there are stuff we can be sure, no matter how he is. He is evil, since he does make us suffer. I'm not talking about evil, no. You can't deny that every human being has suffered for periods of time in his/her life. God may not see it as suffering, but we do. So he is evil.
No, if God had no intention of making us suffer, then he isn't evil even if he's responsible. Negligent at worst. And even that is a stretch which requires you to prove there is something God could do about it and doesn't. But you can't prove that, can you?
I'm deciding, if hell froze over, and there was a god, then how it might be. It's a trick, but it doesn't serve any purpose, and it stops us humans of form progressing as a race.
Nonsense. Tell me, how progressed would we be if we had never created the concept of God? Show us your powers of lateral time-travel.
I'm talking about it though, because I want people to see that whoever god is, and whatever his existence situation is, we should not waste our times with him.
By specifically wasting your time with him? Nice strategy. Do as I say, not as I do. That should work well.
Wow. I'm speechless. I'm not talking about Evil problem per se, I'm talkig about how stupid your god would be.
Actually, you were talking about how God is a 'freak'. First, because of how much time he spends watching us, second because he's evil, and now third because he's stupid.
You should make up your mind as to what 'freak' means to you. And then you should make some effort to actually qualify God as the 'freak' you define it as.
Your whole Star Wars analogy is going through my head.
Its not my fault you can't grasp it. It isn't really that tough. It makes no difference, of course since its a completely unrelated topic. As I said before giving it.
Again with the unpredictable god. It's exhausting. How do you know he's bored? The cornerstone of your whole argument.
Actually, the cornerstone of YOUR argument is that it would be boring to watch creation. Thus, I'm asking YOU how YOU know that. YOU are making the claim YOU must demonstrate its truth. And YOU are failing to do so. The question about Lucas is rhetorical to demonstrate you don't actually have any idea why it would make God bored to watch creation.
The whole life and universe are connected, proven by science. God, whatever he may be, is obviously intelligent enough to be able to tame all that for his creation purposes. My Original point was that God would not be compatible with Evolution.
What makes this obvious? I don't believe it. You don't believe it. How is it obvious?
your just trying to tell me I'm assuming a God, and there could be a God who could be compatible, and I'm trying to say that God's specifics won't change my argument, because no matter how he exactly is, a God figure would not do it by the way of evolution. My argument is actually more about Evolution than God.
Again, you are telling me what God would or would not do without making any effort to explain why you think this is the case. You are just arbitrarily deciding the way it is. And you are doing so specifically so you can argue against exactly what you are arbitrarily deciding. THAT makes no sense.
Every time I say anything about God, your response is that God could be different. So how could you ever say there may be a way to know God? Because anyone can refute anything about God the way you try to refute everything I say about God.
I just assume at some point, God will show up. Until then, yes it is exactly as you say. We all just make it up as we go. Unfortunately for you, I actually think these things out quite a bit. I don't just arbitrarily decide what God is like. You do that. I question your decision. Your inability to explain why you want God to be any particular way makes it easy for me to dismiss your particular version God.
Capabilities are not separate form someone's nature. Something that has come up with Evolution must have been almighty enough, much more complicated, smart and powerful than anything we've seen in universe.
'Almighty enough' isn't really a sensible term. But, you are actually agreeing with me here. I'm sure you don't realize it. But you are.
So your idea of God must be in sync with his capability of creating evolution, hence why God could not be anything you imagine it to be.
I'm pretty sure I know that. I'm pretty sure that's why I said it COULD be any of the things you listed, provided they are capable of creating evolution.
I know in the strictest sense, God could actually be a super-smart lousy *******, but if God is like that, then I'm not talking about him in my OP. I'm talking about an almighty alright God, and the fact that such God would not need to create evolution.
Such a God wouldn't NEED to do anything. That point is moot.
I'm not arguing anything about the other types of possibilities for God. Yes they would create Evolution, but then they wouldn't be God as it's mostly believed by people.
You don't believe what most people believe. I don't believe what most people believe. And yet, you insist that you and I ought to talk about the God that most people believe? But in reality, what you really mean is that we have to talk about the God in YOUR imagination and not mine. Because that's the only version you have prepared any arguments for. In other words, you're out of your depth and embarrassed about it. And you should be.
It's an attempt top evade your childish excuse for believing how a god could create evolution and be a totally different being than what majority think of God.
See above.
No hell not. There can be billions of hypothetical ideas, nobody has the time, or the need, to review them all. You should go after the ones that may lead to a result, otherwise you are wasting your time with stuff that doesn't help you one bit, the type of argument that you're trying to have.
I think I'll be the judge of what is or is not a waste of my time.
You're not talking about Evolution and its nature at all, you just keep repeating the same argument which is there could be a God would would create Evolution.
That's the premise of the OP.
There can be billions of definitions for God, i think when i made the OP it was clear I'm talking about the ones that make sense for us to talk about.
Wrong, it makes no sense to talk about your version of God when neither of us believes in it and yet both of us believe the theory of evolution is true.
Your argument is not invalid, but it stops us form progressing one bit on the issue, that's why Einstein would not give one second of his precious time thinking about it.
Thank you for finally admitting my argument is valid. Now, as to why it stops the argument from progressing, that is because you can't argue against it. Because its valid. See how that works? I stumped you.
You know what i mean by my numbers, it's just a way of me expressing my idea.
False statistics are false. That is all.
You seem to agree with me about the almighty God and how he wouldn't create Evolution, which is good.
Actually, I don't believe that.
but I don't buy your theory of a God who is not almighty but somehow managed to make the whole universe the way it is. We're beating a dead horse, since this argument , unlike the one about an almighty God, is a work of our gut feelings and can't be really tested, because this type of God is totally unknowable.
I said very clearly that I don't believe God created all of reality so I'm not sure why you inject that here. And I have to say, any distinction you make about any God almighty or otherwise is subject to the same exact gut feelings your are talking about here. You are just making up the parameters yourself and then acting shocked when they work out exactly as you designed them. And the whole time you don't even actually believe in this God you are making up! Why do you think that's sensible?
I'm not saying it's not a valid argument, I'm saying it doesn't add anything to our quest to seek truth.
Actually, that's EXACTLY what you said. That there was only one valid argument so far in the thread. That means all the other ones are invalid, including mine. Hence the discussion we are having now. I assure you, exploring notions of the almighty God specifically to figure out why you don't have to believe in the very thing you are making up is a bit redundant and does not in any way resemble a quest for truth.
And I agree since I don't beelive in God, then it seems a bit ridiculous that I have a definition for God in my mind, but i think my personal stance on God has nothing to do with this debate.
You're wrong. It is responsible for everything about this thread.
I have, but most of them is the way people like things to be, not an argument.
I have a god in my imagination that is so cool, who has created everything and makes me feel good about my existence =/= a true argument.
Neither is, "I have a god in my imagination that's cruel and evil and bored and a freak". Which is exactly what you are doing.