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Would you sacrifice yourself for God?


Veteran Member
Ðanisty said:
Actually, all it would really have to be is a lie. Tell a lie to the people who would harm you. God will forgive you for a lie, won't he? Wouldn't he surely know that you haven't truly denied him?

Well, to me not lying is one of the ten commandments. :p

I don't know, but I won't ever deny Him, I know that much. My hsuband feels the same way, in fact, so does my whole family.


Veteran Member
Maize said:
So.. I'm just trying to understand this line of thinking here, please don't take offense... so, it really has nothing to do with God, but only your guilt?

I have 2 two kids. Someone has a gun to my head and says, "say you don't have children and you live." Of course I'm going to say it! Otherwise I die and leave my children motherless, how does that help them?

To me that is different.

I'm not really sure how to explain it, it's not my guilt, but the reality of me denying a being, a holy and supreme being that I know exists.

Super Universe

Defender of God
beckysoup61 said:
To me that is different.

I'm not really sure how to explain it, it's not my guilt, but the reality of me denying a being, a holy and supreme being that I know exists.

You explained it perfectly. This is the way you have chosen. These are the guidelines you have set for yourself.

You would not deny God to save yourself but are there things that you would deny?

For instance, if you were asked to count the number of lights on a wall and you correctly said "there are three lights" but a man said "No, there are four" and began to torture you. After enough torture wouldn't you finally tell the man what he wanted to hear?

I admire and respect your guidelines but I don't really think you know the full repercussions of them because you have never been placed into a situation where it was your life or another's life at stake based on what you say.


I believe that the concept of sacrifice shouldn't come into question, if a god does exist, and we are a part of him/her/it, the idea of sacrifice should not come into play. After all, being a father, I would NOT require my son to "sacrifice" himself to attain any level of acceptence from me or for that matter to get my love.

- CappA

Simon Gnosis

Active Member
bigvindaloo said:
My understanding of Jesus's words is that one cannot demonstrate any greater love than by sacrificing your life for another. Do you love God enough to be prepared to commit your soul through ultimate sacrifice for him? Is this a valid demonstration of true Christian faith?

I would like to think I might sacrifice my life for any amount of (important!) reasons but never in the name of God alone.
Like the fanatics who blow themselves up in the name of God.
Such acts are an abomination and tantamount to blasphemy.

God conspired with nature to give you life in my opinion, to reject that gift is to reject the love of God and the will of nature.
Killing yourself is the same as destroying any of Gods creations.
Unless you have a damn good reason for it and one that doesnt involve murdering people.

Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
*hastily rifles through Terry Pratchett books*
You can die for your family or your people or your family, but for a god you should live fully and busily, every day of a long life.


Purple Thyme

Active Member
I agree. I would die to save my family or even complete strangers but not in the name of God. I don't think God would ask that of us.

By the way cool quote NordicBearskin.:)

Simon Gnosis

Active Member
NordicBearskin said:
*hastily rifles through Terry Pratchett books*


Terry Pratchett is a philosopher genius.
I like

"Stand before your God
Bow before your King
Kneel before your Man"

Recipe for a happy life according to Nanny Ogg...


Veteran Member
Super Universe said:
You explained it perfectly. This is the way you have chosen. These are the guidelines you have set for yourself.

You would not deny God to save yourself but are there things that you would deny?

For instance, if you were asked to count the number of lights on a wall and you correctly said "there are three lights" but a man said "No, there are four" and began to torture you. After enough torture wouldn't you finally tell the man what he wanted to hear?

I admire and respect your guidelines but I don't really think you know the full repercussions of them because you have never been placed into a situation where it was your life or another's life at stake based on what you say.

I don't know, I'm not sure how I would act in that situation, and neither would you. I don't believe any of us have actually been put in that situation, now have we?

Radio Frequency X

World Leader Pretend
EnhancedSpirit said:
Dying is the easy part. Living in this world is the sacrifice, and this of course ends with death. We have already made the choice to sacrifice our lives for God, it's just a matter of remembering.

I am continually dismayed to hear people refer to this world and this life as a sacrifice. I'm truly sorry that you've come to hate it here so much. :( I think of life as a wonderful blessing.


Super Universe said:
For instance, if you were asked to count the number of lights on a wall and you correctly said "there are three lights" but a man said "No, there are four" and began to torture you. After enough torture wouldn't you finally tell the man what he wanted to hear?
Funny how that works, because if he says "no there are four lights", i'd be "ok" before he even gets the whip..:rolleyes:

Simon Gnosis

Active Member
It seems to me that people who die for their Gods do so partly in the belief that they have bought themselves a one way ticket to paradise...from the Viking berserkers that believed a warrior who died in battle was off to Valhalla to spend all eternity wenching and drinking and feasting (nice work if you can get it) to modern day cultists like those of Waco in Texas and the fanatic Muslims whom blow themselves to pieces confident in the knowledge that they can look forward to a heavenly existance not unlike the Viking Valhalla (but without the drinking)

Of course there a socio political factors as well (especially with regards to suicide bombers) that require individuals to kill themselves in order to harm a powerful enemy (ie Israel and her allies, the western invaders of the middle east)
But the underlying rallying call is martydom...

I think it stinks personally.
But I understand why it is done.
The combined military might of the US UK and Israel means that the vastly poorer islamic nations cannot present a military force that has even a snowball's chance in hell of driving out the infidel armies, so they resort to terrorism and suicide bombers..guerilla/partisan tactics...and quite frankly its not hard to see why.

The justification for it, that its the will of Allah to eliminate the enemies of islam and to spread islam to the whole world is simply a motivator, the real motives (simply removing a powerful enemy) are quite transparent really.

When you hear people talking of 'dying for one's God being a good thing' then you are listening to either a General or some other kind of murderer.
Either that or a complete retard who does not understand the pain and misery caused by the death of loved ones.

Thats all I have to say, I will just say that I thoroughly condemn the actions of my nation (the UK) and that of the US, I noticed the very first thing the invaders of Irag did was not emancipate the downtrodden citizens of Basra or any other Iraqi city, no they secured the oil fields.

look at Iraq now....hell on earth....bravo america and britain bravo...

By their actions we will know them....


Active Member
Listen if "God" requires me to sacrafice my soul for him then I'm not interested. Then he's not this all powerful God everyone makes out he is.

So No.


Mystic-als said:
Listen if "God" requires me to sacrafice my soul for him then I'm not interested. Then he's not this all powerful God everyone makes out he is.

So No.

Why not? what if he sends you straight to heaven when you do that? What would not make him powerfull when he wants you to do that?


Mystic-als said:
I was said that you sacrafice your soul. If your soul is sacraficed what is left?
Alright, So if you think he is original all powerfull, what would you think the alternative for your soul would be if you didn't listen?


Active Member
It seems that both ways you're in trouble. Which means God NEEDs me to do something for him. So then he's not allpowerful.
If I had to choose I would show him the finger. Because it wouldn't do me any worse.


Mystic-als said:
It seems that both ways you're in trouble. Which means God NEEDs me to do something for him. So then he's not allpowerful.
If I had to choose I would show him the finger. Because it wouldn't do me any worse.
It doesn't mean God NEED's you to do that. Maybe he just wants it. For whatever reason that you will never understand anyway. Giving him the finger could maybe mean going to hell, maybe you rather have your soul erased then..

Simon Gnosis

Active Member
Mystic-als said:
It seems that both ways you're in trouble. Which means God NEEDs me to do something for him. So then he's not allpowerful.
If I had to choose I would show him the finger. Because it wouldn't do me any worse.


That kind of God can as Bender from Futurama frequently says 'kiss my shiny metal ***'


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Mystic-als said:
It seems that both ways you're in trouble. Which means God NEEDs me to do something for him. So then he's not allpowerful.
If I had to choose I would show him the finger. Because it wouldn't do me any worse.

Well, that's a nice polite way of putting it.:rolleyes:

One thing you can be sure of, my God wouldn't treat you the same way.....................