Hi Folks..
You don't want to distract the spiritual sense with sexuality. You go to spiritual places for spiritual experience and do not want to lose that focus. Modest dress that does not attract attention is best.
Interesting observation that seems true at the surface - but turns out to be a completely useless approach to spirituality I think - point being - we cannot IGNORE the human body that we are identified with - we cannot know the SPIRIT within until we first realise that we are not the body alone....To get to THAT level of understanding is best achieved by EMBRACING that which you are truly and NOT by shunning or ignoring certain aspects of Self as "undesirable"....See the Self as we truely are before we settle for these "judgements from others"..
We approach Our Father in a purely NAKED CONDITION - absolutely so - no clothes at all - not even the clothes of physical body - even THAT form and identity has been dropped when we encounter Him directly...do you see..??. What does clothes and attire REALLY matter then..??....
When will we know the truth they asked Him..?..When you STRIP NAKED and place your clothes under your feet and trample them and dance upon them, without shame as the children do - then the Father will be revealed... I paraphrase here - but check out Thomas and see Christ say it originally....You are NOT supposed to hide from your Self - but the opposite - come to know your Self FULLY and COMPLETELY - this issue of the physical clothes we wear for modesty is really an issue of hiding the Self away behind adopted and learned enforced identities as we adopt the persona that THEY allow us and compel us to be..
To experience the truth of our spiritual existance though - commune directly with spirit - means we must go far far beyond that mortal Self identity - embrace it own it fully then surpass it to become the eternal Self... It REQUIRES always Self honesty - and being naked and UNASHAMED is all part of that Self honest appraisal....Now when Christ speaks above He means just as I say - drop every concern - even the BODY IDENTITY entirely - step outside of the physical body and ITS identity and concerns, ENTIRELY - when we do this with confidence then we approach the Divine... The MORTAL mind does NOT have spiritual experiences
As I say Our Father is SPIRIT that CAUSE our very existance - He already gave you a form to wear and HE is not ashamed OF that form is He..??..why then are WE..??..
The first legitimate spiritual practices were nearly always performed naked and unashamed - shamans and the like gave rise to ALL the modern "religious confusion"...In our NATURAL state of mind we do NOT hold this shame and guilt at all - it is a SOCIETY learned response....If you worry and obsess about these purely mortal mundane issues then you will NEVER attain the state of mind that allows direct communion with the Divine... Identify with the BODY and mortal world so fully and the eternal SPIRITUAL world will remain obscure.. However - see past the body and physical circumstances and become confident in the Self - the body will then hold no dominion any longer...Indeed, then and only then will you be able to LEAVE THE BODY ENTIRELY and finally be free to encounter your truth..
It wont matter at all if the church is naked or dressed in hijabs head to toe - for the truth is you are NOT the body - and until you realise this fully by LEAVING the body and knowing the truth of Self in spirit, then you can NOT even begin the approach to the Father at all.... Holding to - clinging to - body identity and ITS concerns - will ALWAYS stifle and prohibit the spiritual truth of Self....Therefore do as Christ says - naked and unashamed - you will dance with joy at what you find the Self to truly Be...
( you can only get "horny" thoughts in a church enviroment IF you are not used to being around sexual circumstances - the very fact the church goer SURPRESSES their natural Self and shuns it IS the very thing that gives them distress when they see a short skirt for instance...Had they had enough exposure to the natural body form that they become comfortable with Self then this knee jerk reaction to a bit of naked flesh would not happen...The shunning and avoiding of the sexual element is a definate SPIRITUAL OBSTACLE and a handicap to the church going religious type - To the SPIRITUAL mind though, the body could indeed be fully naked and the mind remains focused and not distracted from its truth and only repeated honest exposure to the Self can bring the mind to that state of Self awareness - therefore NEVER hide the Self away Folks - you have NOTHING to be ashamed of ever).....