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Would you Ban Islam?

Which of he following actions would you support:

  • Total voters


The cake is a lie
Im not, really, honestly. I see it a lot in life. People are slightly scared to critisice religions. Islam in particular. No offence to muslims, honestly. The only reason i picked those things because in those situations you would need that for safety.
So what about when it comes time to silence and deport Hindus, penguino? How'd you feel then?

Also, since some people are apparently lying about their beliefs, who do you think it is, penguino? Here's a list of people that voted to not take any rights away:

AslanDesu, Azakel, Buttons*, darkpenguin, Engyo, Gentoo, jamaesi, Jaymes, jonny, lilithu, MaddLlama, Mercy Not Sacrifice, MFaraz_Hayat, MidnightBlue, Scott1, Storm, UnityNow101, uu_sage, Yes Man

I can tell you to go ahead and not even consider my vote a lie.


Well-Known Member
Im just telling what i think. I think some are not telling the truth. Im sure people would much appreciate the truth more then a nice cover-up

I don't think people are "not telling the truth." Freedom of religion is a deeply held American value. Today it's the Muslims. Tomorrow it's the Mormons. No thank you.

*Just used "mormons" because it's my religion - not because I think that the government will try to take away the right for us to practice our religion...again...


Obstructor of justice
I'm certainly not lying. Whether or not any government declares Islam dangerous, I wouldn't support a ban on religion. Religion is not the problem, the problem is extremism. Extremist Christians are dangerous as well, but I wouldn't support a ban on Christianity.

Besides, even if it was a consideration, not only would it be a violation of basic human rights, it wouldn't do a damn bit of good.


tri-polar optimist
America is the most diverse nation on Earth. It was built on the basic principals of human rights. When measures are taken to prevent an eminent danger it is for the benefit of all. America is at war on many fronts. Crime and violence is our number one enemy. We have to pursue and punish those responsible for the safety of all. Islam is not our enemy. People who wish us harm are.
The Rev. Martin Luther King showed us an error in our ways. Even though our Constitution stated that all men (this includes women) were created equal regardless of race, color, creed, religion. This was not being practiced. We cannot back up. Individual rights carry individual responsibility. Our law allows you to drink but if you drive on public highways while intoxicated endangering others the penalties can be severe. As it should be.
Radical Islam is as much a danger to itself as to anyone else. 90% more or less of Americans are Non-Muslims and from whats going on in the world now I think most of them would rather keep it that way.The kafur, the infidel, the unbeliever still out number the ones sworn by oath to Muhhamed.


Deviled Hen
IM honestly not trying to be unice, but thats what i would do option 2 to 5,

I bet the muslim community hates me...lol

Who's to say it wouldn't be HIndus next, Penguino?

There is either freedom of religion or there is not.

Having a "little bit" of freedom of religion is like being a "little bit" pregnant.


Deviled Hen
I think everone here is just trying to e nice and not saying what they think.

I think you should live in America for a while and then you'll see why we're not just being nice.

Nice has nothing to do with it.

Many of my ancestors came to this place to escape religious persecution in Europe. They did not come here without having learned a few lessons first, like not to repeat the same mistake.

fantome profane

Anti-Woke = Anti-Justice
Premium Member
I think everone here is just trying to e nice and not saying what they think.
Well let me clear up this misconception, in my case anyway. I am not nice. I don’t give a frig about Muslim rights. I don’t care about hajabs or masjids or any of that stuff. What I do care about are my rights. I am being completely selfish when I say I would oppose any of these kind of bans.

What you are perhaps failing to appreciate that as soon as you allow a government to ban free expression and free association for someone else you open to door for the government to ban free expression and free association for you. I don’t want the government to have that kind of power.


Deviled Hen
Penguino, this poem by the German pastor Martin Niemöller, which is well known in English-speaking countries, is worth your consideration. He lived in Germany during WWII.

When the Nazis came for the communists,
I remained silent;
I was not a communist.

When they locked up the social democrats,
I remained silent;
I was not a social democrat.

When they came for the trade unionists,
I did not speak out;
I was not a trade unionist.

When they came for the Jews,
I remained silent;
I wasn't a Jew.

When they came for me,
there was no one left to speak out.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
To me, the actions described in the poll are just going to further the ignorance most Americans have about Islam. We should encourage education about it. Islam should be celebrated along with all other spiritual paths in America, not banned.


The Devil's Advocate
Who's to say it wouldn't be HIndus next, Penguino?
Come to think of it, those Hindus look a lot like those Muslims. They all wear turbans, right? Yeah, sure not all of them do but we don't want to bother to sort it out. India's close to the Middle East, right? It would be easier, erm, I mean safer to just ban them all. :sarcastic


Moved on
In America, none of them. If I were to run my own dictatorship, all of them. Banning Islam would be against what America stands for.


Res Ipsa Loquitur
If in sometime in the near future, the government declared Islam/Muslims an imminent threat to the safety of the public what parts of islamic practice would you agree to ban?

None of it of course... religious freedom is essential.

The Articles of Faith 1:11
11 We claim the privilege of worshiping Almighty God according to the dictates of our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege, let them worship how, where, or what they may.


Lacking Common Sense
If in sometime in the near future, the government declared Islam/Muslims an imminent threat to the safety of the public what parts of islamic practice would you agree to ban?

The only "part of islamic practice" i would ever want to see banned in this country would be any move towards instituting the practice of sharia law at any level, which represents a threat to and stands in direct opposition to our form of secular democratic/representative republic government.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
"Would you Ban Islam?" Is the thread title and nowhere in the OP's poll is it listed as an option. In marketing that is known as "bait and switch". Tsk, Tsk.

I would not be in favor of the persecution of any one group. Go for the trouble-makers, for sure, but leave the others alone. I believe it is the inalienable right of all people to believe in whatever "floats their boat" and I would gladly die to protect that ideal. I am not terribly impressed with those who wear outward identifiers of their religion and I highly doubt that God takes much notice. Since we were all born naked, it makes one wonder why people have grown to think that wearing this or that symbol has any meaning to a being worthy of being called "god". It does stretch credulity. Perhaps the only thing it verifies for me is that God has an incredible godly sense of humor. People ought to laugh at themselves more and then, just perhaps, they would not feel so threatend by others.

I do agree with a few here who specifically mentioned the enactment of Sharia Law. There is no possiblity I would be in favor of adopting Sharia Law in any form within my country. I would be in favor of a law that banned ALL forms of religious law regardless of the source.


The Lost One
Would I ban Islam? No.

Do I trust Muslims? Yes...and no.

Yes, I could trust a Muslim if I get to know the person. No, being I don't trust people automatically, regardless if the person is Muslim or not. Heck, I would answer the same way if this topic was in regarding to Christianity and Christians. So I don't trust a Christian straightway, until I get to know the person, and only then would I decide. I would say the same thing for Hindus, atheists, agnostics, etc.

As to what YmirGF brought up, then I would say definite no to Sharia Law in my country or communities. Why should I follow a law of a religion that I don't follow? So I would agree with Ymir on this account.

I would support deportation of Muslim immigrates if they refuse to follow the law of the land. If they can't abide by laws, then why are they even in the country; they should be refused citizenship, and if already given, then if they break the laws within 12 months, then their citizenship should be revoked and the people deported. I would apply this to every immigrates of any religion or ethnics, not just Muslims.

I would also add, banning all political parties with religious agenda (so no Christian or Muslim parties or of any other religion). Keep State and Religion separate in politics, in education and in laws.


Done here.
Because maybe some people are so nice they do not wish to offend anyone in any way at all. Not because they dont agree with me, im sure some people dont even know what ive even said.
Oh, I don't know. I seem to have the ability to offend Muslims whether I want to or not. ;)

One thing I'd support that's not on the list: I'd support stringent restrictions on immigration from most predominantly Muslim countries, and careful screening of potential immigrants, including students.


Done here.
I'm certainly not lying. Whether or not any government declares Islam dangerous, I wouldn't support a ban on religion. Religion is not the problem, the problem is extremism. Extremist Christians are dangerous as well, but I wouldn't support a ban on Christianity.
I wouldn't go so far as to say that religion is not the problem. In many cases, it is. However, one of the things I object to about certain religions is their propensity for violence and coercion. If we start using violence and coercion to try to control those religions, we're falling into the same behavior I object to in the first place.


Done here.
I do agree with a few here who specifically mentioned the enactment of Sharia Law. There is no possiblity I would be in favor of adopting Sharia Law in any form within my country.
I think if there were any possibility of adopting sharia here, that's where my pacifism would fail, as the pacifism of many Quakers failed in the face of Nazism. I believe all violence is evil, but there are some evils that are even greater.


The Devil's Advocate
There is no possiblity I would be in favor of adopting Sharia Law in any form within my country. I would be in favor of a law that banned ALL forms of religious law regardless of the source.
That's already the case. It's called the First Amendment. And if you truly are worried about an attack against the separation of church and state, one would think you'd be more worried about the Christian Right, which is already trying to create religious law here, as opposed to some hypothetical scenario involving Muslims.

I would support deportation of Muslim immigrates if they refuse to follow the law of the land. .... I would apply this to every immigrates of any religion or ethnics, not just Muslims.
So why bother mentioning it specifically for Muslims?

One thing I'd support that's not on the list: I'd support stringent restrictions on immigration from most predominantly Muslim countries, and careful screening of potential immigrants, including students.