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Writer claims Trump raped her

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Metis, we have been through this before, you know my opinion of National Geographic, it is a disreputable left wing rag when it comes to science, sadly it was not always so, I used to subscribe to it once.

We have also been over the 97% claim, bogus then and bogus now, no one believe it except the agw true believers.

Btw Metis, I notice that these days you are calling yourself...Catholic-- liberal & ecumenical, di you convert from Judaism?
Are you back to that? I already gave you a link that showed it is the case. You could only find a non-scientific source that backed up your claim.

What other events do you deny, just out of curiousity?

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Yeah so? Guess what? I enjoy shopping at Bloomingdale's. That doesn't mean I'd like to be raped there.

I'm so sick of this nonsense.

20+ Women have accused Trump of some type of sexual harassment or another. I mean, at what point do we start believing them when they all say the same thing that Trump himself previously said he does, on tape? But nope, we're still all just sitting here beating up on the person who says she was raped. Some things never change I guess. How revolting.
I have no idea why your personal enjoyment shopping at Bloomdale's and not wanting to be raped there is somehow pertinent?

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
His ex-wives have plenty bad to say about him. Ivana has claimed that he has been violent at times during their marriage.

And you think all of this in spite of the fact that he stated on tape that he is an abuser, and despite the fact that more than 15 other women have claimed that he has assaulted them in some way as well?

I can only imagine the kind of mental gymnastics you have to engage in, to make that work in your mind.
We've been there, there is a link somewhere in the thread showing Ivana saying she and Donald are good friends and that there is so much disinformation out there that is not true. None of the other wives have said he was abusive sfaik.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
William Barr couldn't even cite any evidence back when Congress asked him for anything that would back up his claim of "spying." Turns out, he had no evidence to offer, and had to say as much. Turns out, it's just his personal belief.
Talking living in an alternate reality, the AG Barr investigation is going to make history when it is finished. Let us be patient now and wait for the result, in a couple of months. The DOJ IG report comes first, probably in August.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
That is a symptom of cognitive dissonance. You used sites that you did not understand since they refuted your claims. Your last source means there may be an increase in the future due to Trump, but we were not discussing that.

By not being willing to discuss your blatant errors you are running away. Even if you try to change the topic of natter on about something else that is still running away.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Now , now, you objected to be told that you are lying and then you go ahead and use a term that you were corrected on. That is lying.

Since you are using terms incorrectly your only hope is to show that you are not doing so

First, how is any scientist being an "alarmist"? I will grant that there are those that do not understand the sciences that will make errors when it comes to AGW, but nonscientists get science wrong an amazing amount of the time. Second what sources called your one poor example a denier?

Your claims, you need to be ready to support them.
An agw alarmist climate scientist is one who believes that human civilization is doomed unless something is done about agw.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Talking living in an alternate reality, the AG Barr investigation is going to make history when it is finished. Let us be patient now and wait for the result, in a couple of months. The DOJ IG report comes first, probably in August.

You have to tell us what you are smoking. It appears that it would make for a very entertaining weekend. Provided there are no permanent effects.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
An agw alarmist climate scientist is one who believes that human civilization is doomed unless something is done about agw.

Then you probably will not be able to find any "alarmist scientists". I don't know of any climate scientists that make that prediction.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Remember how you failed when you claimed that AGW had stopped? That was refuted at least nine years ago, and Dr. Judith Curry was one of those that made that false statement. You can read more here:


Worse yet is of course that global warming has continued since then with the five hottest years on record being the last five years.
The year is 2019, any hiatus can stop and return depending, as I explained in data source and start and stop times. You can use the past to prove the present.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
You have to tell us what you are smoking. It appears that it would make for a very entertaining weekend. Provided there are no permanent effects.
Mark my words...you will remember this convo when the results come out, top people in the FBI, DOF, CIA, and DNI tried to damage the POTUS.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Yes, that is all that you post. I have offered to explain that sources that you use so you would not blather so much. When you supply links that refute your claims that is called shooting yourself in the foot.
Do you not think it is possibly time to agree to disagree, I am happy for you to disagree with me, lots do.


Veteran Member
I would want to clear my name and prove that I didn't do anything wrong.

Innocent until proven guilty. Sue for defamation of character.

The way to do that is to answer questions and be open and transparent and direct about it.

See the above.

The way not to do it, is to be evasive, whine and cry foul every day, refuse to go in for questioning, and to say stuff like "she's not my type" when someone claims that you've raped them. That's not what innocent people do or say.

No investigation, no police report, no charges, no evidence. Innocent until proven guilty. No one is under the obligation to disprove claims that have zero evidence.

Answer questions from whom? The media? hahaha


Veteran Member
William Barr couldn't even cite any evidence back when Congress asked him for anything that would back up his claim of "spying." Turns out, he had no evidence to offer, and had to say as much. Turns out, it's just his personal belief.

Wrong. Barr used the definition of spying properly. Look it up. Dems just didn't like the word due to the implication as it is seen as nefarious. Surveillance is spying.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
The year is 2019, any hiatus can stop and return depending, as I explained in data source and start and stop times. You can use the past to prove the present.
There was no gap of hiatus. Climate change takes place over years and there was no reprieve. You made the disproven claim, you really should admit your error.