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Yahweh better than Krishna?


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
I love this pic:



Premium Member
I don't think a lot of people read the last part of the OP.

Basically, because the OP claims Yahweh tends to have emotional problems sometimes, and this world is full of suffering, wouldn't he be more likely to be real.
Thats why I answered no somewhere hiding on page two. We would all be obliterated if Yahweh were God. At the very least Vegas would get fire from the sky. That's why Christians have believed the end is coming for the past two thousand years yet here we still are.
I love this pic

That is so sweet! I used to have the artist's Bhagavad Gita book too, which I gave away to a young devotee boy and his mother as a gift in charity.

These are the Deities of the ISKCON temple that I regularly attend. They are Sri Sri Radha Madan-Mohan (or Radha-Krishna Deities). They are very sweet, and I love Them very much!



Twig pentagram

High Priest
Because the soul remembers, then the soul does influence the unconcious and the subconcious and then the concious, so over various reincarnations, one learns.
I AM my soul. Therfore if my soul remember, I remember. And if I don't
remember, my soul doesn't remember.


Aspiring Sri VaishNava
There is zero doubt that Sri Krushna is indeed the Supreme Brahman....The only authority is the Vedas for the sanatana dharma or now modernly called as 'hinduism'.
Even the different schools like Dwaita/ Advaita/ Visista advaita acharyas/gurus accepted Sri Krushna as the supreme Brahman. Unlike other religions like muhammad/jesus they have never claimed to be anything near god and their followers says they are just prophets. Sri Krushna has the supreme authority to claim he is the Bhagawan or the supreme himself and the fact that Bhagawadgita is sustaining after 5000 years is a just a simple proof of Sri Krushna's authority. Even the Vedas supported it, if the Bhagawad Gita is against Vedas, we can reject it, but is totally in line with the Vedas.

If one wants to even start understanding of BG, he needs to understand that he/she is not the physical body which is prone to changes and death, physical body is just a vehicle that the jIva/atma/Soul resides in, just like one lives in a house but he is not the house. Atma/ Soul is eternal and it is neither a he/she. It just occupies a physical body based on the past karma it accrued. Soul/Atma is eternal and nothing can destroy and soul is the actual 'I'. I am the soul/atma and I occupy different physical bodies based on the karma. Until the entire Karma is gone, the soul wanders in the cycles of life and death. If by grace of a guru, one gets the knowledge in accordance to Vedas and he surrenders to Supreme Krushna, then only the atma gets released from cycles of life and birth and it will reach a place called 'Vaikuntam' where it attains Vishnu/Krushna form(though he is beyond forms and is in all forms) and serves him eternally and enjoys eternal bliss.

The sanatana dharma does not rely on the heaven and hell that much because those who got to heaven and hell again has to return back to earth when their good/bad virtue is over and will have to occupy a physical body again...heaven and hell are just very low level planes.
That is why it is said if you do a certain work expecting that it will form good virtue, immediately it is like a golden handcuffs because to enjoy that fruit you have to come back again to this mundane world, the same goes with bad virtue, except you go to hell for sometime and again come back to be caught in cycles of life and death, these are iron handcuffs. The idea is to get liberated.

Sri Shankara Bhagavatpada who belongs to advaita tradition says in his commentary to the only 1 of 700 slokas of Gita :

"(Lord Krishna says) 'I, the Supreme Parabrahman known by name as vAsudeva, am the source of the whole world. From Me alone evolves the whole universe in all its changes, including existence and dissolution, action, effect, and enjoyment'":

ahaM paraM brahma vAsudevAkhyaM sarvasya jagataH prabhava utpattiH | matta eva sthiti-nAsha-kriyA-phalopabhoga-lakSaNaM vikriyA-rUpaM sarvaM jagat pravartate |

"It (the Bhagavad Gita) expounds specially the nature of the Supreme Being and the Truth known as vAsudeva, the para-brahman, who forms the subject matter of the discourse":
paramArtha-tattvaM ca vAsudevAkhyaM parabrahma-abhideya-bhUtaM visheSataH abhivyaj~nayad vishiSTa-prayojana-sambandha-abhideyavad gItA-shAstraM

In the below verse, Lord Narayana, in his Krishna form, teaches the following to Arjuna: "I am seated in the hearts/manas(sanskrit) of all beings. Memory, knowledge, as well as their loss come from Me. I alone am to be known from all the Vedas

sarvasya ca-ahaM hRdi sanniviSTo mattaH smRtirj~nAnamapohanaM ca |

vedaishca sarvairahameva vedyo vedantakRt-vedavit-eva ca-aham ||
(Bhagavad Gita 15.15)

In the bhagavad gItA bhAShya 11.43, Shri Shankara says that Vishnu is the unparallelled Supreme Deity, and that there can not be another Supreme Deity, since that would violate logic:

na tvat samo.asti, abhi adhika kuto-anyo loka-trayo-api, apratima-prabhAva?
(Bhagavad Gita, 11.43)

[There is none who is equal to you, and when that is the case, how even can there be any who is superior to You in any of three worlds, Oh Lord, who is of unrivaled power?]

Though the Lord’s(nArayaNa) incarnation as Rama lasted for a longer duration than His incarnation as Krishna, it is in this latter episode that the Lord(nArayaNa) demonstrated the unbounded limits of His easy accessibility (saulabhya). It is the possibility that the Supreme Lord, whose greatness spans a vast expanse that the Vedas fail to successfully describe (yata vaco nivartante), and whose abode remains unattainable to seers performing rigorous austerities, can descend down this earth, walk amongst cowherds, engage in memorable pastimes, and above all, demystify the Upanisads to posterity in the form of Bhagavad Gita, that makes Him celebrate-worthy. Has there been a more generous and an easily approachable God?


Desert Snake

Veteran Member

I don't want to offend Hindus and people of pagan faiths, but isn't the Abrahamic idea of an angry God much better than the sweet, loving god of the pagans? Consider a terrible tragedy like the plague which wiped out half of Europe. It's easy to believe that an angry God of the OT allowed it to happen rather than a 'nice, happy' god like Krishna.

So if at all one believes in God, wouldn't the Abrahamic one be more reasonable, considering the tragedies that always occur in this world?

So many flaws in this, where do I start.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member

I don't want to offend Hindus and people of pagan faiths, but isn't the Abrahamic idea of an angry God much better than the sweet, loving god of the pagans? Consider a terrible tragedy like the plague which wiped out half of Europe. It's easy to believe that an angry God of the OT allowed it to happen rather than a 'nice, happy' god like Krishna.

So if at all one believes in God, wouldn't the Abrahamic one be more reasonable, considering the tragedies that always occur in this world?
The Bible shows us that Jehovah, the God of the Bible, is not an angry God, but a happy God. (1 Timothy 1:11) the sickness and death, as well as the other tragedies that befall mankind, are not God's fault, but the consequences of Adam's rebellion against God.

David M

Well-Known Member

I don't want to offend Hindus and people of pagan faiths, but isn't the Abrahamic idea of an angry God much better than the sweet, loving god of the pagans? Consider a terrible tragedy like the plague which wiped out half of Europe. It's easy to believe that an angry God of the OT allowed it to happen rather than a 'nice, happy' god like Krishna.

So if at all one believes in God, wouldn't the Abrahamic one be more reasonable, considering the tragedies that always occur in this world?

So a narcissitic genocidal jealous God is better than one who is not such a mass-murdering maniac?


Well-Known Member
If God really were powerful, he could've created a world where no matter what we do, we'd be happy.

We wouldn't know what "being" happy felt like if we didn't have to capability to feel, "be" sad. No matter how sad we are, we are still trying to survive, live, be happy. What needs altered are our minds and hearts from within. There is definitely another side of the sea that's blissful, restful, and peaceful rather than pain and suffering. That's where "faith" comes in, belief that there is a way out, a different state of conscious and being that can be found within. Not belief or faith in lies, delusions, myths... But faith and belief within oneself and in themselves. That latent force of potential exists within us all. It takes personal work from within, change, and discipline. If one is content with the way they are by living in despair, so be it... Despair is a self-created mental illusion to keep us down.


Well-Known Member
So a narcissitic genocidal jealous God is better than one who is not such a mass-murdering maniac?

I suppose it's a hypothetical question, would one rather want a jealous and angry "God" destroying or a loving and happy "God" destroying, if those hypothetical "God's" existed.


Well-Known Member
The Bible shows us that Jehovah, the God of the Bible, is not an angry God, but a happy God. (1 Timothy 1:11) the sickness and death, as well as the other tragedies that befall mankind, are not God's fault, but the consequences of Adam's rebellion against God.

Either the atom rebelled and/or the conscious mind rebelled.


Well-Known Member
You know, as a child, Krishna was quite the troublemaker. ;)

Yes, what a magicians trick... Something symbolic for the ego mind within becoming a deity of the ego created by the ego mind and the mind lacking awareness of this. Complete trickery and deceit, unconscious of this trickster.