i respectfull of all faths but i was jus wondering what makes not a christian if your not one
i did ask meself why not a muslim or anything other religious but i dont no i relly not intrest in religion but i have to be a good christian to umpress parents
so why you not a christian
- I have found no good reason to believe in any god.
- I have found many good reasons to conclude that religious beliefs are human creations.
- I see contradictions in the theology of Christianity.
- I find it absurd to think that an all-powerful god, desperate to communicate a message to all of humanity, would use a book of hearsay to do it.
- I consider the Atonement to be an unjust theology, and therefore irreconcilable with the idea of a God of Love
- I think that eternal punishment is infinitely disproportionate to any crime and therefore unjust... and again, irreconcilable with the idea of a God of Love.
- (This may depend a bit on what denomination you're talking about, but FWIW...) I see great harm perpetrated by people following Christianity, which again suggests to me the beliefs that motivate this harm is not the product of a God of Love.
- Every bit of evidence I've seen has indicated to me that the mind is inextricably linked with the brain, and because of this, I think it's unreasonable to presume that the mind can survive the death of the physical brain... which I think undermines any claims of an afterlife.
- While I allow for the possibility that there might be a real historical person at the centre of the Jesus myth, I think the mythic and miraculous elements of the Gospel story are best explained as later additions.
- I think that the evidence at hand suggests that many of the stories of the Old Testament, including the Creation myth, the flood story, and the Exodus, are false.
... that's what comes to mind right away. I'm sure there's more stuff. Back when my wife was pushing me to become Catholic and kept asking me "why won't you get baptized?" I finally sat down and wrote out my objections in three columns: one for Catholicism specifically, one for Christianity as a whole, and one for theism in general. My list of objections was six hand-written pages long. I've since lost the sheet, but needless to say, I have plenty of reasons for why I'm not a Christian.