False flag. As Republicans are often fond of pointing out to Trump critics> Obama was the king of deportations when it comes to illegal immigration.
Example of this please? Not reactionary rhetoric.
Ironic, given blue states have less welfare recipients than say- solid red Mississippi.
Right-wing rhetoric revisited...
What? It was mainly Democratic efforts that had China on any kind of positive route toward true democracy. Trump destructed years of our work and brought about President for Life Xi. Once the Chinese saw America could no longer be depended on as a reliable ally. Unfortunately, what many of our allies also see now.
False flag. As Republicans are often fond of pointing out to Trump critics> Obama was the king of deportations when it comes to illegal immigration.
What? It was mainly Democratic efforts that had China on any kind of positive route toward true democracy. Trump destructed years of our work and brought about President for Life Xi. Once the Chinese saw America could no longer be depended on as a reliable ally. Unfortunately, what many of our allies also see now.
My issue isn't with Obama, or Clinton or any other recent Democrat - it's with where the party
appears to be heading. I don't know how many Obama deported - but there's this left wing
philosophy in Australia, UK and America which points to open borders. Completely open borders
because if we allow a billion "refugees" in and there's a billion and one refugees, then shutting out
that last African Muslim girl is "racist" and "sexist" and "Islamophobic."
THIS is my big issue with the Western Left - the old Marxists have failed, so now we have the new
Cultural Marxist. Not actually new, they remind me of the old Heidelberg School of Marxists.
And Trump has cleverly, or more likely, accidentally, cast the gang of four as the face of the new
Democrats. He's wrong, but I fear in some ways, he's right.