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Will someone please talk to me?


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The Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses are likened to the ark. True or false?

The lessons learned by the faithful and discreet slave and the lessons delivered to you by them are both considered by you as the food of the Lord's table. Yes or no?


Avid JW Bible Student
How so please? You say to be saved a person must listen to your governing body. Is that not correct?

No, that is not correct. Listening to anyone means nothing unless there is action in the heart of a person to "do the will of the Father", not the will of the slave. You have obviously lost the differentiation in your fixation concerning the GB.

When did Jehovah NOT have human representatives to instruct and guide his people from the time they became a nation? Who guided and directed families before then? It was the Patriarchs.

In Israel, the High Priest was supported by the entire priesthood. This pictured Jesus and the 144,000. The temple with its courtyards pictured the heavenly arrangement.

In the Christian congregations, it was through appointed shepherds who instructed the people congregated for such instruction. (Heb 10:24, 25) A governing body in Jerusalem decided all matters and sent letters to all the congregations so as to keep one united brotherhood from drifting apart spiritually because of a lack of cohesive leadership. 1 Cor 1:10 is the way it should be, but apostasy was foretold and Christianity was fractured into literally thousands of individual sects, all believing what they wanted to be the truth. No one can serve the true God as an isolated individual.

It has never been left to individuals to decide for themselves what to believe. That is a description of Christendom.

The Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses are likened to the ark. True or false?
Already explained that one.

The lessons learned by the faithful and discreet slave and the lessons delivered to you by them are both considered by you as the food of the Lord's table. Yes or no?
Since there are just two tables, yes. There is a "faithful and discreet slave" appointed by Christ who was found to be doing as they were instructed when he returned in 1914.....and we believe that we have found him. He has carried out all that the Master instructed him to do. He will be appointed over all the Masters belongings.

All are free to choose which table they will partake from.

How so please? You say to be saved a person must listen to your governing body. Is that not correct?
One must be partaking from the correct table. If the slave is not feeding you, then the devil is. It's that simple. Will you know the difference? Only if Jehovah is with you. (1 Chron 28:9) Those who deviate from the truth and try to subvert the faith of others will not have God's backing or spirit. The spirit of the other god will be driving them. (Eph 2:1-3; 2 Cor 4:3, 4)

"Keep reminding them of these things, charging them before God as witness, not to fight about words, a thing of no usefulness at all because it overturns those listening. Do your utmost to present yourself approved to God, a workman with nothing to be ashamed of, handling the word of the truth aright. But shun empty speeches that violate what is holy; for they will advance to more and more ungodliness, and their word will spread like gangrene......These very [men] have deviated from the truth.....and they are subverting the faith of some. For all that, the solid foundation of God stays standing, having this seal: “Jehovah knows those who belong to him,” and: “Let everyone naming the name of Jehovah renounce unrighteousness.” (2 Tim 2:14-19)


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. No one can serve the true God as an isolated individual.
Tell that to Joseph. While your at it tell it to Abraham and to Moses. When you meet Niomi, tell it to her. :areyoucra


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No, that is not correct. Listening to anyone means nothing unless there is action in the heart of a person to "do the will of the Father", not the will of the slave. You have obviously lost the differentiation in your fixation concerning the GB.

One must be partaking from the correct table. If the slave is not feeding you, then the devil is. It's that simple. Will you know the difference? Only if Jehovah is with you. (1 Chron 28:9) Those who deviate from the truth and try to subvert the faith of others will not have God's backing or spirit. The spirit of the other god will be driving them. (Eph 2:1-3; 2 Cor 4:3, 4)
[/COLOR] (2 Tim 2:14-19)

It is not enough to listen to the governing body and to do good to them. You must also believe what they say is really God's command and then you must obey God's command to be saved.

Since there are just two tables, yes. There is a "faithful and discreet slave" appointed by Christ who was found to be doing as they were instructed when he returned in 1914.....and we believe that we have found him. He has carried out all that the Master instructed him to do. He will be appointed over all the Masters belongings.

Jesus is like David who left the sheep to fight Goliath. He did not leave the sheep to their own devices but he has appointed generous men to care for the sheep.

All are free to choose which table they will partake from.
This is you hoping girl. "ALL ARE FREE TO CHOOSE". Most people are not even conscious of the two options. But if you work hard enough, they will be, then they will be free to choose. (troll thought) Maybe the society should help with the distributing of computers and the internet. Then more people "will be free" to choose.


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rambling - Lengthy, inconsequential, confused.

Lengthy. JJ - almost every time. Savage - hardly ever, unless there are scriptures - those take up space

Inconsequential. JJ - ALWAYS saying what the governing body has told her to say. Savage - saying something new for a change.

Confused, JJ saying the master of Mattew 24:45 is Jesus not Jehovah. And the servant of Matthew 24:45 is the governing body of Jehovah's Wintesses who were not around until presently so before they appeared the followers of Jesus just never were fed, I guess. Savage - looked up the meaning of master and found it describes a person having all authority over another. ALL. The only one who fits that bill is Jesus. Ever. Who is confused?

OK here's rambling.... There are masters demanding their subject to be in complete submission. Those kinds of masters are called kidnappers and bad people. Matthew 24:48,49 48 But if that evil slave says in his heart, "My master is not coming for a long time," 49 and begins to beat his fellow slaves...

There is only one in the history of the world that has come under the authority of another, willfully and for God's will 100%. You know that. You also know the governing body are not under God's Authority fully as they have made some very serious mistakes and are making them. Did Jesus make mistakes? If he did not, then why do you choose to obey imperfect man over the perfect messenger? It is so the ones you trust can spread more lies. It is GOOD that you are done with me. Godspeed. Thank you once again for our conversation.


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It's the truth the govening body, past and present, have told somethings that are true.

They have then gone on to ruin the true things by applying truth to things it doesn't apply to.

The law of Moses says a clean thing (something related to God's Truth) can be made unclean by the unclean thing (the lie) touching the clean thing (the truth).

It also says it is not possible for an unclean thing to become clean by touching a clean thing. But that is what the governing body are doing. They are trying to make the unclean thing clean by it's proximity to the clean thing. It can't be done.


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The Watchtower warns religious folks they are wasting their time and living dangerously in false religion. God is so very pleased with that message Jesus will hand over all God's possessions to the men who write The Watchtower magazine.

I am warning adherents to that "truth" that it isn't true and my words are rambling. Please take a minute to envision all the many words printed by the society for well over a hundred years about a warning and line those up with mine. Who is rambling?