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Yawn in first minute during Praying God or reading my Holy Book !!!!


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I found it , it's realy interrstinge when i always when I start to read Quran or during the praying time i yawn .in the first minute or less 30 second , some of you tell it's boring or,make this thread as a joke , but accuatly I am telling something I always expert it . the Satan exist and he fight us by this secrect arm.!!!

I made research and i found this :
Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen (may Allaah have mercy on him) said:
Yawning comes from the Shaytaan, as is narrated in saheeh reports from the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). So if a person yawns, whether during prayer or otherwise, he should suppress his yawning if he can, and if he cannot, then he should place his hand over his mouth, whether he is praying or not.
it's something could be tested by most of Muslims ,but i don't know if it's happened to non-muslims .try to read other books and read Quran and you will find out what i mean .

in first minute you will feel yawning , to fight this ask help from God to push the Satan from you , because The Satan fighting/push you, to don't read the Quran or pray God .

Islam Question and Answer - He has the problem of yawning a great deal whilst praying


Hostis humani generis
Yawning is from Shaytan. I've always found this interesting ever since I first heard it.

My question is, why? It makes no sense. It's so common, and so harmless -- birds and mammals do it, babies, children, adults, etc. all yawn. Around the age someone first yawns is 11 weeks after conception, in the womb. Humans yawn about 5 times a day. How can something so harmless, and so frequent, in all ages and in so many species, be from Shaytan? Why demonize it?

Are you sure that this is not being misunderstood by followers of Muhammad, who was saying something else, like "yawning [as in, being bored] is from Shaytan [as it is an obstacle to paying attention]"?


I want Khilafah back
Yawning is from Shaytan. I've always found this interesting ever since I first heard it.

My question is, why? It makes no sense. It's so common, and so harmless -- birds and mammals do it, babies, children, adults, etc. all yawn. Around the age someone first yawns is 11 weeks after conception, in the womb. Humans yawn about 5 times a day. How can something so harmless, and so frequent, in all ages and in so many species, be from Shaytan? Why demonize it?

Are you sure that this is not being misunderstood by followers of Muhammad, who was saying something else, like "yawning [as in, being bored] is from Shaytan [as it is an obstacle to paying attention]"?

see if the information on the link below is helpful:

Muttaqun OnLine - Yawning: According to Quran and Sunnah


Dr. Greenthumb
lol Is it Shaytan making me yawn when I only get 3 hours of sleep? Instead of making foolish threads, answer my post from the other thread. I am just dieing to hear from you


Hostis humani generis
see if the information on the link below is helpful:

Muttaqun OnLine - Yawning: According to Quran and Sunnah
It gives some quotes from the time, akhi, but it doesn't really explain why. It just gives a few quotes about it

I don't know how to say this without it looking like I'm being deliberately disrespectful, but you know this is not my intention. My opinion is...

My opinion is that this looks, in my eyes, more like Muhammad was giving a metaphor for yawning is not constructive, as it, along with other things -- vomiting, nose bleeding, and noticing menstruation blood on the lady in front of you are all disruptive to your prayers, and so can disrupt one's focus on Allah, as well as other's focus: people are not going to prostrate into someone's vomit, or prostrate close to someone if they can see menstrual blood, for example. They may stop praying to check if someone is bleeding from the nose, or their mind may wander, and they may hear someone yawn and look over at them - all of which distract from God.

To me, it merely says "avoid causing disruption to others".

It appears that this idea has been transformed throughout the ages, unsuspectingly, into one where Allah is somehow displeased by a perfectly natural bodily function and they are caused by actual evil spirits.

Does this make sense? :)


I want Khilafah back
It gives some quotes from the time, akhi, but it doesn't really explain why. It just gives a few quotes about it

Akhi, where'd you learn that :D nice.

I don't know how to say this without it looking like I'm being deliberately disrespectful, but you know this is not my intention. My opinion is...

there is nothing disrespectful about giving your view.

My opinion is that this looks, in my eyes, more like Muhammad was giving a metaphor for yawning is not constructive, as it, along with other things -- vomiting, nose bleeding, and noticing menstruation blood on the lady in front of you are all disruptive to your prayers, and so can disrupt one's focus on Allah, as well as other's focus: people are not going to prostrate into someone's vomit, or prostrate close to someone if they can see menstrual blood, for example. They may stop praying to check if someone is bleeding from the nose, or their mind may wander, and they may hear someone yawn and look over at them - all of which distract from God.

To me, it merely says "avoid causing disruption to others".

It appears that this idea has been transformed throughout the ages, unsuspectingly, into one where Allah is somehow displeased by a perfectly natural bodily function and they are caused by actual evil spirits.

Does this make sense? :)

what you've said makes sense. i can understand your view point but if they are things that distract muslims from praying to God properly, so too is death a distraction along with eating, we cannot pray while having something in our mouths, prayer is invalidated once something is swallowed, but no mention of death being something from the devil nor eating. in sahih muslim the hadith regarding yawning are mentioned in 2 scenarios, praying and not praying, and the same thing is said, ie. to cover ones mouth because the devil enters therein. of course this is part of the islamic belief so others may or may not accept or understand this.

also, passing wind (farting) is something that invalidates prayer and ablution, and it distracts a muslims from worship, but this is not associated with the devil.

here's something for you to try if you want Odion. in another hadith, the prophet peace be upon him has said that the devil blows into ones nose and thats when we yawn, so i have personally wanted to prove if it was so and i have told other people about it, who have confirmed to me that if you block/press tightly your nose, your yawning will cease. however the prophet peace be upon him has not said that we must close our nose to stop the yawning he has said to place the hand over the mouth, this is just something i tried for myself. you don't have to try it though.

one more thing, muslims believe in the Decree of Allah, the good of it and the bad of it. it is the 6th pillar of Iman (faith). some examples of this bad decree would be, death, loss of wealth, loss of property/crops ultimately it's something bad that man can't change. we don't say that this is from the Shaytan simply because it is something bad.

i hope my reply explains it a bit more from the islamic view.
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I want Khilafah back
Yeah... in cases like these, I take a more Quranist perspective in such matters...

no offence, but to me that sounds like the easy way out.
lets say you were a muslim, a quranist muslim to be precise, who doesn't accept the hadith for the reason you have stated, would you do the same with the qur'an if you came across a verse that was difficult for you to understand? logically as i see it, the answer is yes.

i don't mean to be disrespectful for having your say.


Hostis humani generis
what you've said makes sense. i can understand your view point but if they are things that distract muslims from praying to God properly, so too is death a distraction along with eating, we cannot pray while having something in our mouths, prayer is invalidated once something is swallowed, but no mention of death being something from the devil nor eating. in sahih muslim the hadith regarding yawning are mentioned in 2 scenarios, praying and not praying, and the same thing is said, ie. to cover ones mouth because the devil enters therein. of course this is part of the islamic belief so others may or may not accept or understand this.
That's because eating and death are essential in life. Saying that death or eating are in some way linked to the Shaytan would be to deny God's authority.

also, passing wind (farting) is something that invalidates prayer and ablution, and it distracts a muslims from worship, but this is not associated with the devil.
A lot of Muslims, though, have become obsessed with what invalidates wudhu. I did a quick search on the internet, and I found a few things which hint at passing wind also being seen as "from Shaytan" (such as thinking you have passed wind when you have not), and so it still appears that Shaytan is often used for things. For example, Shaytan urinating in the ears hadith -- that, to me, sounds like a metaphor for forgetting Allah in the worst way (by being lazy and having no excuse for it), and so on and so forth. My opinion, anyway. :)

here's something for you to try if you want Odion. in another hadith, the prophet peace be upon him has said that the devil blows into ones nose and thats when we yawn, so i have personally wanted to prove if it was so and i have told other people about it, who have confirmed to me that if you block/press tightly your nose, your yawning will cease. however the prophet peace be upon him has not said that we must close our nose to stop the yawning he has said to place the hand over the mouth, this is just something i tried for myself. you don't have to try it though.
I've tried it this morning; I've been up since 3am. (My son is ill, so I'm so tired.) I tired it -- whilst I can stop yawning by doing it -- the yawn comes back pretty quickly (less than a minute or so, it seems), and I found that sometimes (I've yawned a lot :cover:) I may yawn through a closed mouth, and it just makes my eyes water. :D
no offence, but to me that sounds like the easy way out.
lets say you were a muslim, a quranist muslim to be precise, who doesn't accept the hadith for the reason you have stated, would you do the same with the qur'an if you came across a verse that was difficult for you to understand? logically as i see it, the answer is yes.

i don't mean to be disrespectful for having your say.

Actually, that's not true at all. Quranists generally have absolutely no say with the hadiths... rather the focus is on the Quran, and on one's own common sense.

Yawning is something natural that the human body does under fatigue. All the verses given about yawning and Satan come from the hadiths, and not in the Quran at all. I can see where yawning can prove to be a distraction when one performs salat (obligatory prayers) to God; however, yawning as a sign from Satan is as unfound Quranically as when many say that women walking in front of a man nullifies his prayer.


I want Khilafah back
A lot of Muslims, though, have become obsessed with what invalidates wudhu. I did a quick search on the internet, and I found a few things which hint at passing wind also being seen as "from Shaytan" (such as thinking you have passed wind when you have not), and so it still appears that Shaytan is often used for things. For example, Shaytan urinating in the ears hadith -- that, to me, sounds like a metaphor for forgetting Allah in the worst way (by being lazy and having no excuse for it), and so on and so forth. My opinion, anyway. :)

the shaytan is associated with doubtfulness. anything that has to do with doubt is from the devil, whether it's from doubting food as being halal to doubting a faithful wife. and the advice we are given is to ignore it (ignoring it varies from one thing to the other, it depends what the case/scenario is). the hadith about doubt is like this:

Narrated An-Nu'man bin Bashir: I heard Allah's Apostle saying, 'Both legal (Halal) and illegal (Haram) things are evident but in between them there are doubtful (suspicious) things and most of the people have no knowledge about them. So whoever saves himself from these suspicious things saves his religion and his honor. And whoever indulges in these suspicious things is like a shepherd who grazes (his animals) near the Hima (private pasture) of someone else and at any moment he is liable to get in it. (O people!) Beware! Every king has a Hima and the Hima of Allah on the earth is His illegal (forbidden) things. Beware! There is a piece of flesh in the body if it becomes good (reformed) the whole body becomes good but if it gets spoilt the whole body gets spoilt and that is the heart. (Book #2, Hadith #49)

people are very concerned with what invalidates wudhu since an invalid wudhu nullifies prayer, which is pretty important to us. for example, if someone doesn't pass wind but they think they did, what should they do? start praying from the beginning when their current prayer is valid or continue praying believing that their prayer is not valid? so scholars explain such situations to make it easy on people.

as for the urination hadith on the one who doesn't pray the Isha (evening prayer) i do not know if that hadith is real, i have heard it before too and once i read it as part of an article/story so i don't know if scholars accept it as real or not as i have not read of it anywhere else, however having not read it doesn't make it fake but i'm just saying.

I've tried it this morning; I've been up since 3am. (My son is ill, so I'm so tired.) I tired it -- whilst I can stop yawning by doing it -- the yawn comes back pretty quickly (less than a minute or so, it seems), and I found that sometimes (I've yawned a lot :cover:) I may yawn through a closed mouth, and it just makes my eyes water. :D

i'm sorry to hear about your son, winter can be nasty at times on children, i hope he gets well soon.

see it works. ;). when i first tried this after reading that hadith about the devil blowing into our nose, i have never doubted the truthfulness of that hadith. it's been years.

i too have noticed that after stopping the yawn from closing my nose, it's happened again right after.the devil seems to be very determined, cursed be he.

i don't know how much of what i've said you believe, but we are both just giving our opinions on the matter.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
lol Is it Shaytan making me yawn when I only get 3 hours of sleep? Instead of making foolish threads, answer my post from the other thread. I am just dieing to hear from you
I am talking about something could be experted by anyone , even if you was just wake up , the yawn is happening when you start reading Quran because it's Satan arm .


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Actually, that's not true at all. Quranists generally have absolutely no say with the hadiths... rather the focus is on the Quran, and on one's own common sense.

Yawning is something natural that the human body does under fatigue. All the verses given about yawning and Satan come from the hadiths, and not in the Quran at all. I can see where yawning can prove to be a distraction when one performs salat (obligatory prayers) to God; however, yawning as a sign from Satan is as unfound Quranically as when many say that women walking in front of a man nullifies his prayer.
I am wonder how somepeople believe only In Quran , without Suna (hadiths) , it's just like when some one believe in tree without roots !!!!! or book without references and menu and histroy .
accuatly God mention to this situation
Lo! the hypocrites seek to beguile Allah, but it is He Who beguileth them. When they stand up to worship they perform it languidly and to be seen of men, and are mindful of Allah but little;

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
I found it , it's realy interrstinge when i always when I start to read Quran or during the praying time i yawn .in the first minute or less 30 second , some of you tell it's boring or,make this thread as a joke , but accuatly I am telling something I always expert it . the Satan exist and he fight us by this secrect arm.!!!

I made research and i found this :

it's something could be tested by most of Muslims ,but i don't know if it's happened to non-muslims .try to read other books and read Quran and you will find out what i mean .

in first minute you will feel yawning , to fight this ask help from God to push the Satan from you , because The Satan fighting/push you, to don't read the Quran or pray God .

Islam Question and Answer - He has the problem of yawning a great deal whilst praying

I don't think it has anything to do with the Shaytan,when you consider that other animals yawn its not such a big deal,my guess is we are like other Animals in some respects

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
I can agree to covering your yawn if you can't hold it in, it's just polite. I would never yawn when someone is telling me something, they might think they're boring me.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I can agree to covering your yawn if you can't hold it in, it's just polite. I would never yawn when someone is telling me something, they might think they're boring me.
boring is maybe comes when you read something you don't like or it's by force .....
we "the muslims " face this problem almost always , when we read maybe any other books we don't yawn !!!! but the Quran we love it and we saint it, the yawn start after few moments !!! especialy when you read it in your heart (silence) .
many Hadiths ask the Muslims to pray God just before reading Quran .to avoid the Satan


Active Member
(al-An`am: The Cattle) 125 And whomsoever it is Allah's will to guide, He expandeth his bosom unto the Surrender, and whomsoever it is His Will to send astray, He maketh his bosom close and narrow as if he were engaged in sheer ascent. Thus Allah layeth ignominy upon those who believe not.

brother, I think It's lack of oxygen. just like those who climb mount everest, as much as they ascend, the amount of oxygen decrease.

however, We are not talking about hights here, we are talking about prayer , so when someone strive to concentrate in his prayer and try hard to avoid thinking about secular affairs ,the bosom shrink and get narrower due to embarrassment, therefore you may yawn to satisfy your body need of oxygen.

The same can be said for feeling bored, annoyed...

so may be satan has a role in this issue, he try to disturb you during prayer by grabing your attention to other issues, so your prayer become meaningless, so you start to feel boared or embarrassed or annoyed unwillingly.