telling someone who is innocent doesn't understand what consequences mean, so it was useless to tell adam of the consequence of death...
unless god holds innocence accountable.
Surely Adam and Eve understood consequences - action and reaction - they were gardeners, charged with tending and upkeep of what they had been given.
love is not depended on it being reciprocated.
You are correct - true love is offered up whether it will be accepted or rejected - God offers it, knowing many will reject it. But He still offers it freely to all and those that choose it benefit from it.
So love between two people IS dependent upon it being reciprocated - I love my wife and she loves me - our relationship is dependent upon a reciprocated love between the two of us.
"19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them...."
a fallacy no less...
since it's plain to them why question?
Because they are wicked, they don't want to see it. Back up to 18 and it clearly says that 'they suppress the truth by their wickedness.' God makes it clear to them, but their own love of evil keeps it hidden. If they stopped loving evil, they would see it plain again.
It's dangerous to read just one verse because 18 and 19 are 1 single sentence. We should really read the whole chapter, understand who is writing, who he is writing it to and for what reasons.