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Will someone please talk to me?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
It is expressions such as that which keep the JW faithful snug with the governing body I think. They believe the governing body are a protection from demons.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
They also believe demons possess second hand goods

This is true, they do. I do not know if every JW believes it. :eek: I also do not know if the ones believing it are of one mind or the ones not believing it are. :confused: Does anyone know?


Avid JW Bible Student
Nothing implied by opposers on this thread is true. Twisted half truths work better than lies for you guys apparently. Accusations are not truth.

Accusations were made about Jesus too. They were convincing enough for the people to convict the son of God to a painful death. Those who believed what was said about him and his disciples, lost out and became God's enemies.

If you have made your choice....nuff said. My work is finished on this thread.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Nothing implied by opposers on this thread is true. Twisted half truths work better than lies for you guys apparently. Accusations are not truth.

Accusations were made about Jesus too. They were convincing enough for the people to convict the son of God to a painful death. Those who believed what was said about him and his disciples, lost out and became God's enemies.

If you have made your choice....nuff said. My work is finished on this thread.

Is it not true the governing body told me how to interpret Daniel 2:44?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Anyone not feasting with them is deserving death. This is not true? Why do you keep implying it is true?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Here is an interesting rendering of Matt 24:45 from the NLT....

“A faithful, sensible servant is one to whom the master can give the responsibility of managing his other household servants and feeding them." (Matt 24:45)

Do you see the big picture? It is nothing like you are suggesting, but it is your decision to feed at the table of your choice.

The conclusion is at hand...but where will people find themselves on judgment day?

This question implies what I have been saying. And it is not true? Why are you preaching it then?


Veteran Member
Premium Member

It was foretold that the light on the path would get brighter as Jehovah's day drew near and that has been the case. (Prov 4:18) We have seen many things already take place and only a few things are left. There is still room on board the 'ark' for all those who see the truth to heed the kingdom message.

The governing body has said the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses is the modern day ark. Everyone outside the ark died. That is how the story goes.

Is it no longer the JW kingdom message we must obey to be considered worthy to ride the ark to safety?

That is what I have been exposng on this thread that you say "isn't true". Is it true or not?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Is it not true any more that a person must do good to the governing body to be considered a sheep for everlasting life? This is very good news!


Avid JW Bible Student
Just to clarify....

The "ark" is our dedicated, baptised relationship with Jehovah as one of his people. He has always had an organized people who are bound by his laws and are accountable to him for breaking them.

It's not about wearing a label, it's about living by Bible standards and being obedient to the Christ in all things.

We have left Babylon the great and are safely on board the ark because of our individual relationship with Jehovah. But we must be part of his arrangement....his 'nation'; the ones with whom we are not to forsake meeting for encouragement and instruction.

We are confident about the future because we have obeyed the scriptures to the letter; we have warned people about Jehovah's coming day of judgment and we have preached the good news about his kingdom in all the inhabited earth as Jesus instructed.

BTW, the doing of 'good' is to Christ's "brothers".....all of them, not just members of the GB.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Just to clarify....

The "ark" is our dedicated, baptised relationship with Jehovah as one of his people. He has always had an organized people who are bound by his laws and are accountable to him for breaking them.

It's not about wearing a label, it's about living by Bible standards and being obedient to the Christ in all things.

We have left Babylon the great and are safely on board the ark because of our individual relationship with Jehovah. But we must be part of his arrangement....his 'nation'; the ones with whom we are not to forsake meeting for encouragement and instruction.

We are confident about the future because we have obeyed the scriptures to the letter; we have warned people about Jehovah's coming day of judgment and we have preached the good news about his kingdom in all the inhabited earth as Jesus instructed.

BTW, the doing of 'good' is to Christ's "brothers".....all of them, not just members of the GB.

I love you dear JayJay! I did miss you while you were gone (not sarcasm).
I know what you believe. Thank you for reiterating it.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I have sat for many hours at the same table. I know what the Jehovah's Witnesses believe.

I went into the "ark" knowing this: Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; Proverbs 3:5

My supicions were first raised when they taught me Hebrews 10:25 means do not miss any meetings. (I didn't - unless I felt I was excused due to circumstances - because it was the rule, not because of God's command)

This is God's command:

Proverbs 8:1 When you sit down to dine with a ruler, Consider carefully what is before you, 2 And put a knife to your throat If you are a man of great appetite. 3 Do not desire his delicacies, For it is deceptive food

also this:

Psalm 146:3 Put not your trust in princes*, nor in the son of man, in whom there is no help.

* נָדִיב inclined, generous, noble


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Nothing implied by opposers on this thread is true. Twisted half truths work better than lies for you guys apparently. Accusations are not truth.

You mean inferred I think, not implied. You use imply, I use infer.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I think the world would be a better place if people would just look up the meaning of words. It strikes me as alien that someone is able to say "we have obeyed the scriptures to the letter". To the letter means exactly. There are many scriptures that nobody knows what they mean. There are some scriptures that use the wrong pronoun, verb tense, quantity ect. It is not possible to obey the bible perfectly.

One example is the word "all". Most people think it means every one. It means all as in the whole. It's like the difference between the many comnputer parts and a functioning computer. Or the many brush strokes it takes to make a picture. The picture is ALL the brush strokes. That is what "all scripture is inspired of God and beneficial" means. If you can't see the picture, it is not beneficial as is intended.