No. Cephid variables are little help in oceanography. Brownian motion can be seen in water. What species is water? Cloud? Agriculture? Have you any idea what you are talking about? Sure, this crap happens. We're human. We fall in love with our own hypotheses. We try to make the facts fit the crime. But this is why science is built upon theory. Old modes of thought come under review with new evidence or considerations. And if a scientist is sloppy, that scientist's reputation suffers, and all work done under that name falls under suspicion. These days, I have seen hypotheses invalidated within the year. Information is too readily available for analysis. Look at Global Warming. It is a scam bought and paid for by big-money industrialists to play both sides against the middle. One day I've heard of it, the same day I was able to dismiss it; even if the general public is still swallowing this malarkey.
Did you mean Cepheid variables?
Humans only have one water base albeit due to the environment it changes to many species. Sounds familar isn't that what other species including humans did? Of course just like some theories of evolution water too was chemically created, just couldn't have happened without chemistry and the environment. Now let me just try and think what both these things had in common, oh that is right according to you nothing.
Changed your tune now pertaining to science? I already knew many theories and hypotheses get invalidated, some in a short period of time some over a long period of time. Time of course is irrelevant as long as the truth finally prevails.
Yeah I know how inane are some humans, Global Warming isn't a debatable point. Certainly the cause of the effect is debatable, certainly the duration of the effect is debatable, Certainly whether or not it was man made is a debatable point, Global Warming itself though isn't a debatable point, nor is the facts as they pertain to carbons and the ozone layer, albeit it is for the totally inane.
Like the sun being just a ball of gas, a four-year old observation made with a telescope you couldn't give away these days. Science is intensely conservative. If there is no pressing need for revision, there is no revision. Have you the least idea of the scope of science? I'll give you a hint: can't fit it in a six-hundred-page book.
Yeah science sure started from some ignorant positions, albeit it wasn't really science it was scientist and they weren't really ignorant back then, it was conceived as credible knowledge. To think some people even in todays pool of available knowledge can even begin to conceive that we have all available knowledge, that what we have now is the be all and end all of knowledge. Some people sure are conceited aren't they, where knowledge is concerned us mere mortals haven't even begun to scratch the surface and what we don't know can fill more books than science now knows.
Science doesn't have a personality, only people in science do. Of these people in science some are intensely conservative and others are extremely extraverted in their views. Mostly you find that those who are conservative understand their theory or hypothesis is dependant on another theory or hypothesis, and or that one or the other or even both can be built on the premise of a power of suggestion, or that their evidence can be viewed in one or more ways. Either that or they themselves or some of their peers have made big statements only to fall flat on their face.
Oh, yeah. You know better, all right. You know everything. Atoms and photons evolve, you are the Master Sage. I mean, we got all these atomic fossils for study, jeez; we should know better.
Why can't we swear on this forum? Why can't we call a ******* a *******?
LOL I don't know everything, but I do know how scientist treat each other, which was nothing like you tried to imply some even have total contempt for some of their peers even if they both have the same goal in sight, they don't always have the same insight of how to get there. Anyway you proved that yourself when you talked of invalidated theories et al.
As for atoms, photons et al, please tell me where you believe everthing started from I would love to hear your sage ideas. Whilst you are at it, I would like to hear your stories as they pertain to Piltdown Man, people in science being so credible and all.
But just for the fun of it, tell me what the human genome consists of, let us say it together A, A, A, Atoms.