The Emperor of Mankind
Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
Their protest were peaceful and they went to class the next day. You lefties tried to stop the inauguration.
You're hilarious. Tried to stop the inauguration? Sure, pal.
Some cried like little babies and needed a puppy to pet and were so up[set they couldn't go to their classes.
A lot of those people 'crying like babies' are going to face attacks on every right they, their parents and grandparents have fought to gain for decades. The deck is so stacked against them they may not win. They're upset because privileged, affluent white people in suits who have little to no understanding of what life is like for most Americans will be doling out laws from on high inflicting their own fairytale morality on everyone. These people are frightened, they're terrified for the future; for their children and for themselves. But please, do keep telling us the better side won while lambasting & mocking them for daring to express their feelings.
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