They pay it occasional lip service, but I see no comprehensive
I'm frustrated that the good policies that Democrats put forth to help reform problems do not get republican support. This is not the fault of Democrats, it is the fault of republicans whose vision for America is more authoritarian and less justice. From gun access to police reform to social investment, Republicans don't want it. Unless citizens stop voting for politicians who have a toxic vision for America what we have today is as good as it's going to be, and likely worse.
Qualified immunity has been weakened in some states.
But SCOTUS hasn't even given a clear decision about recording
police. (Several circuit courts have.) So far, only these recordings
appearing on youtube, & the resulting civil cases against cops &
government have had any real positive effect.
The courts have been packed by conservatives, and they seem more interested in some idealistic and unrealistic vision for the USA than being a stable and regulated society. I say regulated to include police, where citizens rights (not just gun rights) actually mean something.
I doubt much will be changed in the USA until bad things happen to more and more people, from the money you have in your pocket for a car you're buying that gets confiscated to more kids being murdered in their class rooms. Our system needs to emphasize responsibility. If you aren't a responsible citizen, your rights get limited, and that means cops, too. You're a bad cop, you lose your job.