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You do not have to prove to me.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
For many years i was of the belief that i had to prove to others that i was worth something, or that my belief was worth listening to.
As soon someone wanted to prove to me their worth or belief, i was like "well, no that is wrong, because i belive this" and i would do my best to prove everything i did and said was the only truth :facepalm: Boy was i wrong.

Being around people from different background and belief is maybe the most valuable lesson i could ever learn.
So, no :) You do not have to prove to me that what you believe is better or your self worth is better than mine.
Be who you are, share what you want and maybe you meet someone who listen to you for years to come :)

Question: What has happen to humans that we believe being "right" is the most important thing we must protect? How about listening to others?

Is it not more to learn from listening than to demand that you are the only one who is right :confused:

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
For many years i was of the belief that i had to prove to others that i was worth something, or that my belief was worth listening to.
As soon someone wanted to prove to me their worth or belief, i was like "well, no that is wrong, because i belive this" and i would do my best to prove everything i did and said was the only truth :facepalm: Boy was i wrong.

Being around people from different background and belief is maybe the most valuable lesson i could ever learn.
So, no :) You do not have to prove to me that what you believe is better or your self worth is better than mine.
Be who you are, share what you want and maybe you meet someone who listen to you for years to come :)

Question: What has happen to humans that we believe being "right" is the most important thing we must protect? How about listening to others?

Is it not more to learn from listening than to demand that you are the only one who is right :confused:

We tend to hear not listen. We tend to skim not read. In all practicality (and neurologically), we're just loosing our attention span as we age. We're stubborn to address it even when we see our behaviors and speech affect others. I noticed the older one gets, the less they wish, have interest, or energy to change mindsets. Some have epiphanies at the last minute of life. Listening is a good trait.

Maybe being right and ego is conflated with pride and self accomplishment....in that we need to give ourselves credit that we are right. I'm sure there is a respectful way to express it by listening to the other, reflect on what's said, repeat what you heard, and say your opinion right or wrong as discussing opinions. Being right for the right reasons.

That and active listening let's people know you care what they say. You can be right but at least they respect your views. Rather than ego, just acknowledge you are allowed to be right. You (people) don't have to be passive to be a good listener.

Effective Listening « Rahmaa Institute

For some reason I can't find that sometimes it's not wrong to be right on Google. I don't agree being right needs to be an ego thing....

Right/wrong, high/low, up/down, mundane/divine etc all can have pros on both sides. It's the context. You'd be surprised how many people accept they are wrong when they know you are listening and vis versa
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Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
We tend to hear but listen. We tend to skim not read. In all practicality (and neurologically), we're just loosing our attention span as we age. We're stubborn to address it even when we see our behaviors and speech affect others. I noticed the older one gets, the less they wish, have interest, or energy to change mindsets. Some have epiphanies at the last minute of life. Listening is a good trait.

Maybe bring right and ego is conflated with pride and self accomplishment....in that we need to give ourselves credit that we are right but I'm sure there is a respectful way to express it by listening to the other, reflect on what's said, repeat what you heard, and say your opinion right or wrong as discussing opinions. Being right for the right reasons.

That and active listening let's people know you care what they say. You can be right but at least they respect your views. Rather than ego, (positive context) just acknowledge you are allowed to be right. You (people) don't have to be passive to be a good listener.

Effective Listening « Rahmaa Institute

For some reason I can't find that sometimes it's not wrong to be right on Google. I don't agree being right needs to be an ego thing....

Right/wrong, high/low, up/down, mundane/divine etc all can have pros on both sides. It's the context. You'd be surprised how many people accept they are wrong when they know you are listening and vis versa
If we were right all the time, how would we be able to learn :) Being wrong is a part of the journey through life.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
That will be the first time someone become a dark witch in sufism i think :)
I do not know what effect sufism would have on someone that comes from your background and belief :) An interesting though
I don't know if swirling dervishes are Sufi or not. But we have similar dance moves.:p

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
Muslim" is from an Arabic word meaning "submitter (to God) But what is God? do Islam or Sufism has the "right" to claim to be the only once who know what God is?
A muslim means subittert, but maybe it would be sumitter to know who you are :)
A sufi is looking for answer to whom he/she is, and how to become closer to the truth, but does that mean there must be the same answer for everyone? No not in the way i have come to understand it.


Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
Yes the Dervish is a part of sufism :) Same kind of sufis as Rumi was, if you know about the poet Rumi :)
I'll look at it. I've only heard about it and Sufism. I'm sure my diabolism might conflict. Not me personally. I'm open to new experiences.


Veteran Member
Question: What has happen to humans that we believe being "right" is the most important thing we must protect? How about listening to others?
Trauma from childhood, you had to conform to your parents whims, even though deep down (as a Divine Being) you knew they were wrong:!!:


Veteran Member
In all practicality (and neurologically), we're just loosing our attention span as we age. We're stubborn to address it even when we see our behaviors and speech affect others.
Some are, not all

Listening is a good trait.
Very true. IF its true I learn something, IF its false then I don't lose something

.in that we need to give ourselves credit that we are right but I'm sure there is a respectful way to express it by listening to the other, reflect on what's said, repeat what you heard, and say your opinion right or wrong as discussing opinions. Being right for the right reasons.
Hence, I prefer the concept of "sharing" instead of "debating" when it comes to Spiritual Matters

We tend to hear but listen. We tend to skim not read.
Hence the Wise explained to us that we have 2 sets of sensory organs. The well known external AND the lesser known internal
Some 'hear' (external organ), but Some do 'not hear' (internal organ)
Some 'see' (external organ), but Some do 'not see' (internal organ)
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