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Would God condemn a person to hell who's never heard his word?


Well-Known Member
The greater works would involve the international preaching work of Matthew 24 v 14.
Jesus preaching work [ Luke 4 v 43 ] was Not global in scope, but Jesus foretold at Acts 1 v 8 his followers would do a greater or more extensive preaching campaign.

The rest of the dead [ those resurrected on earth during Jesus' millennium-long day of reigning over earth ] do Not come to ' everlasting life ' [ death proof ] until proven faithful by the end of Jesus' 1000-year reign over earth.

Remember too the humble ' sheep' of Matthew 25 vs 31,32 are Not dead ' sheep' but living people on earth at that ' time of separation', and the living sheep can continue to remain alive on earth right into the start of Jesus' millennial reign, and they can continue to live on earth.
They too an gain ' everlasting life ' on earth if they remain faithful to the end of the thousand years.
I have no idea what you're saying.


Veteran Member
In my religion, and as a direct answer to the topics title, no, He would not.
My source is part verse 49 of chapter 18 that says that God does not do anyone injustice. There is also verse 46 of chapter 41 that clearly implies the same thing.
Those are from the Quran.
I agree with you.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
What does the different religons say on this topic? How does God handle the soul of a person who has never heard of him? The same question applies to the soul who's person was sinning his entire life. Sending the person to hell seems very brutal and unfair since he never got the chance to consider the concept.

If anyone knows any scripture that handles this matter, please share it with me; but don't forget to state which religion it's from.
The Bible does not teach that God sends immortal souls to hellfire. Rather, it teaches that souls that sin die. (Ezekiel 18:4) And the Bible promises "there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous." (Acts 24:15) I believe this will occur after God destroys the wicked, removes all man made governments, and rules the earth from heaven. (Daniel 2:44) Then, each person will be taught the truth about God and his purposes. How they respond to that education and their obedience or disobedience will determine whether they live forever or are destroyed forever. (Revelation 20:12-15)


Veteran Member
Probably a whole lot of people living in the Amazon jungle a thousand years ago (if we're talking about the Quran, that is).
I meant about the present times.
Other people who lived a thousand years ago are already discussed in Quran in Post #120 :

[17:16] He who follows the right way follows it only for the good of his own soul: and he who goes astray, goes astray only to his own loss. And no bearer of burden shall bear the burden of another. We never punish until We have sent a Messenger.

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Shia Islam

Quran and Ahlul-Bayt a.s.
Premium Member
What does the different religons say on this topic? How does God handle the soul of a person who has never heard of him? The same question applies to the soul who's person was sinning his entire life. Sending the person to hell seems very brutal and unfair since he never got the chance to consider the concept.

If anyone knows any scripture that handles this matter, please share it with me; but don't forget to state which religion it's from.

In Shia Islam, Holly texts clearly mentioning that some people will be tested in the Hereafter beofre being judged..

This includes people who died in childhood, those who did not hear the message, or lacks the mental abilities...


Well-Known Member
Not so correct:
[73:20]This, surely, is a reminder. So let him, who will, take a way unto his Lord.
Thanks for reply , is mis-understanding I will find the verse I think is relevant sometime , as been long time and I only read once but not all , message was clear , I have no fundermental problem with Islam , other than it contradicts Al -Bari in mindset , Muslim can only act under duress , remove threat ,you seen non Muslim as threat ?.Is some very old walls in Syria , they built walls I understand don't build a wall unless you need one .
Nothing added to the words nothing taken away ?
Without changing words how can this be , without reason why would this be , I know you don't understand a word I'm saying , is OK ,lol .


Veteran Member
Thanks for reply , is mis-understanding I will find the verse I think is relevant sometime , as been long time and I only read once but not all , message was clear , I have no fundermental problem with Islam , other than it contradicts Al -Bari in mindset , Muslim can only act under duress , remove threat ,you seen non Muslim as threat ?.Is some very old walls in Syria , they built walls I understand don't build a wall unless you need one .
Nothing added to the words nothing taken away ?
Without changing words how can this be , without reason why would this be , I know you don't understand a word I'm saying , is OK ,lol .
The contents of your post are not clear, sorry, I cannot comment unless I understand your post.


These ideas come from times when Kings ruled and God was made in the King's image. No king will let a disloyal person stay in his kingdom, one must profess loyalty to the King/Master to be allowed to stay in his kingdom(heaven) or else out you go or worse(hell)

The world has changes since those days yet religions remain stuck with those old ideas. Today it is not by begging or swearing loyalty that you get anything but because of your efforts, your resume, your Karmas(actions) - whether it is a job or a promotion - one can't be discriminated on the basis of sex, age or religion - yet somehow religions insist on the latter in God's realm. The very same people who get upset if they are discriminated anywhere in this world because of their religion seem to have no problem in condemning minorities when they are the majority


Peace be upon you.
Suppose a person doesn't understand The Word? What then?
Allah has noble attributes, He is "Ahkamul Hakemeen" The greatest of Judge.
So He will see all the related aspects before any decision.

Quran [ch2:v63] Surely, the Believers, and the Jews, and the Christians and the Sabians — whichever party from among these truly believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good deeds — shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve.

Though Islam calls itself final message with perfection yet it acknowledges the pious people of previous religions. Obviously these are people, to whom true message of Islam has not reached.

Who will accept the kind of Islam which terrorists are presenting?

Thus Ahmadiyya Muslims strongly believe, practice and convey that reasons should be checked why true faith does not reach to people.
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People who never heard about islam is called ahlul fatrah or people of interval. In afterlife they will enter place called Al-Araf or border between hell and heaven.

God will give them test, if passed they will enter paradise. If failed hellfire is their home.

“Four types of people will be tested on the day of judgement: a deaf man who cannot hear anything, a mad man, an old aged man and a man who died during fatrah (a period of time when no messenger was sent to people). The deaf man will say: “Oh Allah, Islam came while I cannot hear anything!”. The mad man will say: “Oh Allah, Islam came while the boys throw animals’ excrement on me!”. The old aged man will say: “Oh Allah, Islam came while I can understand nothing”. And the man who died during a fatrah will say: “Oh Allah, I witnessed no messenger from You”. Then Allah takes a promise from them to obey Him. Then He will command them to enter hell, and who enters it will find it peace and cool, and who disobeys will be dragged to hell” (sahih Hadith)


Veteran Member
Allah has noble attributes, He is "Ahkamul Hakemeen" The greatest of Judge.
So He will see all the related aspects before any decision.
Quran [ch2:v63] Surely, the Believers, and the Jews, and the Christians and the Sabians — whichever party from among these truly believes in Allah and the Last Day and does good deeds — shall have their reward with their Lord, and no fear shall come upon them, nor shall they grieve.
Though Islam calls itself final message with perfection yet it acknowledges the pious people of previous religions. Obviously these are people, to whom true message of Islam has not reached.
Quran is very clear about it. G-d is gracious and merciful.