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Will there be a one world government controlling the population of people one day ?


Active Member
This is a favorite of conspiracy theorists but is it truly possible that this could happen one day in the future a new world order ? And if it is true then how will this one world government be implemented and will it be successful ?

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
It will never happen but I do see an increase in centralized government focused on one party one state and one mind rule.


Veteran Member
This is a favorite of conspiracy theorists but is it truly possible that this could happen one day in the future a new world order ? And if it is true then how will this one world government be implemented and will it be successful ?
It won't happen in the near future. It will happen eventually when there is an external threat. Think of something like colonies in space or on Mars declaring independence and becoming a threat.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
For believers in a new Earth/Humanity under God, whether or not there's a single government is irrelevant because God will be directly in charge.


Active Member
For believers in a new Earth/Humanity under God, whether or not there's a single government is irrelevant because God will be directly in charge.
I was more talking about humans of course if there is a God then he will establish a new world order wether we like it or not.


One Planet, One People, Please!
Premium Member
This is a favorite of conspiracy theorists but is it truly possible that this could happen one day in the future a new world order ? And if it is true then how will this one world government be implemented and will it be successful ?
It is the next stage for the growth of and maturity of all humanity, these fruitless strifes, these ruinous wars will pass away, and the “Most Great Peace” will come.

Out of the result of catastrophic global conflict, natural disasters and unforeseen calamity, humanity will need to rebuild, this will need the election of a world legislative. That Legislative will set the boundaries of all Nations, they will reduce the armaments of the Nations, except what is required for internal policing requirements. If any Nation then prepares for war, the world legislative as a whole will subdue that nation. This Legislative will have at their control a universal police force that will enact laws applicable to a global community. Nations will still have individual elected governments, and National laws.

A world language, either chosen from the existing languages, or a new one compiled by representatives of all nations will be chosen and taught in all schools in all Nations. I see Arabic, Persian and English will remain for at least 1000 years, the new single language will most likely begin to become the dominate language.

There is quite a lot that has been disclosed as to the future of humanity.

Regards Tony


Well-Known Member
The first thing that popped into my mind is the British empire & note that I have "empire" uncapitalized - I'm not talking about the "brand" called the British Empire that is said to have ended when its control over Hong Kong was given up to Red China. I'm referring to the monarchist entity headquartered in London England that has been spreading its tentacles into so many places all over the world for several centuries.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
This is a favorite of conspiracy theorists but is it truly possible that this could happen one day in the future a new world order ? And if it is true then how will this one world government be implemented and will it be successful ?

It would have to happen in one of two ways: Either the nations and governments of the world agree to cooperate - or one nation conquers all the others and takes control.

A more likely possibility might be huge power blocs where the world would be made up of only a few independent countries, without all the small fry. That seems to be the bigger problem these days.

We don't fight wars against major powers anymore. Every war fought by America since WW2 has been against the small fry over small territories: Korea, Vietnam, Cuba, Grenada, Panama, Nicaragua, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Somalia, Yemen, Ukraine, etc.

We seem to bend over backwards and insist that all these tiny nations be preserved and defended as independent and free, even when they have no viable means of defending themselves or their independence without the benevolent and selfless assistance of a larger power, such as the U.S.

This has become the primary obsession of U.S. policymakers, as it presents us as selfless defenders of the weak against some larger, evil, villainous power. In terms of legality and public perception, it actually serves the interests of America's elite that these countries remain technically independent, while their governments are bribed and controlled by business interests friendly to the West. But since they're officially "independent," the U.S. government is technically off the hook for any atrocities or abuses of power which take place.


Eastern Orthodox
This is a favorite of conspiracy theorists but is it truly possible that this could happen one day in the future a new world order ? And if it is true then how will this one world government be implemented and will it be successful ?


Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
This is a favorite of conspiracy theorists but is it truly possible that this could happen one day in the future a new world order ? And if it is true then how will this one world government be implemented and will it be successful ?
I doubt this will come about, unless we do have a disastrous nuclear conflict, where the survivors vow 'never again', and where the solution to such will likely be a world government - and the banning of all nuclear weapons. But then AI, if such survives too, might enable weapons even worse than nuclear weapons. And such might happen anyway. Until we decide that our differences are just far too dangerous for our species to survive and we do something about these. o_O
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Aura of atheification
Premium Member
This is a favorite of conspiracy theorists but is it truly possible that this could happen one day in the future a new world order ? And if it is true then how will this one world government be implemented and will it be successful ?
Eh. I almost wish it could happen.

But no. No chance whatsoever. There are a myriad worse nightmare scenarios that are far, far more likely.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I was more talking about humans of course if there is a God then he will establish a new world order wether we like it or not.
That is... far less than certain, even taking that premise of the existence of a certain form of god as a given.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Eh. We humans have a hard time seeing enough sense to deal with our own cities, let alone planet, as it is.

To expect that we might some day actually have functional colonies off-planet is well beyond being unrealistically optimistic.

To go even further and expect some sort of unified governance above and beyond that is all-out delirious.


Well-Known Member
This is a favorite of conspiracy theorists but is it truly possible that this could happen one day in the future a new world order ? And if it is true then how will this one world government be implemented and will it be successful ?
That would mean the end of Democracy, since central planning means Socialism or worse, with leaders more interesting in maintaining and growing their own power, than in finding innovative solutions for all the minions who are below them in class, rank and status.

Immigration would be a major problem in that centralized scenario. The third world will want to move to the first world, overnight, since all will be connected as one thing. This will turn the first world into a second world, as an average. This is where the corrupt world government leaders learn to act like the world is second world, which allows for cruel but incompetent dictators.

I like the idea of state countries, which work together, but also maintain autonomy, like the world economies, so there are more innovative solutions and not one size fits all, that will come from small bred central power mongers. Like the Paris Accords which seek to bankrupt the large economies instead of building the smaller economies; two faced diplomat types.

In the debate yesterday, between Trump and Biden, one early question to Trump, was about abortion and the Court doing away with Roe v Way and sending it to the States. Trump admitted this was what he wanted to happen. But he also made the point that at the time Roe-Way was instituted, the majority of people wanted abortion to stay at the state level. Big brother government took that away the state's right. Now it is back where the people of 1973 wanted it to be. This allows for local options and not a centralized one size fits all mentality. The commentators were made speechless by this history lesson. They did not push after that.

In 1973, with the rise of the hippies, the drug culture, free love and women becoming liberated, many young females got pregnant out of wedlock, at a time when the older generation was still very moral and old fashion; Golden Generation. Unwed pregnancies put these young girls and her family in a very awkward social position. If anyone knew an unwed girl was pregnant, which gets harder to hide, she and her family would be chewed up by the gossip mill. Some parents to avoid this would send their daughter away. Girls were desperate and many were getting injure or worse with back alley abortions to make it go away. There were birthing homes and Roe v Way was a way to help this very unique situation created by the counter culture moving way too fast against the grain.

Today there is no stigma to unwed pregnancy like in those days. It is no longer scared girls, but more like angry women. The current need is not even in the same league; see below. It was time to let this be more tailored to each state, where differences can be addressed, instead of one size fits all making it too tight or too loose for too many. But since the states are connected via one Federal Government, with freedom of movement between the states, the market place can fine tune needs while allowing for differences; Democracy with more room to experiment and find individual solutions.



Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
"Oneness" never works. In politics or anything else. Diversity is inherent in the universe as a whole, as well as in humans, specifically. Any attempts at "oneness" and "unity" are futile and doomed to failure. That level of draconian, authoritarian control is simply impossible short of robbing the entire species of its free will by installing forced behavioral chips in brains or something. You know, The Borg, basically.


Active Member
This is a favorite of conspiracy theorists but is it truly possible that this could happen one day in the future a new world order ? And if it is true then how will this one world government be implemented and will it be successful ?

Maybe someday in the distant future. Perhaps imposed on humanity by AI. I don't think that many of us would like one-world-government very much because it would be authoritarian by its very nature.

There's just too much diversity in the world, too much fundamental difference of opinion, to organize everything and everyone under one single system. It would be like herding cats.
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sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
One thing for sure - if there was a single world-wide government as things stand, it would be a bureaucratic horror. Having worked for the Federal Government for a short time and big businesses, big = bureaucracy. The bigger the organization/government the bigger and worse the bureaucracy.