where is the evidence that the christian god is a loving god?
you can't use the bible as evidence unless circular logic is the logic your content with
maybe it would be better if I explained it more formally.
Circular reasoning by definition is "The
circular argument uses its own
conclusion as one of its stated or unstated
premises. Instead of offering proof, it simply asserts the conclusion in another form, thereby inviting the listener to accept it as settled when, in fact, it has not been settled. Because the premise is no different from and therefore as questionable as its conclusion, a circular argument violates the criterion of acceptability."
circular argument - definition and examples of circular argument - logical fallacies
an example of this would be if a christian were to prove the bibles is the word of god
1)The bible claims to be the infallible word of God
2) therefore the bible is the infallible word of God.
However does the same thing happen in this situation?
1)The bible makes claims about a God
2)The Christians claim the bible as depicting their God
3) Therefore to Christians the bible is talking about their God.
The statements above is derived from deductive reasoning and does not have circular reasoning. so as long as the reasons to believe 1+2 are more believable then their negations then 3 holds.
From this reasoning we can deduce that if one wanted to know about the Christian God then one would use the bible.
see all that and no circular reasoning used.