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Wikileaks Attacking during an Election


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Due to Assange's total lack of transparency, I'm skeptical of everything he says and publishes.

These websites are not news organizations. For the first time in my life I just looked at what's trending on Twitter. It's nothing but inanity. News organizations are certainly reporting this story.

But Comey said he didn't know whether the emails are "significant"--whatever he meant by that. The FBI had not even obtained the warrant to look at the emails until Saturday(?) or yesterday(?).

Assange backs it up by linking the military being involved in the censoring of social media servers.
Say what?

Assange is entirely lacking in transparency. For all we know, someone has sent him all of Trump's tax returns, which he is afraid to publish because it might hamper him carrying out his vendetta against Clinton.

As for Comey, the best explanation is he's covering his own arse. He could be charged with perjury if he didn't write that letter.
Oh, my God. See, this is why people say that Trump and Trump supporters live in an alternative universe.

Do you know what perjury is?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Now, if I were engaged in criminal activity, I'd want all that deleted, and super duper deleted.
Yes, emulate your leader:

Over the course of decades, Donald Trump’s companies have systematically destroyed or hidden thousands of emails, digital records and paper documents demanded in official proceedings, often in defiance of court orders. These tactics--exposed by a Newsweek review of thousands of pages of court filings, judicial orders and affidavits from an array of court cases--have enraged judges, prosecutors, opposing lawyers and the many ordinary citizens entangled in litigation with Trump. In each instance, Trump and entities he controlled also erected numerous hurdles that made lawsuits drag on for years, forcing courtroom opponents to spend huge sums of money in legal fees as they struggled--sometimes in vain--to obtain records.

[. . . ]

Trump’s use of deception and untruthful affidavits, as well as the hiding or improper destruction of documents, dates back to at least 1973, when the Republican nominee, his father and their real estate company battled the federal government over civil charges that they refused to rent apartments to African-Americans. The Trump strategy was simple: deny, impede and delay, while destroying documents the court had ordered them to hand over.​


james bond

Well-Known Member
What we've learned from Wikileaks is the key. We've finally learned that the Democrats in charge want an oligarchy. There is no democracy with the Democrats. There is no transparency even though they say that is what they want. It's all lies. This is what we got with Obama. His people have taken over the FBI and DOJ.

They give crumbs to poor and middle class in the form of welfare, food stamps, medicare and social security while their rich and children are set up for life by the elites in power. See Guardian article at bottom on what the Wikileaks emails show. The mundane masses are kept satisfied by having gay marriage, aborting babies legally or to enter this country illegally and get menial jobs. They want to take away guns from the people, so they'll be sure to remain in power if the populace ever revolts against them. In order to continue to pay for their good life, they collect taxes from the middle class and upper middle class. The poor do not pay taxes. Their ultra wealthy do not pay taxes or only what they want to pay for favors they received. It's a good way to remain in power and get rich off people who work hard and serve their country. Everything is based on keeping the oligarchy in place and having their leaders in place. We won't have capitalism or a capital-based economy anymore because it has been shipped overseas to China. We do not have vocational classes like woodshop or metal shop in school because that's for the Chinese and Mexicans. They want artists, entertainment, techie and service business types to keep the new "soft" economy growing. They want doctors and medical people to work for the government instead of setting up their own practices. They want the government to insure people. They want war if the Middle East threaten us, but they've paid off Iran in order to lessen the threat.

Here are the new rich in this country and the service economy:

Forget the FBI cache; the Podesta emails show how America is run

james bond

Well-Known Member
What evidence do I have that Wikileaks is right?

Does anyone here believe we have a democratic news system? That the news report on the ill goings on of the government, corporations or those in power and is impartial? No. We have news that is selected to be reported for the masses. It wasn't always this way. The news was impartial. Any biases or opinions were in the editorials. What do we have today? We have news that is partial and is selected for us. One news we have not heard reported by mainstream media is what's going on in North Dakota. Why is that being withheld?

Then there is social media. What happened to the news about James Comey reopening the investigation against Hillary Clinton? Is social media -- Twitter, Facebook, Buzzfeed, Snapchat and even Reddit being censored? Are you being tracked by the government? Does the government change entries in Wikipedia? Is 4chan the only one that is not corrupted (my little joke but maybe it isn't a joke)?

Social media is run by the oligarchs and how they do it (From zero hedge):

We even have intelligent Democrats questioning their own party about transparency (opinion on antiwar.com):

What's the solution? The best way is to get the truth. Get it from different sources. Get different opinions. Find a group that hasn't been tainted or a website that doesn't invade your privacy, track you or promote biased news too often. Question the news and the source. Look for transparency. Lordy, we have Microsoft that tracks you and invades your privacy. What we want are intelligent, informed and educated citizens whether you're liberal or conservative. (I believe these people will demand transparency and a democracy or the republic based on ideas that it was founded on). Then you'll understand what is going on and be able to report the truth and act upon it.

So when you come down to it, what at are elections and what is liberty? Benjamin Franklin said it best. Arm yourselves with the truth.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
It seems you already demonstrated your unwillingness to address the facts of Trump's history of destroying emails, records and documents in defiance of court orders. The alternative reality is just too comforting, isn't it?


yawn <ignore> yawn
Yeah, what evidence do you have by which to conclude that Wikileak's releases are true and accurate?
More importantly perhaps, are they complete? They don't seem to include much about Trump or Russia or the GOP's efforts to rig the primaries after the fact.

Does anyone really believe that Colorado awarded all their delegates to Cruz without a single email?

The best lies are the incomplete truth.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
More importantly perhaps, are they complete? They don't seem to include much about Trump or Russia or the GOP's efforts to rig the primaries after the fact.

Does anyone really believe that Colorado awarded all their delegates to Cruz without a single email?

The best lies are the incomplete truth.
Quoting for emphasis. Yes.


Admiral Obvious
More importantly perhaps, are they complete? They don't seem to include much about Trump or Russia or the GOP's efforts to rig the primaries after the fact.

Does anyone really believe that Colorado awarded all their delegates to Cruz without a single email?

The best lies are the incomplete truth.
It isn't like Wikileaks has every email ever sent and received.
They can only release what they have.

And make no mistake, Wikileaks will only release what will help their own agenda.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It isn't like Wikileaks has every email ever sent and received.
They can only release what they have.

And make no mistake, Wikileaks will only release what will help their own agenda.
I suppose they're like newspapers & news shows...they take a side.
Certainly Wa Po, the NYT, & Huff Po don't post all the info they know.
They write articles to harm Trump & help Hillary. Is this more wrong
than Wikileaks taking a side?


Admiral Obvious
I suppose they're like newspapers & news shows...they take a side.
Certainly Wa Po, the NYT, & Huff Po don't post all the info they know.
They write articles to harm Trump & help Hillary. Is this more wrong
than Wikileaks taking a side?
My apologies.
I did not mean it make it sound as though I was taking a side.

I am merely pointing out two things:
  1. Wikileaks does not have every email ever sent
    1. Thus they are limited to releasing that which they actually have
  2. Wikileaks, just like every other source of information, has its own agenda
    1. so if they have dirt that hurts said agenda, they will not release it