I agree. Going back a few hundred years Christianity was similarly intolerant, with the inquisition, burning "witches", the crusades and so on. I guess we can hope that Islam will gradually mature and reform, making it a religion fit for the 21st Century ( or 22nd Century? ).
Had there been a more socially advanced global power at the time, the Crusades, for example, would have never been allowed to happen. The same would be true for the Inquisition, etc. Western society has been in charge since longer than most books care to write. Because of that, the whole world knows of both our triumphs and missteps. To ignore those missteps because they are inconvenient, or to deny the triumphs out of disdain, is a mistake. They are part of factual History but also lessons that any emerging culture can (and should) study.
The problem with this fundamentalists Islamic movement is that they seemingly have no interest whatsoever in critical thinking and refuse to acknowledge the similarity between their current actions and the atrocities of previous generations. In the name of Allah, everything is justified and nothing is condemned, meaning that anyone who feels compelled (although there supposedly is no compulsory in religion) can justly act in any insane way that they choose and credit their actions to the will of the almighty...completely ignoring the fact that knowledge, interpretation, culture, governments, and laws are not stagnant - but fluid. As such, one could make the argument that the will of god is likewise just as fluid.