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Yeah, Catholic again...


Veteran Member
It's very hard to describe, but I will do my best. :D

When the priest held up the host, a vast sea of light emanated from it. And then gusts of wind erupted and burst outward from the center of the altar, almost blowing everyone away (this happened in the spiritual world while everything stayed calm on the physical level). I likened it to a cleansing nature, it almost looked like the wind was going through people, but was not hurting them, more like strengthening them.

I don't want to say that people were "glowing" after taking the holy eucharist (how cliche I know), but it's kinda what it looked like. But it wasn't a glowing as in light, it was a different kind of glowing. I'm not sure how to describe it.

Needless to say, I've never seen anything like it.
Wow, that's really something!

Were you expecting this phenomenon at communion?
Did you look around to see if anyone else saw what you saw?
Have you heard of anyone else seeing something similar?

But I can say this, the incredible power I saw and the incredible peace, joy, and love I saw and felt during this time was unsurpassed by anything spiritual I have ever experienced before. And I've been in the presence of many powerful spirits. This didn't come from the spirit world in which I have been accustomed to. This was greater, and made me step back and go... woah, who am I? How can I even think that I have the ability to sustain my spiritual fulfillment on my own. I literally was brought to my knees. And it felt like home. :)
The 'host' is supposed to be the body of Christ right?

Have you thought about how this changes your views on who Christ is?

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
Wow, that's really something!
I KNOW!!! Suffice to say that it kind of blew a lot of my previous notions out of the door.

Were you expecting this phenomenon at communion?
Did you look around to see if anyone else saw what you saw?
Have you heard of anyone else seeing something similar?
I wasn't expecting anything. I kinda wanted to do an experiment, so I went around to different churches to see what happened throughout the services in the spirit world, but I truly wasn't expecting anything. Because in them all, nothing really amazing ever happened. But then my last stop was the Catholic Church. I grew up Catholic so I didn't see that great of a need to go there sooner. I just expected what always happened when I was younger, nothing. I was wrong.

I looked around at everyone being constantly hit with this spiritual gust of wind, but I didn't notice if anyone noticed what was happening.

I haven't heard of anyone else seeing anything similar. But I'm meeting with the priest to discuss this, I just hope he's ready for me. :D

The 'host' is supposed to be the body of Christ right?
That is correct. And from what I saw, I wouldn't doubt it for an instant!

Have you thought about how this changes your views on who Christ is?
That is why I'm professing my faith as a Catholic again. :D Because my previous views on Christ has been shook to the core. My previous views on the church, the priesthood, the nature of god, etc... have all been shook to the core. The holy spirit never changed though. :D Just became more important.



that is really incredible. if you have found your spiritual home, i am glad for you. you're a sensitive, compassionate person, and i hope you will be blessed by this conversion. hey, do you ever watch EWTN? you might really enjoy it... many of the shows have focus on Catholic mysticism, and on the eucharist.

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member

that is really incredible. if you have found your spiritual home, i am glad for you. you're a sensitive, compassionate person, and i hope you will be blessed by this conversion. hey, do you ever watch EWTN? you might really enjoy it... many of the shows have focus on Catholic mysticism, and on the eucharist.
Thank you! I used to watch it back in middle school, but now I've been watching it more. I'm becoming obsessed with Catholic Mysticism now, I've been reading almost constantly.


Thank you! I used to watch it back in middle school, but now I've been watching it more. I'm becoming obsessed with Catholic Mysticism now, I've been reading almost constantly.

cool! you might want to look into the practice of "devotion to the sacred heart". i've heard some lovely mystical explanations of this practice, specifically on EWTN. also, look into Saint John of the Cross, you might enjoy his work a lot, too.


Veteran Member
I haven't heard of anyone else seeing anything similar. But I'm meeting with the priest to discuss this, I just hope he's ready for me. :D
LOL! PLEASE post what he says to you if you feel it won't invade your privacy. We'd love to hear all about it. :monkey:

Master Vigil...your experience has resulted in the most interesting topic discussed on RF to me in a long time....seriously! I have a million questions for you. :D It's intriguing to me partly because I respect your intellect and spirituality, you've worked hard on both. And, also because I simply enjoy learning about others' spiritual experiences even if I don't agree. :) I hope you don't mind keeping this thread open.

Be sure to write down what you saw!

views on Christ has been shook to the core. My previous views on the church, the priesthood, the nature of god, etc... have all been shook to the core. The holy spirit never changed though. :D Just became more important.
In some ways this makes me sad...not because I disagree with your decision or think badly of Catholicism, mostly because the Catholic church is elitist/discriminatory is some ways. But, we won't talk about that now. We just want to hear the good stuff we never get to hear...what you saw on the other side. Yippppeeee! I'm very happy for you and the experience you had!

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
LOL! PLEASE post what he says to you if you feel it won't invade your privacy. We'd love to hear all about it. :monkey:
I will indeed! :D

Master Vigil...your experience has resulted in the most interesting topic discussed on RF to me in a long time....seriously! I have a million questions for you. It's intriguing to me partly because I respect your intellect and spirituality, you've worked hard on both. And, also because I simply enjoy learning about others' spiritual experiences even if I don't agree. I hope you don't mind keeping this thread open.
I am excited to talk about my experiences. I feel that I should, for some reason, tell others about it.

Be sure to write down what you saw!

In some ways this makes me sad...not because I disagree with your decision or think badly of Catholicism, mostly because the Catholic church is elitist/discriminatory is some ways. But, we won't talk about that now. We just want to hear the good stuff we never get to hear...what you saw on the other side. Yippppeeee! I'm very happy for you and the experience you had!
I had horrible feelings about the catholic church before. I hate alot of what they do. I do, and still do! But I also realize that they are human, imperfect, and week. I can't expect them to be perfect, that would be ridiculous. I cannot deny what happened though. And I cannot deny the good that comes from it. I want to disagree, I want to think that I know more and my opinions are greater. But who am I?

I can think that what I disagree with is wrong, and what I think is right. But that is just my ego, keeping me from my divine understanding. I'm not saying that everything the Catholic church says is right, I'm just saying that what happens at mass... makes everything else seem pointless.


Veteran Member
Thanks again for your thoughts, MV. :hug: I'm going to give you a few days before I ask any more questions because I don't want to dilute any of your experience. I'm afraid by hounding you with, "Well, what about this?" or "What about that..." questions it will possibly take away some of the magic for you.

Mister Emu

Emu Extraordinaire
Staff member
Premium Member
Congratulation on finding a spiritual home, glad its the Catholic Church ;)

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
It's not about stability. I think I was quite stable before, of not more. But I was kicked off balance and brought to my knees so to speak. :D


I'm glad your journey has taken you somewhere that you feel is right. I am also glad that you have found a way to work in your other leanings. Enjoy your place of peace!

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Congrats, Master Vigil, on your new journey!

If you don't mind, what does "Vigil" mean in the way you use it? Is it the practice of maintaining awareness?

Also, do you think the experience is confined to that church or can be found in all Catholic churches? Is the spiritual power you felt there something that can be found in other religious groups as well?



Good luck with your journey. I'm glad you found your way back to the Church. I have a few questions, if you don't mind.

Have you been back to attend another Mass yet? You can attend daily. I was wondering if you had the same experience again.

Did the 'glowing' around people who received the Host diminish as time went by?

Do you think that your experience was related to the Priest offering the Mass or that the Priest was secondary to the experience?




Oldest Heretic
A wonderful experience.
The Eucharist is wonderful.
as they say there is only ever one Eucharist from the first Given by Jesus and for ever.
You could say you were seeing the true power of Jesus and the promise of the Holy Spirit.
Lucky Man.

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
I'm glad your journey has taken you somewhere that you feel is right. I am also glad that you have found a way to work in your other leanings. Enjoy your place of peace!
Thank you!

Guitar's Cry said:
Congrats, Master Vigil, on your new journey!

If you don't mind, what does "Vigil" mean in the way you use it? Is it the practice of maintaining awareness?

Also, do you think the experience is confined to that church or can be found in all Catholic churches? Is the spiritual power you felt there something that can be found in other religious groups as well?
Thank you! You are correct in the meaning of Vigil as I use it. I never like to think I know everything, so I am constantly "Vigil" to the world around me, other's opinions, ideas, concepts, and of course to the spirit world and the way of the spirit.

Since I went to countless other churches of other denominations and saw nothing of the like, and even went back afterward to see if anything was different, but no. I saw it only in the Roman Catholic Church. I did see it in the Eastern Orthodox, and Byzantine Catholic churches too, but it wasn't as strong. The Lutheran mass was probably the next in line, but still nothing compared to the other Catholic Churches. The Episcopalian church had nothing, methodist, mormon, presbyterian, uu, baptist, pentecostal, church of christ, etc... I went to a hindu temple, and a zen temple, and they had a few spiritual happenings, but again nothing that compared. Please don't be offended, this is just my experience. If you experience different, then go with your gut! Reach deep inside, find that peace and joy you feel, and never let go! I'm not here to convert anyone to anything!

MotoEric said:

Good luck with your journey. I'm glad you found your way back to the Church. I have a few questions, if you don't mind.

Have you been back to attend another Mass yet? You can attend daily. I was wondering if you had the same experience again.

Did the 'glowing' around people who received the Host diminish as time went by?

Do you think that your experience was related to the Priest offering the Mass or that the Priest was secondary to the experience?


Thank you, no I don't mind at all!

I've been back to daily mass almost everyday since then, and it has not ceased to happen. Which still amazes me.

The glowing did not diminish, not in the time it took for the mass to end, and for everyone to leave. I don't know about after that.

I think it was directly correlated with the Priest, because he was brightest of all, especially during the consecration. So I definitely feel that he was the facilitator. I sincerely believe that priests at ordination receive the power to consecrate the Eucharist. I don't believe anyone has the power. Which then again makes the priesthood so important, and the Roman Catholic Priesthood so important. Without priests, we have no Eucharist.

Master Vigil

Well-Known Member
A wonderful experience.
The Eucharist is wonderful.
as they say there is only ever one Eucharist from the first Given by Jesus and for ever.
You could say you were seeing the true power of Jesus and the promise of the Holy Spirit.
Lucky Man.
I truly believe that! I truly believe that I was witnessing the immense power of Father, Son, and Holy spirit. Because it would not be possible without all three working simultaneously. That was my impression anyway. :)

I'm seriously considering becoming a Eucharistic Minister, just to be able to take part in this miracle. However small a part it is.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
Please don't be offended, this is just my experience. If you experience different, then go with your gut! Reach deep inside, find that peace and joy you feel, and never let go! I'm not here to convert anyone to anything!

Not offended at all! Just being vigilant. ;)