I cannot either, although it could actually be good in the long run. Few people want the hassle of training employees and paying them. This mean in the very long run, it is likely that consumer culture will cease. Best guess anyone who is a citizen will have robots that produce whatever is needed, and barter will probably replace money. In this case, taxes could even be antiquated. Sorry if this sounds too far fetched, but as you have pointed out I cannot see how such a system will work and can only make far fetched guesses.
Yes, it will and already is. Go into any grocery store in my state and see that more customers are served by robots than by cashiers. What jobs replace those cashiering jobs? None. Fast food restaurants have already begun to adopt robot vending, too. My library has vending machines that check out books, so the librarians do not have to do it themselves. It also checks the books in. Who wants to hire and deal with employees if they do not have to?