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Worst movie(s) you've seen?


Serial Forum Observer
What are some truly terrible movies you have watched, and why are those movies so bad?

Ome truly awful movie I've sat through, for instance, is Cowboys Versus Aliens. The plot was all over the place and the antagonists were too strong for the ending to make any sense.


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I'll list some good but bad but recommended scifi/fantasy movies or series that you should see. They're funny.

Aeon Flux, bad plot but its beautiful. The clothes and the cinematography and acting are all good. The directing is good too. The only problem is that if you aren't already an Aeon Flux customer then it is crazy to watch. I laughed the whole time. Almost nothing in it makes any sense! At the end you should ask yourself why the film was made.

Starship Troopers -- also very funny. It starts out with an invasion of rubber-looking spider puppets, and the sense of the surreal action never ends.

Time Bandits -- slapstick, funny very well done low budget and also very bad movie. Its a must see bad film but also a pretty good (if sometimes scary) children's film. The Time Bandits are dwarven angels who become angry with God, stealing God's map of time. They are pursued both by God and also by a creature of pure evil. Along the way they kidnap a young boy out of his bedroom and drag him all over God's creation.

Buck Rogers in the 25th Century -- this 80's TV series is crazy silly. The first season features a NASA shuttle pilot lost and frozen in space until he is thawed out 500 years later the by the snobbish, sexy and patently stupid princess of a galactic empire. She wants to destroy Earth, but her love for Buck Rogers keeps getting in the way!

Mom and Dad Save the World. Its a bit campy. Mom and Dad are yanked across the universe in their station wagon and delivered to a planet full of evil idiots. Bad movie but very funny.


Revelation all the time
I used to have a list of 5, but not sure I remember them all

1. The worst ever (for me) is "Eyes Wide Shut." I thought it was so slow, and so overhyped (even after it was out for weeks) that I was very let down. Saw it in the theater and remember predicting the last line a second or two before Kidman says it, thinking I really hope she doesn't say that. I found the characters, particularly Cruz's hard to believe or be concerned about. The pacing way too slow. The theme was on par with a Cinemax original film (the kind that shows at 2 a.m.). Of all the movies I think are the worst, this is one I'll re-watch because I love hating on it.

2. Toys - wanted to like it, thought I might. Like many of the actors in it. Saw it on video and about 20 minutes in I started not liking it. 30 minutes in wondered if it might ever got good. 40 minutes in, I fast forward it to see if there might be anything good. Turns out there wasn't.

3. Solaris (2002) - saw it in the theater, found it too slow. High concept plot that I think failed to deliver. Never saw original so not sure how it compares.

4. Lost in Translation - saw it on video, did make it all the way through without fast forwarding (and Toys might be only film I've ever done that with). Love Bill Murray, but this movie I just found plain bad on most levels.

5. Planet of The Apes (2001) - had heard bad things going in, and thought it was okay for about an hour, then went downhill. Ending was horrendous IMO.

So, I think I remembered all 5. I could possibly give Solaris and Lost in Translation another shot, but not Toys or Planet of The Apes. And again do tune into Eyes Wide Shut if I come across it, cause I love to hate on it that much.

Tempted to put Kubrick's "The Shining" on the list, but only cause I think the other version (with screenplay by Stephen King) is so much better. It's not like I hate Kubrick as 2001 and Clockwork Orange are films I liked, but some of his stuff is IMO way overrated.


"Wholly Moses!"

This is the only movie I have ever walked out of because it was so incredibly stupid and terribly written.

Think monkeys and typewriters.


Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Marley and Me felt like five long, torturous hours of an uneventual nonstory with unlikable, one dimensional characters. Also, I don't find a destructive and disobedient dog to be endearing.


If you can read this, you are as lucky as I am.
My trifecta. . . I am fascinated with these movies because they're so bad, and I also wanted to pick movies I've seen more than once.

Joe vs the Volcano. What makes it truly bad is that I understand what they were striving for. . . but it failed on every level.

National Lampoon's European Vacation. As good as the original and the Christmas movies are (I even like the Ed Helms remake, more or less), this first sequel is horrible.

Men at Work. Emilio Estevez and Charlie Sheen's version of . . . I'm not sure what the hell it is exactly. . . I will say watching Keith David in this is actually pretty funny, but it's still a bad, bad movie.

Guy Threepwood

Mighty Pirate
What are some truly terrible movies you have watched, and why are those movies so bad?

Ome truly awful movie I've sat through, for instance, is Cowboys Versus Aliens. The plot was all over the place and the antagonists were too strong for the ending to make any sense.

I think this is destined to be a very long thread!

Off the top of my head 'The Grey' with Liam Neeson. It's the only movie I ever saw in a theater, where the audience groaned and booed at the end.

I guess what makes a movie really terrible is the expectation, a good premise, great actors, full of potential, totally butchered


Premium Member
Interview with a Vampire, my girlfriend at the time loved Tom Cruise. Hated and still hate the movie.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Crash (2004)
Out of Africa (1985)
A Serious Man (2009)
The Skeleton Twins (2014)
Arthur (1981)
Big Daddy (1999)
Prince Of Space (1959)
The Lonely Lady (1983)

That's all I can think of (that I've actually seen).


I guess what makes a movie really terrible is the expectation, a good premise, great actors, full of potential, totally butchered.
That is exactly how I felt about "The Mummy".

I went into that theatre looking for a First Class scare what with all the CGI, etc.

Talk about disappointed.


Rogue Theologian
Don't worry that happens to the best of us from time to time.

How about movies though?
my son had seen the movie first....and ran it again
I think he wanted to see my reaction

any of the ' Human Centipede' collection

I was surprised how far grown adults would go when making a movie
and I wish they had not


RF's pet cat
I've been listening to the "God Awful Movies" podcast and decided to watch a couple of the movies because I'm masochistic... Gosh, pretty bad indeed. I don't need to list individual flaws with each movie, the common themes are questionable morality, terrible production, dumbed-down Atheists, silly arguments, terrible reasons why people do what they do, weird plots, etc.

So I watched:
- A Thief in the Night - a few highlights which you can see by just watching the trailer: the annoyingly catchy song at the beginning, the man that gets bitten by the cobra and his scream becomes an ambulance siren, the non-chase chasing scene that lasts about 20-ish minutes (not exaggerating), the anti-Christ sounding like a nice fellow, the UN becoming a one world government called UNITE and people getting tattooed on their foreheads. No tattoo, you're against UNITE and you'll be executed.
- The Book of Mormon Volume One: The Journey - my personal highlights of this movie were the obese camel, Nephi's brothers constantly forgetting the miracles so I presume they had memory problems and finally they continuously tried to kill Nephi for no reason whatsoever because if they really didn't want to go thought all of this, they could have just stayed behind in Jerusalem which is what they wanted.

Somehow I want to watch some more... It's entertaining in a strange way. It's like stepping in some weird alternate reality. Or watching an accident. But don't get me wrong, I post it here because they are terrible movies. DO NOT WATCH THEM unless you're masochistic too.


Veteran Member
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Now for the really bad movies:

Savannah Smiles -- forced to watch this as a child in school and just can't get over the experience. Don't make kids watch this.
Vanilla Sky -- could not finish watching it, and what good is a movie if you can't finish it?
Loving Walter -- terribly sad. You will never recover. Other than that its just another movie.
Battle Beyond the Stars -- such a very bad Sci Fi movie. How did they get James Cameron to do the special effects? They must have chained him to a post.
Hamlet -- Its just not written for movies, and you should not make students watch it either.
The Batman Movie with Mr Freeze in it. -- nobody can do Mr Freeze. He's a comic book character that just doesn't apply to film. You have to imagine him.
The Cat in the Hat -- What were they thinking when they made this childrens book into an adult film full of innuendo? Euphemistically it was an oversight.
Inspector Gadget -- way, way, way worse than Cat in the Hat. Did these people grow up in piles of fungus or what?
The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe remake -- Wrong voice for Aslan, besides Wonderworks already made this series and did a good job too.
Lifeforce --- Stupid! Having a naked woman in your movie does not make it a good movie. It makes it a movie that parents won't let their kids watch.
Eliminators -- this was so disappointing. It is an anti war film aimed at hot headed teenage boys, so it is too civilized for its substrate.
Timerider: The Adventure of Lyle Swann --- I admit I haven't seen this, but I'm never going to theoretically. Guy on motorcycle goes back in time. Wow.
Jewel of the Nile -- this sequel to Romancing the Stone has sequel-itis.
Lawnmower Man II -- This movie redefines sequel-itis almost destroying the concept. It asks why should a sequel relate to the original at all?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Crash - (watched it twice since it was voted "Best Picture of the Year" to make sure. Each time I wondered what the story was about....)
Blair Witch Project - (The commercials made it look so very good. The reality of this mess was that it was terrible beyond words.)
Exorcist II - (Richard Burton and Louise Fletcher. Two wonderful actors with a script so bad even they could not make the dialogue work. Painful to watch)
Dumb & Dumber - (Aptly named. Dumb script. Dumb jokes. Dumb "acting"... Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb...)
Battlefield Earth - (L. Ron Hubbard's effort at a sci-fi masterpiece that fell far short of being even OK, let alone good, brought to the screen Scientologist John Travolta. An almost unwatchable mess. Hope they lost a considerable fortune on this drivel. So bad you can't even call it entertainment.)

Dishonorable mention goes to:
The Pink Panther with Steve Martin. This remake was an absolute insult to the original with the genius of Peter Sellers. I don't think I laughed once during this ordeal of a movie.