I wasn't hiding.
I was trying to give you some room to find YOUR answer to your question.
My answer (for me) is that FAITH is trusting in God to wash me clean and fix what is broken on the inside.
GRACE is the unearned power and love that God showed towards me to both nurture my Faith and effect the complete transformation that was and is my Salvation. God's GRACE drew me to the point of FAITH, my FAITH unlocked the power of God's GRACE.
So what about REPENTANCE?
Repentence is a state of mind ... a mental turning from my old way of thinking and towards God's way of thinking.
Acknowledgement that the way God sees things and God's rules for what is right and wrong are correct, and my previously held way of seeing things and rules for what is right and wrong (which contradicted God's position) were wrong.
I can see no way to achieve Faith (trust in God) from a mental position that believes that my view is right and God's view is wrong. Thus Repentence is a prerequisite to Salvation, not because God will not forgive me unless I repent, but because I will not achieve Faith and I will not ask for forgiveness and I will not see any need for Salvation until I Repent.
The same initial GRACE (unmerited power and love) from the Holy Spirit that sought me out when I had no interest in any of the things of God, is what brings me to the place of both REPENTENCE (to desire a change) and FAITH (belief that God has the power to change me) that allows my heart to cry out to my God to help me (SALVATION).
At the moment of Salvation, I am forever changed. Like Birth, I have passed from death to life. I have begun a life long process of SANCTIFICATION. From this point forward, God will progressively reveal more within me that is contrary to God's law and character. In response to God's love, I will want to REPENT of each newly discovered anti-God thought, action or habit. God's GRACE will give me the FAITH to trust in God to empower a change and the power of God's GRACE will effect the change (through the Holy Spirit living within me).
Faith, Grace, Love, Power, Repentence form a network that supports the whole unfolding miracle of SALVATION - SANCTIFICATION - GLORIFICATION that begins when GRACE first knocks at my door seeking my affection and ends when GRACE embraces me at the doors of Heaven ... perfected just as Christ is perfect.
I believe that it all begins with GRACE ... so I am a Calvinist.