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Yawn in first minute during Praying God or reading my Holy Book !!!!


Well-Known Member
What happens when one farts while reading the quran?

  1. Passing gas, i.e. breaking wind
  2. Abu Hurairah
    reported that the Messenger of Allah [FONT=Helvetica, Arial]
    [/FONT]said, "Allah does not accept the prayer of a person who has released gas until he makes a new ablution." A person from Hadhramaut asked Abu Hurairah, "What does releasing gas mean?" He answered, "Wind with or without sound." [Related by al-Bukhari and Muslim.]
  • Abu Hurairah
    also narrated that the Prophet [FONT=Helvetica, Arial]
    [/FONT] said, "If one of you finds a disturbance in his abdomen and is not certain if he has released any gas or not, he should not leave the mosque unless he hears its sound or smells its scent." [Related by Muslim.]
  • 'Abbad ibn Tameem
    related that his uncle queried the Prophet [FONT=Helvetica, Arial]
    [/FONT] about a person who feels something in his abdomen while praying. Said the Prophet [FONT=Helvetica, Arial]
    [/FONT], "He should not leave (the prayer) until he hears it or smells it." [Related by Muslim, Abu Dawud and at-Tirmidhi.]
This takes me back to my point about induced OCD.

I have also observed the behavioural codes of the Hare Krishna sect, and it is very similar. I remember a swami giving a talk in which he stated that the monastic disciplines are designed to remove the possibility of anything other than 'devotional service' in the devotees day. Every moment is constrained by rules and regulations so that eventually the devotee's mind has effectively been obliterated.

This obliteration of personal identity is considered to be 'purification'.

In other words, by removing freedom of choice by brute force one arrives at an imitation of egolessness.

" Everything not compulsory is illegal" seems to be the notion here.

In my opinion this is not purification but systematic depersonalisation. The resulting absence of individual characteristics is interpreted as 'obedience' and deemed a virtue.


Hostis humani generis
the shaytan is associated with doubtfulness. anything that has to do with doubt is from the devil, whether it's from doubting food as being halal to doubting a faithful wife. and the advice we are given is to ignore it (ignoring it varies from one thing to the other, it depends what the case/scenario is). the hadith about doubt is like this:
I think that's what it boils down to; not the act themselves, but things associated with them.

Taken literally, they seem strange and unbelievable to people on the outside. Religion, Islam included should in my opinion make sense and not cling to literalism and shouldn't take things at face value.

I'm sure we both know (of, anyway; I can't remember where it is or by whom it was narrated; it may not even be an authentic hadith), Muhammad said that Shaytan also live under the fingernails. Along with Shaytan laughing at us when we yawn, urinating in our ears if we sleep through the evening and dawn prayers and so on, if taken literally, they do look strange to an outside observer. If we consider that Shaytan here is synonymous with doubtfulness, negativity, and, and in some cases -- such as underneath the fingernails -- with unhygienic "evils", it makes a lot more sense.

i'm sorry to hear about your son, winter can be nasty at times on children, i hope he gets well soon.
Thank you eselam. He seems a bit better today. Unfortunately I've caught it as well. I blame my wife's sister -- she's a carrier. She never catches any colds, but she gives them to everyone else. :D

i don't know how much of what i've said you believe, but we are both just giving our opinions on the matter.
Indeed; I think that's all we can do. Neither of us are scholars. It's nice to hear different opinions, though. :)

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
I found it , it's realy interrstinge when i always when I start to read Quran or during the praying time i yawn .in the first minute or less 30 second , some of you tell it's boring or,make this thread as a joke , but accuatly I am telling something I always expert it . the Satan exist and he fight us by this secrect arm.!!!

I made research and i found this :

it's something could be tested by most of Muslims ,but i don't know if it's happened to non-muslims .try to read other books and read Quran and you will find out what i mean .

in first minute you will feel yawning , to fight this ask help from God to push the Satan from you , because The Satan fighting/push you, to don't read the Quran or pray God .

Islam Question and Answer - He has the problem of yawning a great deal whilst praying

The real question is: when the believer yawns during prayer does it cause God to yawn as well? I mean, contagious yawning works with other people as well as other animal species. It has even been correlated with the degree of empathy for certain members of different species.


Tarzan, Cheetah and the Contagious Yawn - NYTimes.com
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I want Khilafah back
The real question is: when the believer yawns during prayer does it cause God to yawn as well? I mean, contagious yawning works with other people as well as other animal species. It has even been correlated with the degree of empathy for certain members of different species.

Does Your Dog Yawn When You Do? | Today's Woof

Tarzan, Cheetah and the Contagious Yawn - NYTimes.com

God isn't affected by his creation. he doesn't ever yawn, just as he doesn't ever sleep or eat.

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
God isn't affected by his creation. he doesn't ever yawn, just as he doesn't ever sleep or eat.

So nothing we do can possibly affect him, then? I mean, since he cannot be affected by his creation we are wholly separated in your perspective?


Well-Known Member
I found it , it's realy interrstinge when i always when I start to read Quran or during the praying time i yawn .in the first minute or less 30 second , some of you tell it's boring or,make this thread as a joke , but accuatly I am telling something I always expert it . the Satan exist and he fight us by this secrect arm.!!!

I made research and i found this :

it's something could be tested by most of Muslims ,but i don't know if it's happened to non-muslims .try to read other books and read Quran and you will find out what i mean .

in first minute you will feel yawning , to fight this ask help from God to push the Satan from you , because The Satan fighting/push you, to don't read the Quran or pray God .

Islam Question and Answer - He has the problem of yawning a great deal whilst praying
Try just skimming over the words, who knows what you may find;)


I want Khilafah back
I think that's what it boils down to; not the act themselves, but things associated with them.

Taken literally, they seem strange and unbelievable to people on the outside. Religion, Islam included should in my opinion make sense and not cling to literalism and shouldn't take things at face value.

I'm sure we both know (of, anyway; I can't remember where it is or by whom it was narrated; it may not even be an authentic hadith), Muhammad said that Shaytan also live under the fingernails. Along with Shaytan laughing at us when we yawn, urinating in our ears if we sleep through the evening and dawn prayers and so on, if taken literally, they do look strange to an outside observer. If we consider that Shaytan here is synonymous with doubtfulness, negativity, and, and in some cases -- such as underneath the fingernails -- with unhygienic "evils", it makes a lot more sense.

so what about yawning then? as i mentioned before about the hadith where the devil blows into our nose and makes us yawn, you block your nose and the yawning stops. you said yourself that it works. do you take that islamic perspective to be correct about the devil actually causing us to yawn, or do you think this fits in with the rest of what you've said above?
however as for the rest that you have said, i could just as easily say that they too are like the yawning example, but you do make a good point and i will actually inquire whether those hadith should be taken as literal as they have, or is it just a metaphor.

as for the hadith about the devil residing in our nails when there is lightning and thunder, it is true, i have read it before. i don't think that the devil is associated with uncleanliness of the nails since the hadith mentions a specific time and period of when the devil takes refuge in the nails. i don't think that the Prophet peace be upon him speaks of it in a metaphorical way.

Thank you eselam. He seems a bit better today. Unfortunately I've caught it as well. I blame my wife's sister -- she's a carrier. She never catches any colds, but she gives them to everyone else. :D

well lucky her then :p. i hope you all recover soon. all the best.

Indeed; I think that's all we can do. Neither of us are scholars. It's nice to hear different opinions, though. :)

i agree. you do make some good points.


I want Khilafah back
So nothing we do can possibly affect him, then?

everything that exists is his creation, so i'd say nothing. he is not bound by time and space along with everything else.

I mean, since he cannot be affected by his creation we are wholly separated in your perspective?

what do you mean by this statement i don't get it, sorry.

do you mean that you and i are separated by this perspective?

Straw Dog

Well-Known Member
everything that exists is his creation, so i'd say nothing. he is not bound by time and space along with everything else.

Fair enough. After all, I don't intend to dissuade you from your principle belief. I just don't understand how the creator can be wholly separated from his creation. I mean, what did he make creation out of if not from himself?

what do you mean by this statement i don't get it, sorry.

do you mean that you and i are separated by this perspective?

I just don't believe there is a separation between the source of all being and all individual beings. They must be continuous with one another, right? God must be within us all, male and female equally, living and non-living, as well as the rest of "creation"? To me, to suggest otherwise diminishes the very definition of absolute, that is given the god you describe is absolute...?


Hostis humani generis
so what about yawning then? as i mentioned before about the hadith where the devil blows into our nose and makes us yawn, you block your nose and the yawning stops. you said yourself that it works. do you take that islamic perspective to be correct about the devil actually causing us to yawn, or do you think this fits in with the rest of what you've said above?
I think it's just one of the quirks of the human body. Perhaps there is some scientific explanation for it.

In the same way as if someone bites your elbow, you won't feel the pain; some other examples are things unblocking your nose by putting your tongue to the roof of your mouth and pressing between your eyebrows with one finger, and seeing "floaters" in our eyes, and the human eye blind spots.

If you would like to try the "blind spot" example, you can try it here:


Or see optical illusions:
10 Amazing Tricks to Play with your Brain / Mind

however as for the rest that you have said, i could just as easily say that they too are like the yawning example, but you do make a good point and i will actually inquire whether those hadith should be taken as literal as they have, or is it just a metaphor.
Please feel free to do so, and share with me your findings. :)

as for the hadith about the devil residing in our nails when there is lightning and thunder, it is true, i have read it before. i don't think that the devil is associated with uncleanliness of the nails since the hadith mentions a specific time and period of when the devil takes refuge in the nails. i don't think that the Prophet peace be upon him speaks of it in a metaphorical way.
What would you associate this with, if not a metaphor? What do you think would make the shaytan not only able to hide within our nails, but to blow in our nose and such so frequently?

The way I imagine it, is that Muhammad also spoke in metaphors, idioms, and so on. All languages have idioms, and all people use them. In my opinion, many teachers, especially of spirituality, will use metaphors, fables, and poetry to make their things more accessible to the general public, Muhammad would probably not have been an exception to this. One reason I think this may be the case is the whole "sun setting in a muddy puddle"; if we interpret it literally, it's unscientific and strange, but if we interpret it as a metaphor, it's suddenly a very pretty metaphor for watching the sun set in the water.

Just my opinion, though. :)

i agree. you do make some good points.
Thank you, you too. :)
I think it's just one of the quirks of the human body. Perhaps there is some scientific explanation for it.

In the same way as if someone bites your elbow, you won't feel the pain; some other examples are things unblocking your nose by putting your tongue to the roof of your mouth and pressing between your eyebrows with one finger, and seeing "floaters" in our eyes, and the human eye blind spots.

Please feel free to do so, and share with me your findings. :)

What would you associate this with, if not a metaphor? What do you think would make the shaytan not only able to hide within our nails, but to blow in our nose and such so frequently?

The way I imagine it, is that Muhammad also spoke in metaphors, idioms, and so on. All languages have idioms, and all people use them. In my opinion, many teachers, especially of spirituality, will use metaphors, fables, and poetry to make their things more accessible to the general public, Muhammad would probably not have been an exception to this. One reason I think this may be the case is the whole "sun setting in a muddy puddle"; if we interpret it literally, it's unscientific and strange, but if we interpret it as a metaphor, it's suddenly a very pretty metaphor for watching the sun set in the water.

Just my opinion, though. :)

Thank you, you too. :)

I agree!! :D

I find that worshipping the literalism of the Scripture will cause one to sometimes have a sceptical view of it, rather than a more wholesome one. I think there is room in harmonisation of the differing meanings found in the Hadith, and a metaphorical one is one that has been underappreciated or even thought about.

The Prophet was a man of his time. From growing up as an orphan and a simple merchant, to a man who loved God, taught about Em, and promoted the advancement of arts, sciences, civilised warfare, politics, philosophy, etc. Just as Jesus utilised parable and hyperbole in his teachings to disseminate among his people, likewise Muhammad, himself best beloved of God, would have also used simile, metaphor, and spiritual analogies by means of images; utilising metaphorical means to explain the spiritual significance of a physical action.

And of course, God knows best. :)


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
I agree!! :D

I find that worshipping the literalism of the Scripture will cause one to sometimes have a sceptical view of it, rather than a more wholesome one. I think there is room in harmonisation of the differing meanings found in the Hadith, and a metaphorical one is one that has been underappreciated or even thought about.

The Prophet was a man of his time. From growing up as an orphan and a simple merchant, to a man who loved God, taught about Em, and promoted the advancement of arts, sciences, civilised warfare, politics, philosophy, etc. Just as Jesus utilised parable and hyperbole in his teachings to disseminate among his people, likewise Muhammad, himself best beloved of God, would have also used simile, metaphor, and spiritual analogies by means of images; utilising metaphorical means to explain the spiritual significance of a physical action.

And of course, God knows best. :)

I owe you Frubals! :D

This reminds me of when I was young. My cousin used to say that if you leave the prayer rug lying open on the floor when you're not praying on it, then the Shaitan would pray there. Ummmm yeah, just a superstitious way of saying, "put the prayer rug away when you're done".
I owe you Frubals! :D

This reminds me of when I was young. My cousin used to say that if you leave the prayer rug lying open on the floor when you're not praying on it, then the Shaitan would pray there. Ummmm yeah, just a superstitious way of saying, "put the prayer rug away when you're done".

Well, if Satan is praying, isn't that a good thing then? :D

I wonder what ey would say when it came to A'udhu billahi minisshaytan'ir'rajim... How could ey try to stay safe away from emself?


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Well, if Satan is praying, isn't that a good thing then? :D

I wonder what ey would say when it came to A'udhu billahi minisshaytan'ir'rajim... How could ey try to stay safe away from emself?
Good point , but accuatly the role of Satan is disturb the prayer , during/while the praying .

England my lionheart

Rockerjahili Rebel
Premium Member
Good point , but accuatly the role of Satan is disturb the prayer , during/while the praying .

Or its "I'm tired,i need oxygen,i'm bored,do i really have to do this everyday",i wonder if our ancestors yawned when they crawled out of the promordial gruel .

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
Yawning is often actually a sign of anxiety. If you start yawning everytime you start to engage in a religious practice, this might mean something.