That is a Politicians answer.
It was a complete answer. You were probably looking for a religious answer involving sin and punishment.
You are are a Libertine/Liberal. All False Doctrines Derive from Want of Freedom to Indulge and Maximise Sin/Carnal Appetites.
I am a liberal, agnostic atheist and humanist. My worldview derives from the application of reason to the apprehension of the senses and the intuitions of the conscience. Yours doesn't. It comes from an ancient manuscript steeped in the ignorance and brutality from another time, a time when life was shorter, when men died in large numbers in battle, infant and maternal mortality were higher, and people more commonly died of infections and poisonings. Every fertile womb was needed to be in service every year, and the sexual laws reflect that. Every young maiden needs to get married at the age of fertility, she must not withhold sex, they must not use the rhythm method, masturbate, or have gay sex, nobody gets a divorce, no rhythm method or early withdrawal, and when technology made it feasible, they were never to have elective sterilization, use birth control, or get abortions. It shouldn't be hard to understand why none of that is relevant today, and to continue to criminalize abortion and persecute homosexuals is irrational, hateful, and destructive.
don't believe you are that ignorant and narrow minded. Nazi-KKK Christians are Not the same as Anabaptist or Quaker Christians.
I wrote, "Temporal Christianity is your term and means nothing to me. It's all just Christianity to me if there is a belief in the Abrahamic god, sin, sacrifice and resurrection of a demigod called Jesus, and salvation." So they have doctrinal differences. Why should that matter to me?
Which of those, by the way, were the ones that weren't what you call temporal Christians, which you say are the same as humanists? I would have assumed all of them were so-called temporal Christians, in which case you group them all together just as I do.
Christian Values are deficient to you because it places Restrictions on your Sin/Carnal Liberties.
No, because they place irrational and destructive restrictions on the liberties of anybody it can according to meaningless moral imperatives.
There are Christian Physicists, Christian Biologists and Christian Chemists. Are you that Ignorant, that you don't know this?
Why do think I should? Why would that matter to me? These things that concern you are irrelevant to an unbeliever unless he's a student of comparative religion.