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Your honest one-word answer


Left Hand Path
You know that's actually not true, right? It's a falsehood perpitrated by the Nazi regime, based on long-standing stereotypes of Jews as money-hoarders and money obssessed, enhanced by the wealth conspiracy theory first widely advanced in the notorious Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a slanderous work published by the Okhrana (the secret police of the Russian Tsars) toward the end of the 19th century. In actuality, Jews owned very few of the banks in pre-war Europe, and controlled comparatively little of the wealth.

Not necessarily, this mostly applies to the more exaggerated stereotypes, since few sources control a large amount of wealth.

There is no law in the christian scriptures that says you must not lend out on interest. But there is that law in the torah.

“If you should lend money to my people, to the afflicted alongside you, you must not become like a usurer to him. You must not lay interest upon him.” Exodus 22:25

But when the torah was written, there were no banks, so if you apply this law to the modern banks, its way off base. The isrealites were an agricultural society and this law is not speaking about banking.

Exodus does pertain to the Christian bible, and although the early laws do not apply to banking as we know it, it did apply to early governmental forms of supply and barter as well as taxes.


Well-Known Member
Which particular word comes to your mind when you think of the following religions?


Just one word - an adjective, perhaps - not a lengthy explanation as to why you feel this or that.

Christianity- redeeming

Islam- reverting

Judaism- revering

Hinduism- reveling

Buddhism- relinquishing


Higher and Higher
Not necessarily, this mostly applies to the more exaggerated stereotypes....

I strongly encourage you to read more history, as this is simply not the case. All such stereotypes, slanders, canards, and slurs are fabrications of anti-Semitic propaganda, which was common in pre-war Europe. You might also wish to read some works on the history of anti-Semitism, which can trace the thread of such inventions through European history for you.

Stereotypes of this nature are extremely damaging, and I am sure you will want to learn more, so as to avoid them in the future.

Me Myself

Back to my username
How about some other religions - what words do these conjure up for you.

New Age
Hare Krishna
Seventh Day Adventist

I am going to cheat :D. It´s just that most of these inspire me images insrtead f words, so here I go:

Wicca- Woman in white dressings with full moon around and looking at the sky with her palms up
Pagan-Altar with blood
New age-"new agy" books. Like with those psychodelic colors
Mysticism-Meditatin pose, long beard, long hair some incense around eyes closed and sky night with stars easy to see and crescent moon.
Occult-Book sealed that looks kind of dark agy and in the dark in a dusty wooden table
LHP- this forum, the LHP section. Random avatars from this forum, the image of Seth and the word "satanist" (yeah now I actually said a word :p )
Hare Krishnas- Krishna with his body completely looking to my left (his right) in a kind of paint style (the usual you see him) with his arms in front of him and a happy face with open mouth as if he just saw someone he´s was anxiously expecting or joyfully surprised to see and saying "heey!!"
Seventh day adventists-The "american dream" white house´s front door :D


Do you 'know' or believe?
Hmmmn Ive found my responses to the new list to be considerably less... pleasant than my response to the earlier list

Baha'i - Abrahamic; it is the Abrahamic faith of which I know the least
Wicca - Witches; involves spirits and seems highly ritualised at times, though these do not seem to conform to some prescribed standard.
Pagan - Nature; I often associate this with primal religions (for obvious reasons)
New Age - Wacky; I want to start my own - bow down for I am Informed Ignorance!
Mysticism - Occult (Yeah I know... I really have difficulty separating the two) plus crystals
Occult - Mysticism (Yeah I know... I really have difficulty separating the two) minus crystals? lol
LHP - Individualistic; understanding the interplay of individual and society, questioning where appropriate.
Hare Krishna - Strict; I need meat and at various times different sorts of drugs.
Seventh Day Adventist - Doomsday... yeah enough said.


Well-Known Member
Wicca - Draka
Pagan - Nature
New Age -Stonehenge
Mysticism - Strange
Occult - Dark
LHP - Intelligent
Hare Krishna - Lentils
Seventh Day Adventist - Waco


Possessed Bookworm
What's going on, such mixed responses. I find myself almost getting annoyed over people connecting LHP with Satan. Don't mind me, on we go. :D
How about some other religions - what words do these conjure up for you.
Wicca - Witches
Pagan - Worship (Old gods)
New Age - Crystals
Mysticism - Hermit
Occult - Books
LHP - Darkness *
Hare Krishna - Orange (Nuts; don't ask :D)
Seventh Day Adventist - Churches

* Oops, I guess I'm doing the same as the rest of them, although personally I see darkness as a positive thing, not a negative one. Don't judge!


Left Hand Path
I strongly encourage you to read more history, as this is simply not the case. All such stereotypes, slanders, canards, and slurs are fabrications of anti-Semitic propaganda, which was common in pre-war Europe. You might also wish to read some works on the history of anti-Semitism, which can trace the thread of such inventions through European history for you.

Stereotypes of this nature are extremely damaging, and I am sure you will want to learn more, so as to avoid them in the future.

I am also aware that certain stereotypes exist for matters pertaining to the void of judgement behind it.

Even propaganda is...half true.


How about some other religions - what words do these conjure up for you.
Wicca - fluffy
Pagan - grungy
New Age - sanitized (it's really hard to think of a word that means "refined but devoid of healthy things")
Mysticism - unreality/daydream
Occult - forgotten
LHP - self-satisfying
Hare Krishna - irrelevant
Seventh Day Adventist - paranoid


Wicca - Charmed (the show with the three hot chicks)
Pagan - Indiana Jones
New Age - Deepak Chopra
Mysticism - Huxley
Occult - Goth
LHP - Illuminati
Hare Krishna - Steven Segal
Seventh Day Adventist - Robert Schuller

I honestly apologize but these are the first things that come to my mind.


Well-Known Member
Christianity: Greeks n' Romans
Islam: Monotheistic
Judaism: Home
Hinduism: Foreign
Buddhism: Interesting


Agnostic Pantheist
Which particular word comes to your mind when you think of the following religions?
Sure lets do it. In light of recent posts I'm going to make a tribute to a certain trend that emerged here. Generalizations and all. :D

Christianity- Middle class
Islam- Poverty
Judaism- Upper class
Hinduism- Poverty
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Premium Member
Sure lets do it. In light of recent posts I'm going to make a tribute to a certain trend that emerged here. Generalizations and all. :D

Christianity- Middle class
Islam- Poverty
Judaism- Upper class
Hinduism- Poverty

OMG why has Judaism taken all the money. LOL!