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Will Hillary's email problem be her undoing?

Will Hillary's email issue eventually cost her bid for the Presidency?

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Veteran Member
In light of the ongoing revelation about what was found and what could be found on her serve will this be Hillary's albatross ? What say you.

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
The only people that seem to care about this are the republicans. The democrats don't usually see it as such a huge issue so the primary will still pretty clearly be Hillary. However there is a few new prospects such as Bernie Sanders. Bernie Sanders could be the new evolution of the democratic party where they do actually move in to Democratic socialism. I would personally like to see two or three huge splits in both parties. Then we could have several smaller parties with runoff style voting.

It would be neat to see
Democratic Socialist party
Democratic party
Republican party
Libertarian party
Tea Party.

But yeah Bernie Sanders is getting a lot of news and support recently. It wouldn't surprise me if it was a Trump Vs Sanders presidential election. At least at this point it didn't matter who won we would see something different.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
It sounds more like an oppurtunity to publish a new book.

Experience the passion and the power on her road to the Presidency. Read the Emails that were too hot to handle for the NSA. And How the CIA stole Kim Jong-Un's script for his big break into Hollywood and released The Interview instead.

Hillary: Declasified. In stores now.


yawn <ignore> yawn
will this be Hillary's albatross ?
My guess is that the Clinton Machine is fanning the flames of this "scandal". They want to get it out of the way.
By the end of the year at most, nobody will care about this any more. The media will not draw viewers by talking about it. The voters who see it as important will only be the ones who wouldn't vote for her anyway.

Next year, when the real race to the finish line gets under way, it will be old news and unimportant.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I voted <no>.
The public won't care, for several reasons....
- She has worse baggage, & it didn't haunt her.
- She & most media will dismiss it as a vast right wing conspiracy, misogyny, or insignificant.
- The charges against her are too technical to interest her fans.


Well-Known Member
Hilary is an incredibly intelligent woman. I do think that she and Bill are opportunists, and hungry for power at times. What is a shame, is that I think she is smarter than all of the other Presidential 'hopefuls,' yet I don't see her winning. Not because of this situation, but because the US from a cultural perspective (Christian right wing/conservative perspective which dominates) still has a hard time seeing a woman as President.


Active Member
Nope, because whatever she does will never compare to what Trump, who looks to be her opponent, is going to do to himself.


yawn <ignore> yawn
because the US from a cultural perspective (Christian right wing/conservative perspective which dominates) still has a hard time seeing a woman as President
As opposed to a young black activist with Hussein for a middle name?
I don't see Hillary as a woman so much as a hardened politician with money, connections, and a plan.
A Washington DC winner, for better or worse.


Well-Known Member
As opposed to a young black activist with Hussein for a middle name?
I don't see Hillary as a woman so much as a hardened politician with money, connections, and a plan.
A Washington DC winner, for better or worse.

It would be great to be proven wrong on my assumption, but it's just a feeling I have. The US has come a remarkably long way in terms of civil/equal rights for all, but there is still a lot of backward thinking in our government, and outside of it, too.

Let's wait and see. lol :)


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
As opposed to a young black activist with Hussein for a middle name?
I don't see Hillary as a woman so much as a hardened politician with money, connections, and a plan.
A Washington DC winner, for better or worse.
Aye, we've progressed to the point where we're so progressive as a country, we can dislike
Hillary for being a hawkish tax-&-spend secretive authoritarian instead of her being female.
Of course, this is just my perspective.
Many will find all the traits I listed for her as positives.


Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member
Are you kidding? Of course this is going to hurt her, the American people already saw her as a liar, corrupt, untrustworthy prior and this just re-enforces the obvious, now add to that as being seen stuck stupid in the 1970s being so lame about the digital footprint to think erasing the hard drives covers for her, dumb as that Rosey hippo and now not much far removed in looks and respect, everyone at the office is laughing at her and hoping to be treated to seeing her being taken away in a police van while they laugh louder if only her arrest becomes a dream come true.

So the only question is, as part of this comedy of her own stupid making is:

How should Hillary be punished for criminally violating Sarbanes Oxley? Choose one or more:


She must be photo'd wearing a bikini in front of a dead walrus for the cover of National Review

She must be interviewed by Paula Jones on FOX and Friends

She must debate Bernie Sanders in Iowa while wearing a floppy gardener hat

She must wear a tank top and then lift both her arms revealing her arm pit hairs in front of the U.K. media

If she shaved her arm pit hairs, follow this with an apology to Donald Trump why she has betrayed women's liberation

She should be sent to Iran to inspect a nuke factory while wearing a burqa colored pink

She should sleep in the same bed in the Compton Palms Apartments with that Hollywood Boulevard street scene Kim Jong-un look-a-like tranny and a bottle of Hennessy

She should be forced to be a contestant on ZeeTV "Dance India Dance"

She should be caught off guard at a Chicago Cubs game with a microphone handed to her on homeplate and asked to sing the National Anthem before Cubs fans (televised)

If she blows the lines to the anthem, she should be made to stand over the grave of Dick "commie killer" Nixon and apologize for those bombastic things she said about President Richard Nixon in 1974 and how "he has blood coming out of his eyes, and out of whatever"

She should give up those negatives of Bill Clinton and Yoko Ono naked in an apartment in NYC, posing in front of 11 x 7 foot b/w blowups of the photos hanging in front of the Sears Appliance Repair in Cleveland

She should be forced to use a public toilet in the Bronx Zoo after an overdose of laxatives

She should be made to publically repent before God then jump up and down madly with arms raised to the sky chanting loudly Hare Krishna with the Culver City ISKCON devotees on the street in front of the downtown Firestone Tires in Los Angeles

She should move into the Benghazi Embassy building in Libya for a seventeen week unescorted vacation


Love everyone, meditate often
Are you kidding? Of course this is going to hurt her, the American people already saw her as a liar, corrupt, untrustworthy prior and this just re-enforces the obvious, now add to that as being seen stuck stupid in the 1970s being so lame about the digital footprint to think erasing the hard drives covers for her, dumb as that Rosey hippo and now not much far removed in looks and respect, everyone at the office is laughing at her and hoping to be treated to seeing her being taken away in a police van while they laugh louder if only her arrest becomes a dream come true.

So the only question is, as part of this comedy of her own stupid making is:

How should Hillary be punished for criminally violating Sarbanes Oxley? Choose one or more:


She must be photo'd wearing a bikini in front of a dead walrus for the cover of National Review

She must be interviewed by Paula Jones on FOX and Friends

She must debate Bernie Sanders in Iowa while wearing a floppy gardener hat

She must wear a tank top and then lift both her arms revealing her arm pit hairs in front of the U.K. media

If she shaved her arm pit hairs, follow this with an apology to Donald Trump why she has betrayed women's liberation

She should be sent to Iran to inspect a nuke factory while wearing a burqa colored pink

She should sleep in the same bed in the Compton Palms Apartments with that Hollywood Boulevard street scene Kim Jong-un look-a-like tranny and a bottle of Hennessy

She should be forced to be a contestant on ZeeTV "Dance India Dance"

She should be caught off guard at a Chicago Cubs game with a microphone handed to her on homeplate and asked to sing the National Anthem before Cubs fans (televised)

If she blows the lines to the anthem, she should be made to stand over the grave of Dick "commie killer" Nixon and apologize for those bombastic things she said about President Richard Nixon in 1974 and how "he has blood coming out of his eyes, and out of whatever"

She should give up those negatives of Bill Clinton and Yoko Ono naked in an apartment in NYC, posing in front of 11 x 7 foot b/w blowups of the photos hanging in front of the Sears Appliance Repair in Cleveland

She should be forced to use a public toilet in the Bronx Zoo after an overdose of laxatives

She should be made to publically repent before God then jump up and down madly with arms raised to the sky chanting loudly Hare Krishna with the Culver City ISKCON devotees on the street in front of the downtown Firestone Tires in Los Angeles

She should move into the Benghazi Embassy building in Libya for a seventeen week unescorted vacation
I like all of em except the bikini one and the tank top one. :)


yawn <ignore> yawn
I like all of em except the bikini one and the tank top one. :)
The fact remains that Godzillary is more likely to be assassinated or killed by terrorists than lose the election to any of the other current contenders.
Last edited:


Satyameva Jayate
Premium Member
This is an example of some, too involved in their own entertainments and easily out of the scene and out of mind to the real currents, who completely miss the mark of Hillary's email and security scandal of her own making, dismissing it as "there is no evidence" of this or that classified email.

This has nothing to do with this or that classified email.

This has to do with arrogance. Sanders. Paul. Trump. Carson. Carly. More to come.

None of these are establishment candidates. And most of them are not even politicians.

Americans are sick to death of arrogant business as usual from establishment politicians, arrogant and acting above the law of which any one of us would already be in jail for, the outrageous attitude that we don't have the right to know. The promises followed by the lies and "just sit down" tone.

Hillary Clinton is guilty of all that by the way she "handled" everything about this yet another slap in the face of Americans where she thinks she can do anything, she is special and above the rules which only apply to us the peons.

Oh yes. She is going to face what she has coming, because it isn't the classified email, it is her and all she is shown to be in the midst of what is really an historic rejection of what she is and all the establishment candidates have given us. And she is so stupid, she doesn't even realize the deal here and what is going to happen.

We hear about how "it must be a governor". Really? Well most of the recent governors who won, they weren't politicians either. The politician governors are being thrown out of office. But when they say "it must be a governor" they mean "it must be an establishment politician... like Bush". Not those others.

No more Bush, no more Clinton, no more rules only for us but not for them. Time for them to go to hell, and maybe jail along the way. Not time to be "refined". Time to be bombastic and rude to these self-serving frauds. Time to put some in jail.

Oh yeah. This is going to hurt her. It isn't the email.

Put that witch in jail so we can laugh.


I voted <no>.
The public won't care, for several reasons....
- She has worse baggage, & it didn't haunt her.
- She & most media will dismiss it as a vast right wing conspiracy, misogyny, or insignificant.
- The charges against her are too technical to interest her fans.

It will cause some to question her judgment. I question it. Of course, I'm voting for Trump. He seems like the guy for us foreigners.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
As we first saw in the 2008 election, Hillary is the only real threat to bring down Hillary. Then again, I doubt they took the correct lessons away from that election. As far as cries of SCANDAL from the right, I think most people have learned to tune them out when it comes to their constant attempts to make mountains out of molehills. If anything, the whole Chicken Little thing they have going on has hurt themselves more than the democrats.


Veteran Member
As we first saw in the 2008 election, Hillary is the only real threat to bring down Hillary. Then again, I doubt they took the correct lessons away from that election. As far as cries of SCANDAL from the right, I think most people have learned to tune them out when it comes to their constant attempts to make mountains out of molehills. If anything, the whole Chicken Little thing they have going on has hurt themselves more than the democrats.
well let see. she had "Top Secret" material on her personal server. Now she says it was not marked as such so therefore no problem. I look at it this way, if she is to dumb tor realize what is probably a classified document she's to dumb to be president. Her handlers are playing it smart not allowing her to have open conversations with the general public or the press because she is her own worst enemy. I wouldn't vote for her even if her opponent was Alfred E. Newman.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It will cause some to question her judgment. I question it. Of course, I'm voting for Trump. He seems like the guy for us foreigners.
The kind of people who'd give Hillary the stink eye over this wouldn't be voting for her anyway....IMO.
Trump as a Canuckistanian Grand Poobah....I like it!