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Wikileaks Attacking during an Election

james bond

Well-Known Member
Hilarious. Charities have to be legit, getting donations however is not against the law. The watch dogs are all over trumps foundation. The issue watchdogs have with clintons foundation is conflict of interest if and when she becomes president. Nothing illegal unless you have reason to say or your just spreading slander suggesting people should just go to jail and think about it.

I'm not spreading slander. What I know is from what I read.



What do you know about the Clinton Foundation? Let's stick to this since it's being investigated. It's a separate FBI investigation. Also, many consider DOJ head Loretta Lynch meeting Bill Clinton in a plane is conflict of interest.


A few days later, the investigation is completed and nothing happens.



Premium Member
What do you know about the Clinton Foundation? Let's stick to this since it's being investigated. It's a separate FBI investigation. Also, many consider DOJ head Loretta Lynch meeting Bill Clinton in a plane is conflict of interest.
I already said what I know of the Clinton and Trump foundations. Two words, watch dogs.

james bond

Well-Known Member
I think the mood of conservatives is somber right now. Haven't seen such a mood in a while.

The Dallas IRS Office That's Quietly Determining the Fate of the Clinton Foundation
"The Earle Cabell Federal Building in downtown Dallas is an all purpose office complex, a bastion of federal bureaucracy located at 1100 Commerce St. Most people come for a passport or to get business done in front of a federal judge. But inside, a quiet review is underway that has direct ties to the raging presidential election: The local branch of the IRS' Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division is reviewing the tax status of the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation.

This IRS review has not generated similar waves as Department of Justice probes into the foundation, and has largely been forgotten in the campaign's melee. It's just not as sexy as private email servers, FBI infighting and charges of political pressure applied to law enforcement.

But even though this examination is less scrutinized and is harder to conceptualize, it's impact may be important. The report won't likely be done in time to influence the presidential campaign — even though the review started more than four months ago — but it could certainly influence the first term of a Hillary Clinton presidency.

As with anything tax related, the status of the foundation may be determined using rules few understand. And that makes understanding the work at 1100 Commerce St. in Dallas that much more important.

In Washington, D.C., many things start with words printed on congressional letterhead. Earlier this year, 64 GOP members of Congress asked the IRS to investigate why the foundation can keep its nonprofit status. The letter includes “media reports” claiming pay-to-play relationships between former President Bill Clinton, who received large speaking fees, and decisions made by Hillary Clinton to approve choices that benefited foundation donors. The sources of these reports range from The New York Times to hit-piece investigative books.

In July, the IRS sent letters back to the Congress informing members the review had begun. The letter also noted that the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division (TE/GE) office in Dallas would be conducting the review.

IRS spokespeople in Dallas and Washington won’t say why the review is being conducted in Dallas. Spokespeople claim even this information would violate rules — Code 6103, staff make sure to cite — that stop them from discussing ongoing examinations. IRS officials declined to provide details about the Dallas office, including its size, or comment on the TE/GE work in general.

On its website, the Tax Exempt and Government Entities Division refers the operators of nonprofits as “customers.” Their mission statement is: “To provide our customers top quality service by helping them understand and comply with applicable tax laws and to protect the public interest by applying the tax law with integrity and fairness to all.”

But the office does have a mandate to review claims of exemption, including conducting “examinations to identify and address non-compliance” like the one underway with the Clinton Foundation. One IRS document called the "Tax Exempt and Government Entities Fiscal Year 2017 Work Plan" gives a more complete picture. “Filing, organizational and operational and employment tax numbered among the top issues the Exempt Organizations Examinations group uncovered in its 4,984 examinations in 2016," it says. "The filing issues primarily involved verifying exempt activities and securing delinquent returns.”

The TE/GE focuses on nonprofit groups, which is specialty work that requires experience. “They are pretty much career people,” says Ben Stoltz, an attorney with Perliski Law Group, a Dallas boutique firm with half of its business representing nonprofit groups. “It’s a different side of the IRS than people are used to seeing. ... They're generally very cooperative, but they're also the watchdogs."

The mix of awareness and enforcement dovetails with cases that get publicity. "They have a limited budget, which is a problem, so they have to pick their targets wisely," Stoltz says. "Because this is a high profile case, they can make an example and show that no one is above the law.”

Indeed, according to the division's 2017 Work Plan, the year "will build upon efforts to increase audit efficiency and to invest our limited resources in areas that provide the greatest impact."

The strategy is focused on big money charities: "Our examinations will cover all gross wage categories but with an emphasis on entities with gross wages of $10 million or more; approximately 75 percent of examination closures will be of these returns."

In 2014, the Clinton Foundation tallied its salaries at more than $26 million, according to IRS filings. So that puts the Clinton Fpundarion square in the middle of the Work Plan's enforcement strategy.

Stoltz says the complexity of the Clinton Foundation’s work means such an examination would take months. The IRS said it began the review in July.""



Well-Known Member
I don't know about others but it seems some unnamed source does not want Democrats or maybe specifically Hillary to take office. If this were about Hillary, would this source wait until he election to get any damning evidence out on the public. When Assange is interviewed he says he will not name his source and people speculate Russia but whoever it is clearly has a partisan agenda. He says he is about truth but this is clearly times for maximum effect, especially with a very slow methodical release of info.

I like truth as much as the next person but I've seen wikileaks as an affront against citizens general privacy. Now perhaps it's not wikileaks, they are the guys that say NSA has everyone's internet history, and somehow this turns into Hillarys history being released about adult diaper searches. NSA and or FBI themselves could be the source or even people within the organization and would be rather convenient to blame Russia. Plenty of people on our side hate Dems and hate Hillary

Now I am not much for conspiracy but it seems could never be more apparent.

Why are we waiting for an election to reveal truth much like the FBI ill timed look into Hillarys emails just cause they have the intel.

Hillary is not phased she wants to know what the info FBI is looking into just like everyone else.

We will have to see if anyone has more info than personal non criminal web searches someone has done.

Do you also have similar issue with the person who only recently released Donald Trump "grab'em" tape? I mean they could have released that information a long time ago but instead they timed it for just before his first debate. And I am sure you are similarly furious at the person who leaked Donald Trumps non-payment of income tax just recently. In other words I am assuming you are really worried about the principle here and not the candidate it is affecting.

james bond

Well-Known Member
I just realized Hillary Clinton's slogan is STRONGER TOGETHER. I rather divide and fall thank you.

Too many progressives willing to overlook crimes worse than Nixon. Nixon was an amateur compared to the Clintons. Compromise your integrity for what? So you can force gender free, racial free, political correctness, climate change, evolution, Islam and more on the people. Do as I say. Not do as I do. If you commit a crime or aren't politically correct, then you will get a fate worse than the death penalty. If I commit a crime, well, I got the DOJ on my side. I'm a progressive. I can do what I like.

I'm surprised honorable Bernie Sanders even sold out and is campaigning for Clinton. Next, I heard Susan Sarandon explaining what happened with Bernie. However, she's not voting with her vagina. She voting for not Hillary. Oops, she is voting with her vagina, but it's still not Hillary.

This will be the most disgusting election ever. I pray to God that Hillary Clinton and the bad Democrats get what is coming to them -- a long prison sentence. Hillary has gone nuts. She said she's been a Cubs fan all her life while watching them win the World Series when she was a Yankee fan all her life while living in New York. What I can't understand is why have Donna Brazile give you the questions. That's cheating, but why cheat when you already got the rest going for you? She been lying so much that she doesn't know what is real anymore. She's gone bonkers.

The thread title is wrong. It should be the Attack of Progressives. Wikileaks is mild compared to the attack of the progressives. At least, be truthful enough to admit that, progressives.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Too many progressives willing to overlook crimes worse than Nixon. Nixon was an amateur compared to the Clintons.
There were 48 convictions of criminal wrongdoing with Watergate, and Bernstein stated last week on t.v. that the charge that what Hillary has done is worse that Watergate is totally bogus and nothing short of just political nonsense.


Premium Member
Do you also have similar issue with the person who only recently released Donald Trump "grab'em" tape? I mean they could have released that information a long time ago but instead they timed it for just before his first debate. And I am sure you are similarly furious at the person who leaked Donald Trumps non-payment of income tax just recently. In other words I am assuming you are really worried about the principle here and not the candidate it is affecting.
Your right I am suspicious and concerned of the timing of such types of leaks. With the tape thing Russians did cross my mind, in case they were trying to disrupt the whole thing and not picking sides, but that sounded less likely. I am equally concerned by any of the IRS or FBI leaks regardless of sides.


Premium Member
There were 48 convictions of criminal wrongdoing with Watergate, and Bernstein stated last week on t.v. that the charge that what Hillary has done is worse that Watergate is totally bogus and nothing short of just political nonsense.
People who say what Clinton has done is worse than watergate have it backwards. The espionage happening to Hillary and the DNC is 100 times worse than the crimes committed in watergate, since watergate was exactly that, committing crimes for intel.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
People who say what Clinton has done is worse than watergate have it backwards. The espionage happening to Hillary and the DNC is 100 times worse than the crimes committed in watergate, since watergate was exactly that, committing crimes for intel.
Exactly, especially since it's now rather obvious that most of the hacking has been done by the Russians to influence our election process, and clearly they want Trump to win or we'd be seeing a more balanced set of divulged e-mails.

So, why does Putin want Trump to win? Probably because it's not only obvious that Trump can much more easily be manipulated by him, but also that Putin would absolutely have an orgasm if Trump pulls us out of NATO, which Trump has mentioned possibly doing.

One would think that those on the right would just chafe at the thought of the Russians trying to alter our election, but it seems that the Republican hatred of Hillary serves as a set of blinders for them.


Well-Known Member
I already said what I know of the Clinton and Trump foundations. Two words, watch dogs.

The two are not even remotely the same. The Clinton Foundation has done mountains of good in the world. Of that, nobody who looks into them would argue.


The Trump Foundation... well just read about them. They are doing things like paying for Trumps legal fees.



A Free Man
I just realized Hillary Clinton's slogan is STRONGER TOGETHER. I rather divide and fall thank you.

Too many progressives willing to overlook crimes worse than Nixon. Nixon was an amateur compared to the Clintons. Compromise your integrity for what? So you can force gender free, racial free, political correctness, climate change, evolution, Islam and more on the people. Do as I say. Not do as I do. If you commit a crime or aren't politically correct, then you will get a fate worse than the death penalty. If I commit a crime, well, I got the DOJ on my side. I'm a progressive. I can do what I like.

I'm surprised honorable Bernie Sanders even sold out and is campaigning for Clinton. Next, I heard Susan Sarandon explaining what happened with Bernie. However, she's not voting with her vagina. She voting for not Hillary. Oops, she is voting with her vagina, but it's still not Hillary.

This will be the most disgusting election ever. I pray to God that Hillary Clinton and the bad Democrats get what is coming to them -- a long prison sentence. Hillary has gone nuts. She said she's been a Cubs fan all her life while watching them win the World Series when she was a Yankee fan all her life while living in New York. What I can't understand is why have Donna Brazile give you the questions. That's cheating, but why cheat when you already got the rest going for you? She been lying so much that she doesn't know what is real anymore. She's gone bonkers.

The thread title is wrong. It should be the Attack of Progressives. Wikileaks is mild compared to the attack of the progressives. At least, be truthful enough to admit that, progressives.

STRONGER TOGETHER is the same slogan that the ‘Remoaners’ (the establishment) used in the run up to Brexit. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/201...hrow-of-the-dice-judicial-activism-and-the-t/

This guy along with his best mate David Cameron were the two that I called reckless at the time, but they sure know how to make money as do the Clintons. http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2016/11/george-osborne-cashes-backbench/

Brexit was supposed to be a demonstration of the British democratic vote, but the establishment didn’t like the result so they are throwing the kitchen sink at trying to stop it.


Premium Member
Do you also have similar issue with the person who only recently released Donald Trump "grab'em" tape? I mean they could have released that information a long time ago but instead they timed it for just before his first debate. And I am sure you are similarly furious at the person who leaked Donald Trumps non-payment of income tax just recently. In other words I am assuming you are really worried about the principle here and not the candidate it is affecting.
Oh by the way the gram em tape was not done by espionage so that makes a difference, freedom of press is fine. Illegally obtaining information is not OK.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Recording someone without their consent is illegal.
No it is not. There is no federal law against recording someone with or without their consent, and no state law against it. In some states such recordings are not admissible in court, but that does not make them illegal. In some states these recordings are admissible.

But come on. He was on a bus with Access Hollywood plastered all over it. He knew there was recording equipment there because he knew it was being set up to record him as they stepped off the bus. If he did not at least consider the possibility that he was being recorded then he is an idiot.


Well-Known Member
No it is not. There is no federal law against recording someone with or without their consent, and no state law against it. In some states such recordings are not admissible in court, but that does not make them illegal. In some states these recordings are admissible.

But come on. He was on a bus with Access Hollywood plastered all over it. He knew there was recording equipment there because he knew it was being set up to record him as they stepped off the bus. If he did not at least consider the possibility that he was being recorded then he is an idiot.

Just like hillary knew it was dangerous to operate highly confidential and classified government emails on a private server. If she did not even consider the possibility she could be hacked then she an idiot

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
Just like hillary knew it was dangerous to operate highly confidential and classified government emails on a private server. If she did not even consider the possibility she could be hacked then she an idiot
Very stupid. No argument.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Recording someone without their consent is illegal.
Not in states where only one person's consent is required. Moreover, Trump was jabbering in public, in front of people he didn't know, while it was being filmed. He had no reason to believe that his vulgarities were private.