I am referring to nonsense like gender fluidity not legitimate medical reasons for gender dysphoria.
Gender fluidity, thought I dont like the term, exists. I dont consider myself by label gender fluid but a gay woman. As a gender fluid male (cant think of a better word), its not like bei g a woman liking a woman but being a male liking a woman. The gay part is because I am biologically female. I am queer in regards to sexuality in general.
For example, I may feel male one day and female another. The sense of biological gender is absent if Im female as females dont have pensus. When I have a sense of a female, I feel Im missing something. Given I see my biological body a part of my gender, I identify as female. If I went off gender only, I have no gender. The fluidityx as I understand it, is experiencing oneself as neigher male or female but a spectrum of both. For me, its also biological not just internal. Im not transgender because I know I am a female in the body of a female. Though, with gender fluidity for me, my body could be missing something one part of the day and Im straight and most of he time Im female and Im gay.
I dont care for the new terms. Its only gender isnt static just most cis people strongly identify as their biological gender even if they have a small feeling of disconnection. Thats normal since we are all human and all comee from the same egg and sperm of our parents. Just some of us do not have a definition of gender because for me its a useless word given my body can be one and not the other and that sense of male and female connects not only to my sexuality but to how my body reacts as well.
I would never call it a mental healtb problem. Unless it is so strong that a person does not know their gender at all, many of us do but rather have people respect us for how we identify rather that place labels on us by how we dont.