Virgina Republican Bob Marshall has proposed a new bill HB 1612 that is much like the N.Carolina bill HB 2. The proposed Virginian bill would make it illegal for any person to use a bathroom that does not correlate to the gender listed on their birth certificate. But the bill also specifically allows you to sue any individual who does so.
I find this typical of Republicans, delicate little flower who want to sue over the potential of having their delicate little feelings hurt by the mere encounter with anyone that is in anyway different. I find it difficult to express just how disgusting I think this is.
It all depends on the way you view gender. I feel gender is a role, not a sex, therefore you have no right to share facilities with people of the same _sex_. Sex is chromosomes, you don't get to pick that. That's not to say that I particularly see any value for separating bathrooms by such criteria, just single occupant closeted bathrooms without a sexual assignment are fine by me. As far as fining people, I don't think that the public at large supports transgenderism nor do they ascribe it to the same thing as LGB. (which are sexual preferences, not genders or identity) Identity politics really are a figment of the mind, and as such require that other people agree with you or they functionally don't exist.
I'm not butthurt over it at all, but I think there is no need for such silly laws. They waste resources that could be spent on more important things, but I don't think we need to push the people of Virginia to conform to liberal opinions either.