[First things first:
Take your time, this is just iron sharpening iron ... family comes first (well, second after God, but you know what I mean) ... "Jesus, be with the family of e.r.m.; pour out your love, cover them with your mercy, grant them your healing and peace. Be who you are. Show yourself strong. Let your people see your power displayed before all the world. And to God the Father, Jesus the Son and the gracious Holy Spirit may all glory, honor and praise be given. Amen." ... In the Pentecostal church where I worship, they get lots of theology a little sloppy, but one thing that they get absolutely right is the truth that if you have a problem ... you take it straight to God, ASAP ... now we have at least TWO agreeing on a thing. ]
Thank you.
I noted three cases from my real-life experiences that I encounter on at least an annual basis:
So what is the answer to the question:
I am criticized for reading too much, or the wrong thing into verses that do not address this question directly (like the thief on the cross, or Cornelius' house receiving the Holy Spirit) but I can find no verse that directly answers this question.
The command for baptism in Jesus's name wasn't given until the thief was dead Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:38. We wouldn't expect Abraham to celebrate the passover or Adam to get curcumcised.
The Holy Spirit came "on" those at Cornelius's house. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit Romans 8:9, 1 Corinthians 3:16, 6:19 comes at water baptism in Jesus's name Acts 2:38-39.
How can I find an answer if no scripture is a perfect match and I am not to 'interpret' anything, but just go from what is written?
Deathbed confessions
Isaiah 6:1, 6-7 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple. [6] Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a live coal in his hand, which he had taken with tongs from the altar. [7] With it he touched my mouth and said, “See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for. ”
This is one example of God overriding his own requirement of a sin offering animal sacrifice. This is something God and only God can do. After this happened, the institution of animal sacrifices remained. God decides when and if and with whom He will do this.
For this reason I hold out some hope for deathbed confessions.
But there's no way to know if or whom God will accept until judgement day, because that's when everything is pronounced. We as humans do not have the authority to teach something other than what God's word says. At least with God's Word we have assurance. Outside of that we don't have assurance. To actually teach someone to die under a non-Biblical salvation method is to disobey God. I liken to an employee who sees his the owner of a company give a free product to a would be customer because of a hardship. The employee then takes it uoon himself to give a free product to all customers who have hardships. He doesn't have the authority. It's not his to give. Qe don't have grace or assurances (Sure you'll make it) to give out, only God does. All we can do is pray for them. In the case of Isaiah, no prophet could then say, just ask God to touch your lips with coal. That's how it will be from now on. We can't tell people "Yes, you will make it to Heaven by some other way because God accepted this man's deathbed confession." Only God can decide that. We can only teach what God has given us to teach. After a person who has believed in Christ dies, I say nothing. I do not say they are either going to hell or heaven. It's not for me to say. I just hold out hope for them.
Infant Baptisms
Even the Anabaptists of the 1500s realized that infant baptisms did not fulfill God's word, as it was not coupled with faith Mark 16:16. That's why they were re-baptizing those who were baptized as infants. In Acts 19:1-5 Paul re-baptized those who had not been baptized in Jesus name. because John said that they needed to believe in the one coming after. Belief in Jesus still had to come with baptism. Now that they understood this, a retroactive understanding on their previous baptism did not suffice. Call still baptized them again. There's no substitute. There's no other baptism that will do. If a Church accepts any baptism from any denomination, and does not baptize the person biblically if they were not baptized Biblically before, they are just submitting to sentimentality, and "lets just all get along" kind of thinking. They are not holding to the standard of God's word. Plain and simple, it's disobedience. We got to trust God that His way is better, and it will not hinder people. We should not project our OWN apprehensions onto those we're teaching.
Sinner's prayer
The reality is that people need to be corrected. It's in God's word, so it does matter.
2 Timothy 3:16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
God's word is not the enemy, Satan is. False doctrine needs to be corrected with God's word. There's no method of accepting salvation or receiving Jesus salvation through prayer in the Bible. Belief in scripture is paired with repentance Acts 3:19, Baptism Mark 16:16, and confessing Jesus as Lord unto salvation Romans 10:9-10. We share God's word in love and desire for people to be saved. Unfortunately, unlike in the first century, we have to deal with many false doctrines that people have been exposed to that didn't exist then. They could just share the Gospel straight without that kind of hindrance. (Yes, they had other teachings they had to correct.)
Taking Mark 16:16 ("Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved") just on what is written, should we be warning the dying converts, those from churches that sprinkle, and those who answer an altar call at a revival tent ...
"You are still un-saved until you get immersed - try not to die before you can fix that." ... while scripturally sound, it seems a little light on grace ... but if it is TRUE, then Love demands that we do nothing less.
This is too important to screw up ... what is the answer? As I have said before, I was baptized and I do not believe that baptism in unnecessary ... Jesus DOES command it, so that is reason enough to obey ... and it is beneficial.
However, I see too many possible 'special cases' where what I know of God's grace suggests that Jesus can save without water baptism (going directly to the "baptism with fire") and therefore fulfilling the requirements of every command to 'repent and be baptized'.]
Baptism with fire John 3:11 has no scriptural connection to getting saved. God/Jesus "can" do a lot of things. God doesn't do everything He "can" do. The question is 'what does he "choose" to do?'
I must explain a concept. You're describing from a point of view of a church in full swing using false doctrines having to make a course correction. That is much more bothersome than a church teaching things Biblically from the get go. If a car is travelling at 60mph and has to make a U-turn, it will "seem" much less gracious than the driver receiving good directions before he starts driving and having a smooth ride. But even with the guy travelling at 60, getting a course correction is gracious and he will be grateful to the person who helped him get to where he was going (hopefully).
To apply this to your description, why would a church wait for someone to be dying to teach them the truth. Teach them the truth before they get there. Churches who have to make a u-turn, to them it appears "you're still damned unless you get baptized" because all along I thought I was saved. A person who passes his final exam and then is told "no, that was just the review" may feel cheated. A person who first hears, "You will take a review test, then the final" will not feel cheated, because he was taught correctly from the beginning. A church who teaches correctly from earlier doesn't think of statements like "you're damned unless..." anymore than sinners prayer churches think to say "you're damned unless you say the sinner's prayer." From the beginning we talk from the point of view of God's love and Salvation.
Acts 2:38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
"I'm sorry that you were misinformed, but God wants you to be saved. This is what God's word actually tells you about being saved. These are his direct words. You can believe this."
Having the truth and not giving it to others is not love.
Before I am willing to begin laying a heavy yolk on the dying, those seeking a new fellowship, and new believers still stumbling their way to the cross, I want to be VERY sure that they will be damned if they do not comply, before I am willing to tell them "You will be damned unless you are immersed".
So, IS that what we should be telling them?
Is that the TRUTH?
It's not a heavy yoke, if this taught from the get go, it's no stumbling block. I've never seen it as a stumbling block to anyone because that's the Gospel. It's only because you or others are "used to" teaching an incomplete salvation, that it "feels" like your adding something, but you're not. You're given them the complete picture. Those stumbling to the cross in Acts 2:37 had no problem with Acts 2:38-39. That's how it was originally and that's how it is. All the difficulties you're envisioning are just from custom and persepective. There are no such problems. We know from experience. It's the good news.
Is Mark 16:16 the scripture that requires no interpretation for us to know this is what we need to tell them?
Currently, I prefer to tell them:
Jesus commands you to be baptized, so if you want to be obedient, you should get baptized as soon as you get a chance ... remember, he said "If you brag on me before men, then I will brag on you before God".
Do what you want, but I intend to shout "I BELONG TO JESUS" and I don't care who knows it ... but that is your call.
To say get baptized just because Jesus commands it is a neutral, safe, and unBiblical position. No apostle ever said get baptized just because God wants you to do it. Over and over they gave purposes for getting baptized. Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16, Romans 6:3-4, Galatians 3:26-27, 1, Peter 3:21, etc. They never said "Get baptized because it's a command." That's not the gospel. Mark 16:16 Doesn't say "Get baptized because Jesus commanded it", it says
Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.
It gives the reason. We ought not to be teaching differently than the Bible.
"If you brag on me before men, then I will brag on you before God".
Do what you want, but I intend to shout "I BELONG TO JESUS" and I don't care who knows it ... but that is your call.
The purpose of baptism has nothing to do with announcing our faith to others. That's what preaching is for. A person can be baptized by a disciple of Jesus in private and fulfill the scriptures. Getting baptized in public and letting others see it is just a perk. We do baptize in public because we want to share this good thing with others, but there's no Biblical requirement.