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Would You Die for Your Beliefs?

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
This question is for everyone.

If someone held a gun to your head and told you to renounce your current beliefs and swear belief in what they told you to believe, otherwise they would kill you, would you do it? Why or why not?

What if you were a leader within your belief system and this took place with an audience of millions on television?

Would it have any meaning to do so? Would it have any value to not do so?

Does martyrdom have any value?


ThrUU the Looking Glass
This question is for everyone.

If someone held a gun to your head and told you to renounce your current beliefs and swear belief in what they told you to believe, otherwise they would kill you, would you do it? Why or why not?

What if you were a leader within your belief system and this took place with an audience of millions on television?

Would it have any meaning to do so? Would it have any value to not do so?

Does martyrdom have any value?
Depends on the beliefs, and whether or not it would mean anything to others.

Martyrdom has power, that makes it valuable.


Premium Member
No way no how.

I would only die for others.

I have this theory (can't spell the word I want to use) where I am in a bank with a bank robber and my family. I fake crying, nevervousness, passing out in an effort to get close to the robber and then kick his sorry butt.

The for me is to sacrifice so that others could survive. Sacrifice for a belief not even a close call. You want me to believe in your god sign a confession to such your country, You have a gun to my head and want me to believe your god fine and dandy. Don't let your guard down though.


Veteran Member
I'm not sure I have any beliefs worth dying for unless you count the love for my family. In that case, if someone was pointing a gun to one of my kid's heads and said I could choose to die instead of them, I would definitely take that choice.


ThrUU the Looking Glass
The beliefs would be yours - would you rather die than renounce them?
I know that. I'm saying it would depend on which of my beliefs were at stake. My ideals (liberty, queer equality, etc.)? Probably. Details of my theology? Not so much.


Depends Upon My Mood..
What if you were a leader within your belief system and this took place with an audience of millions on television?

Would it have any meaning to do so? Would it have any value to not do so?

No I wouldnt.I wouldn't want my followers to get the message they were expected to die at the hands of a terroist in the name of "speaking" belief.Besides..if it took a gun ..the renouncement would be a lie anyway.So lie to save your life and those of others ..IMHO.


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Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
I have no beliefs that would require dying for them. Unless, as has been pointed out, you mean love of family or friends.


Amateur Rambler / Proud Ergi
Premium Member
This question is for everyone.

If someone held a gun to your head and told you to renounce your current beliefs and swear belief in what they told you to believe, otherwise they would kill you, would you do it? Why or why not?

What if you were a leader within your belief system and this took place with an audience of millions on television?

Would it have any meaning to do so? Would it have any value to not do so?

Does martyrdom have any value?

If it were just me, I'd lie to preserve my life, and fight when I'm more able.

If I were a leader (gods forbid) and this happened on TV with an audience, I'd take a minute to come up with a way to say that I would never convert to a belief system that would happily kill to preserve its own existence like it was still in the jungle.

Martyrdom alone has no value. Alone, being a martyr just looks like being a fool. You have to be able to clearly send a message first, so those who are slower on the upkeep can understand why you're being a martyr.

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
So, you would choose dying over renouncing your love for your family and friends?

No, I guess not. I meant more as in I would die before letting them get killed. As far as renouncing anything, I wouldn't. My friends and family would understand why I had said it, and not be upset with me, knowing that I didn't actually mean it. I'm sure they'd rather I live.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
No, I guess not. I meant more as in I would die before letting them get killed. As far as renouncing anything, I wouldn't. My friends and family would understand why I had said it, and not be upset with me, knowing that I didn't actually mean it. I'm sure they'd rather I live.

Okay, didn't think so - just checking.

For everyone: I'm not asking about dying for someone else, just dying for your beliefs.


Well-Known Member

atotalstranger said:
For everyone: I'm not asking about dying for someone else, just dying for your beliefs.

Renouncing your beliefs in word and renouncing your beliefs in mind are entirely different. I would more than happily say that I believe or don't believe anything rather than take a bullet for it. Just saying something doesn't mean you genuinely believe it. I could say that I believe in God until i'm blue in the face but I still wouldn't.

So in response the question, No i'm quite happy being alive thanks :D



Religious Headbanger
This question is for everyone.

If someone held a gun to your head and told you to renounce your current beliefs and swear belief in what they told you to believe, otherwise they would kill you, would you do it? Why or why not?

What if you were a leader within your belief system and this took place with an audience of millions on television?

Would it have any meaning to do so? Would it have any value to not do so?

Does martyrdom have any value?

If put this way I would not denounce my faith.

Dying for your faith is easy, living for your faith is the courageous thing to do.