Haha. Not quite occult, but not many people differentiate. They put it all under witchcraft. I've been interested in it lately but not in the neo- way. So, it's kinda a hit and miss.
In Backwoods Witchcraft, Jake Richards offers up a folksy stew of family stories, lore, omens, rituals, and conjure crafts that he learned from his great-grandmother, his grandmother, and his grandfather, a Baptist minister who Jake remembers...
This is actually a good book. It has the author's personal and childhood experiences of conjure (not witchcraft) and his personal passion of it. I'm not too much for the conjure given that part of my family are pretty much not even in my area; but, the books are good nonetheless.
He talks about his own experiences but it's a bit more "popular reading" than the former.
Haha. You asked. Mother was into all of this but she kinda gave it up for the 21st century four jobs, four kids, and two turtle doves.