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Would you rather live in a world without science...or in a world without religion?


Antitheist-Open to Ideas!
You don't believe that you are a soul & body.

You believe that you are just a body,and after death,you are none.:shrug:

Correct. I believe that I am a body and a brain, and that is enough to be a living being.:facepalm: I don't see how that's a problem, and how that's a sufficient response to my response.

Yes, that's been established already. After death, I am a dead body. It's easy to say that there is an afterlife because it's what we all subconsciously want. That doesn't mean it's there.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
As science advances, by asking questions and then seeking out the answers via verifiable testing, more and more things that you consider "spiritual" become simply more pieces of knowledge.
Partly. but spirituality is about so much more than just the nuts and bolts of how the world works. Until science can put a verifiable measurement on the meaning of love, spirituality is quite, quite alive and well, and cannot be replaced by science. And I'm not convinced that science is supposed to supplant spirituality.
Many things of the past that were considered the venue of ghosts, spiritualists, and magic are now accurately understood as the very natural phenomena that they always have been.
'Mkay. But even as science is pushing back the edges of the verifiable, spirituality is plumbing the depths of the human mystery.
Religions are written, codified beliefs; usually pertaining to features of life and the universe that are not yet understood. Sometimes they guess right: most of the time they are proven wrong, but their incumbant ministries usually cause human suffering before "giving up the ghost".
By being a written word on subjects that are not understood, religion is self-defined as completely static. It creates no space.....and it invarably leaves its own questions unanswered.
Thank goodness for those who delve beyond the constraints of codified rules and dictates of the world's religions.
You're quite mistaken. That's not at all what religion is. Many religions have that sort of aspect, but those things are tools, or structures. In fact, much native religion isn't written at all -- and both Judaism and Christianity were unwritten for a long time. So "written and codified" isn't really a tenable definition for religion.

Religion is not "set-defined as static." Religion is self-defined as organic, and "organic," by definition, isn't static. Religion does, in fact, create space -- space to question, space to wonder, space to embrace mystery. And it doesn't particularly seek to answer its own questions -- rather, the religious are more often taught to live with the mystery.

It's really sad that you're so misinformed and harbor such stifling definitions of human spirituality. Thank God for those who have dared to delve beyond the constraints of narrow-minded pragmatists to discover and give voice to the depths of the cosmos.


Freedom Of Mind
Correct. I believe that I am a body and a brain, and that is enough to be a living being.:facepalm: I don't see how that's a problem, and how that's a sufficient response to my response.

Yes, that's been established already. After death, I am a dead body. It's easy to say that there is an afterlife because it's what we all subconsciously want. That doesn't mean it's there.

You are just a body and a brain.

So do you think that your brain is managing you or in other words controlling you.


Antitheist-Open to Ideas!
You are just a body and a brain.

So do you think that your brain is managing you or in other words controlling you.

This post oozes pure ignorance. Are you making sense? :)no:)

My brain is the control center of my body. You act as if your brain doesn't "control" your body. Are you just walking around as "God"'s tool? The brain sends nerve impulses to move around, and chemicals that trigger feelings such as sadness, happiness, anger, fear, etc.

And I still don't see where you're going with this.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
You've given "religion" such a broad range of usage that the term becomes meaningless. When we speak of religion, we're thinking of Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, and so on; and in this, the usual sense of the term "religion", it is patently false that art or philosophy are "religious activities".

Indeed, if your claim was true, then referring to "secular philosophy" or "secular art" would be an oxymoron. But it is not, because art is not inherently religious, nor is philosophy.
Well, sure, if you're referring to structures and systems. But that's not what the OP is alluding to in its question. Spirituality transcends the structures and systems we've built to contain it. Art is inherently spiritual, because it is transformative and transcendental for us. It takes us deeply within ourselves and moves us -- changes us. That's what spirituality does.
That isn't what "unsustainability" refers to here... Needless to say, worrying about the destruction of the entire planet due to the activities of science is borderline neurotic/delusional. We face no such danger.
Our water is poisoned. Our food is tainted. Our air is polluted. Our aural space is inundated with noise. Our nighttime is obscured by light pollution. Our oxygen-producing rain forests are disappearing at an alarming rate. Greenhouse gases are melting the polar icecaps. We have learned how to take and to supersede; we have not learned how to live alongside and nurture. And all because of the technology science has provided.
Christianity is entirely focused on another realm, another life, the will of some otherworldly God- it prioritizes a fictitious world over this life, this world... And worse, Christianity has made war upon the essence of humanity since the beginning, particularly in its depreciation of the body, sex, and sensuality. (but also its attitude towards worldly knowledge and reason, namely disdain)
you're patently mistaken. Christianity is focused on feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, welcoming the stranger, and loving our neighbor. Sure, some folks (especially American protestants) have come self-absorbed on getting themselves to heaven, but that's not really the focus of the religion. The atomistic approach to the cosmos, including hatred of women and women's bodies, is a relatively recent phenomenon within Christianity, and doesn't reflect the "focus" of the religion, either.
Sounds like you've been hanging around too many fundigelicals.


Freedom Of Mind
This post oozes pure ignorance. Are you making sense? :)no:)

My brain is the control center of my body. You act as if your brain doesn't "control" your body. Are you just walking around as "God"'s tool? The brain sends nerve impulses to move around, and chemicals that trigger feelings such as sadness, happiness, anger, fear, etc.

And I still don't see where you're going with this.

Lol,i wonder how it is difficult for people to realize their souls.

Move your hands up and down.

Who ordered your hands to move up and down ?
Is it your brain ?
Let your brain moves it without your intention for it to move,it will never move.


Annoyingly Progressive Since 2006
Reality check please.

A world without science:
No cars, no roads, no trains, planes, ships, bicycles. No factories. No power plants. No pollution. Yay!
No tractors, no carts, no farming. No food beyond hunting (with a rock and an unsharpened stick) and gathering. No fire making. No fishhooks, no nets. (just your hands, that rock, and that club)
No medicine, no beds, no houses, no huts. [Yes. Even figuring out thatch and leaf roofs is a science. A simple/crude one, but the learning and testing, and tweaking the construction is science.]
No clothing. (Even skins require knapping of stones.)
No domestication of animals. No cheese, no yogurt, no milk (beyond clubbing a mother goat to death and eating the udders with your teeth). :shrug:
No beer. No pizza. No wine. No chocolate. :run:

If we never had science, then humanity would be a small group of brutally short-lived simians, hunting and gathering only in warm regions where we wouldn't freeze to death in the winter.
If we took away all scientific know-how right now. Over 6.9 Billion people would be dead within the year. :sorry1: And the few "lucky" ones just might think every now and then, when not fighting for survival, that some divine grace was what let them be the survivors. :sarcastic


A world without religion would be a world filled with atheists and agnostics, living with all the amenities of modern life (likely without nearly as many borders, sexism, homophobia, racism, or just run-of-the-mill intolerance). Good people doing their best to be nice to each other; because we're all in this together; and the only point of our existence is to make the world a better place for our great-great-great-grandchildren. :namaste
reality check, please.

Don't confuse mathematics, geometry, architecture, cooking, weaving, mechanics, farming, and herbology with science.
A world without science was what we lived with until the 1500s.

A world without religion:
No art, no music, no deep relationships, no self-examination, no contemplation, no appreciation of beauty, no meaning assigned to the world about us, no sense of wonder, no sentience of humanity.

without nearly as many borders, sexism, homophobia, racism, or just run-of-the-mill intolerance). Good people doing their best to be nice to each other; because we're all in this together; and the only point of our existence is to make the world a better place for our great-great-great-grandchildren.
are all spiritual tenets.


RF's pet cat
reality check, please.

Don't confuse mathematics, geometry, architecture, cooking, weaving, mechanics, farming, and herbology with science.
A world without science was what we lived with until the 1500s.

We have to define science first then ask the question... I don't think it's clear what they (OP) mean by science.


Lol,i wonder how it is difficult for people to realize their souls.

Move your hands up and down.

Who ordered your hands to move up and down ?
Is it your brain ?
Let your brain moves it without your intention for it to move,it will never move.
Because you are your brain...


Well-Known Member
Lol,i wonder how it is difficult for people to realize their souls.

Move your hands up and down.

Who ordered your hands to move up and down ?
Is it your brain ?
Let your brain moves it without your intention for it to move,it will never move.

Hi, here's a small biology lesson or you. I think it would be good you read through this and learn some more about how the body works.

11.2 Muscles and Movement | i-Biology

The impulses of movement are a combination of our brain and our nervous system. Not all movement or processes go directly to the brain, our nervous system handle certain things for us so we don't have to think.

Thank you If you have any other questions feel free to ask.


Freedom Of Mind
Hi, here's a small biology lesson or you. I think it would be good you read through this and learn some more about how the body works.

11.2 Muscles and*Movement | i-Biology

The impulses of movement are a combination of our brain and our nervous system. Not all movement or processes go directly to the brain, our nervous system handle certain things for us so we don't have to think.

Thank you If you have any other questions feel free to ask.

Are you kidding ?


Freedom Of Mind
No? Why would I be kidding?

Let me make it simpler to you.

Now when you look to something,then who is looking (you or your brain)

Lets assume that a man is looking to a sexy woman and feels attracted to her.

Now the brain is the one attracted to the woman and wanted to have some pleasure
and your brain will make the penis erection for the process.

The brain is just the central process and you are the decision maker (your soul)

Another example,

Lets assume that you have a cup of tea with 10 spoons of sugar.

Your tongue through the nerves will show you how sweet is the cup of tea and then you(the soul) will make the decision to drink or to stop drinking.

Our bodies is as the car of our souls we drive our bodies the way we(the souls) wish.

You wont find what i'm saying in school books because science can't confirm or realize the soul.

Good luck Mr. Brain
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Well-Known Member
Let me make it simpler to you.

Now when you look to something,then who is looking (you or your brain)

Lets assume that a man is looking to a sexy woman and feels attracted to her.

Now the brain is the one attracted to the woman and wanted to have some pleasure
and your brain will make the penis erection for the process.

The brain is just the central process and you are the decision maker (your soul)

Another example,

Lets assume that you have a cup of tea with 10 spoons of sugar.

Your tongue through the nerves will show you how sweet is the cup of tea and then you(soul) will make the decision to drink or to stop drinking.

Our bodies is as the car of our souls we drive our bodies the way we(the souls) wish.

You wont find what i'm saying in school books because science can't confirm or realize the soul.

Good luck Mr. Brain

Neuroscience For Kids - Autonomic Nervous System

This covers the autonomous nervous system which is broken into sympathetic and parasympathetic, covering our voluntary and involuntary movements. Notice how the important things are involuntary without us telling our brains.

Dopamine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This covers dopamine it's a little more advance but I'm sure you'll understand it.

As well this article talks of chocolate and its impacts on dopamine and serotonin.

The Real Story on Chocolate and Mood | Divine Caroline

This explains how our moods can be impacted by what we eat even when our brains are in a bad mood and how the foods change our brains mood.

I think these show a good connection between the environment and our brains and our bodies.

Might I also suggest looking up disease like Parkinson's where we experience tremors despite not telling our brains to.

Daemon Sophic

Avatar in flux
OK. First the definitions.
The thread is about RELIGION and SCIENCE.
a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.
the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion.
the practice of religious beliefs; ritual observance of faith.


a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences.
systematic knowledge of the physical or material world gained through observation and experimentation.
any of the branches of natural or physical science.
systematized knowledge in general.
knowledge, as of facts or principles; knowledge gained by systematic study.

Let us be clear. Spirituality is to religion, as religion is to ministry/church. Each step is more confined and restraining. Till, as humanity has seen time and time again, punishments including torture and death, for the 'crime' of doubting have been and are still administered by the ministries. :(
I have no problem with spirituality. I don't think even most atheists harbor any ill will toward spirituality. But that ain't religion. :no: One should never confuse any of these three (3) distinctly different things with the other(s).

the quality or fact of being spiritual.
incorporeal or immaterial nature.
predominantly spiritual character as shown in thought, life, etc.; spiritual tendency or tone.
Often, spiritualities. property or revenue of the church or of an ecclesiastic in his or her official capacity.


Freedom Of Mind
Neuroscience For Kids - Autonomic Nervous System

This covers the autonomous nervous system which is broken into sympathetic and parasympathetic, covering our voluntary and involuntary movements. Notice how the important things are involuntary without us telling our brains.

Dopamine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This covers dopamine it's a little more advance but I'm sure you'll understand it.

As well this article talks of chocolate and its impacts on dopamine and serotonin.

The Real Story on Chocolate and Mood | Divine Caroline

This explains how our moods can be impacted by what we eat even when our brains are in a bad mood and how the foods change our brains mood.

I think these show a good connection between the environment and our brains and our bodies.

Might I also suggest looking up disease like Parkinson's where we experience tremors despite not telling our brains to.

Again school books.

Diseases which affect the brain can affect the soul too.

The body will be out of control if the brain was affected (soul can't control the body if the brain is disabled)

One example is using the marijuana and it's effect on brain and the spiritual feeling.

The body will be out of control and then the brain will work by itself,so one may jump from a high building by the brain being out of control.

Just think of it – scandalously clad co-eds, jumping out of windows. Poor innocent young girls, acting under the influence of MARIHUANA (the Weed of Madness), lives ruined . . . etc. BOY, that makes for good press. But there was only one problem; -- where exactly were these innocent young girls?

The brain is very important part of our body. :yes:


Question Everything
You don't need religion to preserve humankind. If anything, religion does more to kill us. There's nothing beneficial about religion that you can't gain elsewhere.

I'd say science does more to kill us - with pollution, bombs,
just look at this mess: What do Pesticides, Herbicides and Antibiotics have in Common?

  • antibiotic-resistant pathogenic bacteria – often termed 'superbugs'
  • pesticide-resistant pests – also called 'superbugs'
  • herbicide-resistant weeds – now termed 'superweeds'

    "From 2001 to 2010, toxic herbicide application grew by 81 million pounds – 26 percent. But the application of glyphosate to the three biggest genetically engineered crops skyrocketed from 15 million pounds in 1996 to 150 million pounds in 2012 – this is a ten-fold rise"

    What a mess...

    and no, sweetheart, religion has not killed that many people - atheist communist regimes sure have though...