Many are aware that I have created my own spiritual-religious system. If I were to construct for it a temple of worship, and ran the congression as I saw fit, than I would "marry" only those whom I personally declare worthy of experiencing my spiritual-religious system, my culture and rituals, my temple and the gods these things were designed to honor. Anyone who I feel is a disgrace to my gods or my spiritual-religious system would be forbidden from entering, and openly denied in their request to "'marry" or experience any of our other sacred rituals.
I would be under no obligation whatsoever to appease anyone's desire of marrying in a place specifically designed to honor my gods and my culture, my spiritual-religious system. As such, I support the choice of others to do the same, in their temples built to reflect their culture and their god(s) and their spiritual-religious system. That they would openly deny marriage requests from those they feel disgrace their gods and culture, regardless of who feels "discriminated" against, is something I naturally one hundred percent agree with.