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Writer claims Trump raped her

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
So, is that why actual scientists contribute to it and have done so for many decades? NG is not a political magazine-- it's a scientific one for mass consumption that's respected the world over.

Again, just because you are so unwilling to actually use actual science sources, instead preferring to use opinion pieces representing right-wing authors, you shoot yourself in the foot because you simply do not understand how actual scientists do their job. I'm a scientist, now retired, and what you are believing and posting is not science-- not even close.

Yes, as of last September, thus finalizing a process that took over two years.
These exchanges are getting to be like ground hog day, I find myself saying the same things to the same comments.
NG does have a lefty political bias though, it's owned by the Walt Disney Company.
One group of scientists don't get to dictate to another as to what is politically correct. Alarmist AGW is supported by the UN IPCC and this is the source of the bias, a push to get a global CO2 emissions scheme.
Well that really surprises me. Had you ever considered Messianic Judaism, that I imagine would be easier. So my Catholic friend, I trust the Lord will infuse you with the spirit of unconditional love, to unfold it from within in abundance.Congratulations.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
I didn't quote from Gore. I didn't use Gore as a source. I never implied Gore was an expert.

You used Alex Epstein as an expert source and quoted from him.
I'm not a climate scientist either, but I have sufficient interest in the subject to study the pros and cons, skeptics generally are correct in their skepticism towards much of the brouhaha of the alarmists. Most people are not sufficiently interested to actually study the details of the scientific debate.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
I see you intentionally missed the gist of my comment.

But, since you are the one who trotted her out, it is your burden to show that she is "an excellent climate scientist", which you have not done.

In any case, she is like the "scientists" tobacco companies dragged out to explain that nicotine was not addictive.
She is regularly invited to provide input to Congress, and is considered generally as one of the top climate scientists. Naturally the left in all its forms are critical of her because of her skeptical position, but her credential speak for themselves...here is her bio... Judith Curry - Wikipedia

Category: | Herald Sun

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
That leads me to wonder if anyone has done a study to determine how many Evolution deniers are also AGW deniers. I'm guessing that there would be a significant correlation.​

Where do we see rational people being referred to as cultists? What cults do rational people belong to?

On the other hand science deniers, 911 conspirators, Evolution deniers, AGW deniers, certainly can be relegated to cult status.

Does my comment about a correlation of AGW deniers and Evolution deniers apply to you?

The last UN head of the IPCC said it was his religion...."As if to confirm the widespread view among skeptics of man-made climate-change theories that global-warming alarmism is akin to a religious cult, United Nations “climate science” boss Rajendra K. Pachauri admitted in his resignation letter this week that his crusade to purportedly save the planet from CO2 is more than just a mission — it is his “religion.” "

UN Climate Boss Resigns in Scandal, Says Mission Is “Religion”

ps..I suspect the reason the link to the letter no longer works is it was removed because of the embarrassment to the AGW movement.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
That's something you should have found before you linked to their article.

What msm coverage? New Scientist? Really?

Probably because they recognized it as rubbish and didn't even bother.

Do you see evolutionary biologists countering every article from fringe groups?
I've already provided a link to show the wide spread msm coverage in a previous comment in reply to Subduction Zone.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
You should probably read your post that I was responding to then.

You were trying to make some connection about her having written about Bergdoff's at some point in the past and implying that because that is the case, her story about Trump raping her is a fabrication.
I still do not see how your comment is pertinent.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
What I said is reality. Watch the hearing. He said it.

What you are saying is wishful thinking.
I wouldn't get too excited, Trump's previous investigations (e.g. mass illegal voting) haven't ever panned out in his favour.

You need to read the Mueller Report as well, by the sound of it.
There are two main investigations under way, the DOJ IG, and AG.

The DOJ IG...
Dems fear report on Russia probe could kill their oversight momentum

An internal DOJ report could highlight potential political bias by FBI agents at the heart of the Russia investigation.

An internal DOJ watchdog report on the origins of the Russia probe is expected to spotlight potential political bias by FBI agents at the heart of the Russia probe. The report, due out as soon as this month and as late as October, could raise pointed questions about the FBI’s decision-making at the time — handing Trump a bludgeon in his long-running campaign to accuse the bureau of mounting a “coup” against him.

Dems fear report on Russia probe could kill their oversight momentum

The AG
Trump Grants AG Barr Power Over Classified Russia Probe Info

President Donald Trump has granted Attorney General William Barr new powers to review and potentially release classified information related to the origins of the Russia investigation, a move aimed at accelerating Barr's inquiry into whether U.S. officials improperly surveilled Trump's 2016 campaign

Barr has already asked John Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, to examine the origins of the Russia investigation to determine whether intelligence and surveillance methods used during the probe were lawful and appropriate. Still, Barr has been directly involved, according to a person familiar with the matter who was not authorized to discuss it publicly, and is working with CIA Director Gina Haspel, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and FBI Director Christopher Wray.

Trump Grants AG Barr Power Over Classified Russia Probe Info


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Had you ever considered Messianic Judaism, that I imagine would be easier
I did, especially since I have a friend of mine that belongs to one of their synagogues, but I have problems with some parts of their theology. However, I really don't want to discuss that.

There are several reasons why I reconverted back to Catholicism, such as that I wanted to be very active in helping the poor in my area and also to teach theology, and I can and already am doing that at our local Catholic parish. My 20 year involvement in my synagogue was very meaningful for me, and I was actively involved there, including teaching our Lunch & Learn program, alternating with the rabbi. This week I spent two evenings there helping them out with the SOS program that houses and feeds 30+ homeless families in our area for a week.

So my Catholic friend, I trust the Lord will infuse you with the spirit of unconditional love, to unfold it from within in abundance.Congratulations.
Thank you, and the same to you as well.


Veteran Member
Speculation. Again Trump do not need to jump through your subjective hoops.
Yeah, that's what the conversation is about. Why does someone say something that makes them appear guilty? That's what is being discussed.

That wasn't his first answer. He denied it. Then made a joke days later. Try again.
You couldn't even try answering the question, could you?
Don't worry though, your silence speaks volumes. ;)


Veteran Member
I still do not see how your comment is pertinent.
You're trying to say that because someone once wrote a story about Bergdoff's, then later claims she was raped at Bergdoff's, her rape claim couldn't possibly be true because she had previously written about Bergdoff's. So, what I'm wondering is why you think that's a coherent argument.


Veteran Member
There are two main investigations under way, the DOJ IG, and AG.

The DOJ IG...
Dems fear report on Russia probe could kill their oversight momentum

An internal DOJ report could highlight potential political bias by FBI agents at the heart of the Russia investigation.

An internal DOJ watchdog report on the origins of the Russia probe is expected to spotlight potential political bias by FBI agents at the heart of the Russia probe. The report, due out as soon as this month and as late as October, could raise pointed questions about the FBI’s decision-making at the time — handing Trump a bludgeon in his long-running campaign to accuse the bureau of mounting a “coup” against him.

Dems fear report on Russia probe could kill their oversight momentum

The AG
Trump Grants AG Barr Power Over Classified Russia Probe Info

President Donald Trump has granted Attorney General William Barr new powers to review and potentially release classified information related to the origins of the Russia investigation, a move aimed at accelerating Barr's inquiry into whether U.S. officials improperly surveilled Trump's 2016 campaign

Barr has already asked John Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, to examine the origins of the Russia investigation to determine whether intelligence and surveillance methods used during the probe were lawful and appropriate. Still, Barr has been directly involved, according to a person familiar with the matter who was not authorized to discuss it publicly, and is working with CIA Director Gina Haspel, Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats and FBI Director Christopher Wray.

Trump Grants AG Barr Power Over Classified Russia Probe Info


Veteran Member
I'm not a climate scientist either, but I have sufficient interest in the subject to study the pros and cons, skeptics generally are correct in their skepticism towards much of the brouhaha of the alarmists. Most people are not sufficiently interested to actually study the details of the scientific debate.
Most of us do not have the education, nor the time, to follow all the scientific papers written. If you understand that, why would you want to get your information from a few people on the fringes rather than a consensus of the vast majority of climate scientists?

Is that how you decide between Creationism and Evolution?

Edit: changed "not" to "nor".
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Veteran Member
She is regularly invited to provide input to Congress, and is considered generally as one of the top climate scientists.

By whom?

Naturally the left in all its forms are critical of her because of her skeptical position, but her credential speak for themselves...here is her bio... Judith Curry - Wikipedia
Given that many members of Congress are science deniers, it is no surprise that Curry is called to testify.

Curry's bio from your link:
Education B.Sc. in geography, Ph.D. in geophysical sciences

Mann's bio from Michael E. Mann — Penn State Meteorology and Atmospheric Science
  • Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science Penn State
  • Joint Appointment with the Department of Geosciences
  • Director, Earth System Science Center
  1. PhD -- Yale University
Research Specialties:
Atmospheric Business and Policy:
Atmospheric Dynamics:
Earth-Atmosphere Interactions:
Statistical Meteorology:

Hearing on climate change and natural disasters: Today

The two links above are prepared statements to Congress by Curry and Michael Mann.

Curry's testimony contains her opinions with no supporting documents.
Mann's testimony contains dozens of references to the sources supporting his arguments.


Veteran Member
That leads me to wonder if anyone has done a study to determine how many Evolution deniers are also AGW deniers. I'm guessing that there would be a significant correlation.
On the other hand science deniers, 911 conspirators, Evolution deniers, AGW deniers, certainly can be relegated to cult status.

Does my comment about a correlation of AGW deniers and Evolution deniers apply to you?

The last UN head of the IPCC said it was his religion...."As if to confirm the widespread view among skeptics of man-made climate-change theories that global-warming alarmism is akin to a religious cult, United Nations “climate science” boss Rajendra K. Pachauri admitted in his resignation letter this week that his crusade to purportedly save the planet from CO2 is more than just a mission — it is his “religion.” "

UN Climate Boss Resigns in Scandal, Says Mission Is “Religion”

ps..I suspect the reason the link to the letter no longer works is it was removed because of the embarrassment to the AGW movement.

I see that you took a silent 5th Amendment position regarding:
That leads me to wonder if anyone has done a study to determine how many Evolution deniers are also AGW deniers. I'm guessing that there would be a significant correlation.

Does my comment about a correlation of AGW deniers and Evolution deniers apply to you?
It may not be fair but, when people take the 5th, we usually suspect they are hiding something.
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Veteran Member
I've already provided a link to show the wide spread msm coverage in a previous comment in reply to Subduction Zone.
But you don't want to share it with me. OK.

ETA: I've backlinked but cannot find any link by you that shows "wide spread msm coverage".
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Veteran Member
He is referred to as a climate researcher and heads the National Centre for Climate Restoration, but I can't see any science credentials.
I'll ask again, why did you reference him if he has no scientific credentials?

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
You're trying to say that because someone once wrote a story about Bergdoff's, then later claims she was raped at Bergdoff's, her rape claim couldn't possibly be true because she had previously written about Bergdoff's. So, what I'm wondering is why you think that's a coherent argument.
Perhaps it would have been easier to just say it as you have in this post, the attempt at black humor did not work for me....never mind.

Ben Dhyan

Veteran Member
Most of us do not have the education, not the time, to follow all the scientific papers written. If you understand that, why would you want to get your information from a few people on the fringes rather than a consensus of the vast majority of climate scientists?

Is that how you decide between Creationism and Evolution?
I get to read information from both sides, and came to the conclusion that "the world is doomed" is not the case, human civilization will cope with the climate changes ahead.


Veteran Member
I get to read information from both sides, and came to the conclusion that "the world is doomed" is not the case, human civilization will cope with the climate changes ahead.
Yeah. The world is not doomed. Define "cope". Will millions of displaced people "cope"? Will countries "cope" with water rights?

BTW you have continued to ignore...
Is that how you decide between Creationism and Evolution?