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Yeah, Catholic again...

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
The last maybe 6 months have been pretty tough on me, spiritually. A lot of change in meditations, understandings, visions, etc... It all ended last week when I was able to spiritually see what happens at the Consecration. WOW!!!!!!

I see no reason to be anything else now. I went to a Presbyterian Church, a Methodist church, a Lutheran church, and Baptist church, a Mormon church, a Byzantine Catholic church, an Eastern Orthodox church, and countless other "first church of this, church of this and that, etc...." And saw nothing of the like.

I have no idea why I wasn't able to see what happened in the spiritual realm during the Consecration before, but, I can't explain how amazing it is.

So as you all have noticed, I am a practicing Catholic again, with philosophical Taoist leanings (still hate words :D ), and still a Vigil in the sense where I and constantly vigil for the spirits, and especially the holy spirit.

Just thought I'd let everyone know. If anyone has any questions about my decision, they can ask here.


Veteran Member
Dan I have known you for about 2 years now. I have to confess given all the philosophy I have read that you have posted I am honestly lost as to why you gravitated towards Catholicism or Christianity. Not that that is bad or good, but more I am not understanding the fit given your personality.

If I can ask a question: Why Catholic over Pagan, Buddhism and UU? What made Catholic a better fit for you than those three?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
The last maybe 6 months have been pretty tough on me, spiritually. A lot of change in meditations, understandings, visions, etc... It all ended last week when I was able to spiritually see what happens at the Consecration. WOW!!!!!!
I know I would love to hear more about your transformations.

So as you all have noticed, I am a practicing Catholic again, with philosophical Taoist leanings (still hate words :D ), and still a Vigil in the sense where I and constantly vigil for the spirits, and especially the holy spirit.
That is awesome and yes, the "holy" spirit is quite an eye-opener ain't it?

Just thought I'd let everyone know. If anyone has any questions about my decision, they can ask here.
I am curious Dan, in another thread I was blathering on about "something" beyond the "nothingness" -- Do you have an inkling of what I mean now? Congrats on making an excellent choice Dan. I have the deepest respect for the current pope and any organization headed by such a brilliant mind cannot be too shabby.


Glass half Panda'd
The most amazing Christian mystical quality I have found is the Eucharist. And that is the center of the Catholic faith.

Gnostics had a Eucharist too. So does the Episcopal Church. I dont know about Orthodoxy... but I have a feeling that they might do Eucharist as well. I'm happy that you found a spiritual home. Hopefully I'm not coming off as, "CONVERT" because that is NOT what I wish to do. I'm actually thinking of attending an Orthodox church to aid my spiritual process as well. :) *hugs* congratulations, friend.

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
I'm sure you all know now about my connection with the spirit world. And my ability to sense spiritual activity, and understand spiritual activity. Well, needless to say I was actually able to see what happened during the consecration of the Eucharist. And I can't tell you how amazing and incredible it is. I've never, EVER, seen anything like it (from the spiritual perspective). The emanating power, the cleansing spiritual wind, the divine presence, the absolute peace and joy. I literally would give my entire life for this. I understand why people choose a vocation in the catholic church.

I know that other Christian churches have the Eucharist. I apologize if I hurt any feelings, but I attended many other churches; and what I saw happen at the Catholic mass did not happen anywhere else.

Trust me, I did not want to be Catholic. TRUST ME!!!! I wanted to become a Buddhist, or a Unitarian Universalist. However, I cannot rely solely on what "I" want. That has become very clear to me. What "I" think and what "I" want means jack. I cannot turn my back on such an awesome divine presence in the Catholic church merely because I don't agree with everything about it. How petty of me.

There is something amazing that is being passed down from the Pope all the way to the Priests. And I dunno about you, but I want in on it. :)

Super Universe

Defender of God
Sigh... I don't get it.

You say you have this ability to sense and understand spiritual activity and yet you wish to take a step backwards and follow a man (the pope or bishop) who doesn't have this ability?

The Church lacks enlightened direction. They continue to battle science instead of accepting it as God's way. They treat women as second class citizens. They are against personal choice, you must follow their rules and their rituals when choice is one of the greatest gifts God gave to us all.

There is no more divine presence in the Catholic Church than in any other place.

If it works for you, then so be it.

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
I knew people wouldn't believe me. But it's true! They do have this power!!!!!!! I've seen it!!! Some Catholics stances on evolution, homosexuality, birth control, etc... is not important. It's just cultural crap. They are trying to stay with the cultural times. But the divine doesn't care about our cultural times. The Eucharist is what matters!! I am not following a man, but God's divine intercession.

Sigh... I knew alot of you wouldn't get it. But I'm not here to please you am I? :D Again, I'm not about to say to god, well I think this so you can't be right. What I think is bunk. Again, the immense divine presence and power at the holy mass during the consecration of the eucharist is INSANE!!!!

That's really all there is to it.

Super Universe

Defender of God
There's a place in my county that has a forrest of tall Redwood trees. It's dark underneath them. Someone cleared out a small spot for a house pad and grass has grown there. One the border of this grass area is a thick bush that a deer always hides in. At eleven eleven in the morning the sun peeks over the treetops and shines down on this grassy spot and I can almost hear the angels sing. I stayed there for two hours and thought it was twenty minutes.

It works for me, connects me with what's really important.

No outdated tradition. No rituals. No ones rules. No one telling me what to believe.

But, as I said, if Catholicism works for you, then so be it.

What do you think would happen if you let them hear some of your Tao/Buddhism ideas?


I actually do understand Vigil.

I was the worlds most devout Catholic,
for years,
and it was all because of the Eucharist.

I felt so much love for God there.
I felt His presence there.
I spent HOURS and HOURS talking to Him there...
sitting with Him.

and all of this was good.

But then I couldn't.
Life changed.
Things got in the way.
Babies, illness...
and when I needed His presence MOST,
I could not go.
I could not get there.
I could not physically get myself to the church,
And I felt alone and abandoned.

So when I realized about some other things,
that the RC church was not so infallable as it claimed,
then the whole thing unwraveled.

And what I discovered,
Just the same!
All in me, and through me,
every second of every day,
wherever I am,
and I don't need to rely on some "organization" to "bring" me God.

Now what I see is church=box.
tabernacle =box.
God in a man made box.
Man loves to put God in boxes.

Is he there?
Yes! He is everywhere.
He is ALSO in the box.

I hope I did not speak out of turn.
This was just my experience.

If you experience a fullness of God's presence there,
as I used to,
that is not a bad thing.
Treasure it. Most never do.

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
There's a place in my county that has a forrest of tall Redwood trees. It's dark underneath them. Someone cleared out a small spot for a house pad and grass has grown there. One the border of this grass area is a thick bush that a deer always hides in. At eleven eleven in the morning the sun peeks over the treetops and shines down on this grassy spot and I can almost hear the angels sing. I stayed there for two hours and thought it was twenty minutes.

It works for me, connects me with what's really important.
That is absolutely beautiful, and I have the same occurrences as well. Aren't they wonderful? The ability to be in grace in nature is very important to me.

No outdated tradition. No rituals. No ones rules. No one telling me what to believe.
I understand your opinion, trust me. I held the same opinion. But what then are we accountable for?

But, as I said, if Catholicism works for you, then so be it.

What do you think would happen if you let them hear some of your Tao/Buddhism ideas?
I'm not here to convert people to Catholicism, don't misunderstand. I'm just telling you all what made me return to the Catholic faith.

Super Universe

Defender of God
What am I accountable for? I am accountable to my own high moral standards that I have set in stone. I live up to many of them but not all. I know I still have far to go and more to learn.

I asked what would happen if you let out about your Tao/Buddhism ideas to the Catholics because I know what would happen. They would not accept them, they cannot accept anything outside the box of tradition and the "guidance" handed down by the pope. They will absolutely not allow the people to guide the church. They don't see many paths to First Source, they only see theirs.

I don't know why the Eucharist works for you, to me, it would seem you took a step backwards but then, maybe you didn't? Maybe you just took a side step...

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
I know my experiences are odd, and I understand that people don't believe in what I can do with the spirit world. But, I truly don't care. :D I'm just telling you what I saw.

The funny part is, when we are young we hate when our parents yell at us. But we truly need someone to yell at us, and tell us when we are wrong. Because we are too egotistical to do it ourselves. We make excuses for ourself, because we are week. I own a traditional Tang Soo Do school under Master Chun Sik Kim. Many of his students left his organization because they didn't like things that he did. But since then, their martial arts schools have gone downhill, and their students are horrible. Why? Because they don't have anyone to yell at them.

We need someone to yell at us. Whether or not that thing is infallible, or imperfect. I don't expect anything on earth to be perfect, I feel the only thing that is infallible, and perfect is god. But I feel that god can work through us in AMAZING WAYS!!! And I've been searching for that divine intercession. And I've found that in the Catholic faith, it is more potent, and powerful, than I ever could have imagined.

I'm not here to debate, or prove anything to anyone. That is not what this thread is for. This thread is for me to answer you're questions about my return. Not debate your feelings on Catholicism.

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
What am I accountable for? I am accountable to my own high moral standards that I have set in stone. I live up to many of them but not all. I know I still have far to go and more to learn.
I dunno about alot of you, but even my own high moral standards fall short, being that I'm an imperfect, infallible, week, hypocritical human. But again, I'm not going to debate this with you here.

I asked what would happen if you let out about your Tao/Buddhism ideas to the Catholics because I know what would happen. They would not accept them, they cannot accept anything outside the box of tradition and the "guidance" handed down by the pope. They will absolutely not allow the people to guide the church. They don't see many paths to First Source, they only see theirs.
I feel that you have some baggage about the catholic church. And I feel sorry for you. I have had many, MANY discussions about my opinions, feelings, beliefs, etc... whether taoist, zen, buddhist, shamanistic, etc... with priests, monks, friars, bishops, etc... And no, I am sorry to disappoint you but they are reconcilable. They are VERY reconcilable.

I don't know why the Eucharist works for you, to me, it would seem you took a step backwards but then, maybe you didn't? Maybe you just took a side step...
I'm not going to debate anything with you. I could ask why the Urantian book works for, because to me it seems like a completely fallacious book written by men and not "celestial beings". I could say that I feel you took a hundred steps backward, but I'm not here to do that. This forum is NOT for debating. So I'm NOT going to debate it.


Will to love
I think it's pretty cool MV. I have not had the same experience, although I have had experiences during the liturgy. For me it is more like communication with a larger (vast, immeasurable) consciousness. I have also heard of others describe something like you say for the Eucharist. I think it is a blessing.

Peace with you MV,



Please keep in mind that this is a discussion forum and no debating is allowed. Thanks.


Veteran Member
The last maybe 6 months have been pretty tough on me, spiritually. A lot of change in meditations, understandings, visions, etc... It all ended last week when I was able to spiritually see what happens at the Consecration. WOW!!!!!!
What is it that you saw if I may ask? Can you give a detailed description? I've never heard a Catholic say this before and I've known quite a few. I'm intensely curious. :)

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
What is it that you saw if I may ask? Can you give a detailed description? I've never heard a Catholic say this before and I've known quite a few. I'm intensely curious. :)
It's very hard to describe, but I will do my best. :D

When the priest held up the host, a vast sea of light emanated from it. And then gusts of wind erupted and burst outward from the center of the altar, almost blowing everyone away (this happened in the spiritual world while everything stayed calm on the physical level). I likened it to a cleansing nature, it almost looked like the wind was going through people, but was not hurting them, more like strengthening them.

I don't want to say that people were "glowing" after taking the holy eucharist (how cliche I know), but it's kinda what it looked like. But it wasn't a glowing as in light, it was a different kind of glowing. I'm not sure how to describe it.

Needless to say, I've never seen anything like it.

But I can say this, the incredible power I saw and the incredible peace, joy, and love I saw and felt during this time was unsurpassed by anything spiritual I have ever experienced before. And I've been in the presence of many powerful spirits. This didn't come from the spirit world in which I have been accustomed to. This was greater, and made me step back and go... woah, who am I? How can I even think that I have the ability to sustain my spiritual fulfillment on my own. I literally was brought to my knees. And it felt like home. :)