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Your opinion please about Islam.


This religion claims 2.1 BILLION adherents.
Only 15% engage in and/or support violent jihad.
(What is 15% of 2.1 billion anyway?)
Members of Islam claim it to be the religion of peace.
Is it?
Thoughts please.
What other religious group supports or engages in promotion by violence in today's world?
Westboro Baptists for sure but they are a fundamentalist minority.

I don't know, thought members could help enlighten me.
Number of members of the W.B.Church.
Approximately 80, most of them family members.

Hardly a threat to the religious world though they are disgusting to me.
View attachment 14542

Horrible display of agape love what?

Frankly members of that "church" might be diagnosed with some form of
mental illness.
Wonder? What would Jesus have said about such displays of "Christianity"?
As an aside my sponsor in A.A. recovery is an openly gay man.
I love him in the agape sense.
He SAVED my life!
Gives me courage to maintain and enjoy an addiction free life.
Alcoholism KILLED both mother and father, several uncles, and is destroying
my sister, my only sibling.
Agape love for him don'cha'know.
I judge no one.
Not in my job description.
God's job you see.
I'm pretty much a Christian pacifist.
Caveat: I ain't stupid and go armed most all the time.:D

I think it's a lot higher than 15%, but no matter, all Muslims are pro-jihad in some form. Well, you say, as long as they're not violent. Consider this, all Muslims are bound to support Sharia Law and

Quran (9:29):
"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."

So, not only are non-Muslims subject to extra taxes, they demand submission of we infidels, they execute homosexuals, and relegate women to the status of second/third class citizens. As for your pic of the uber-wacko Christian, if they try to impose themselves on us, they deserve the same treatment under the law as any theocrat or plutocrat who violates the rights of others.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Islam is ultimately very difficult to justify.

Ideologically, it all but demands outright to be kept in entirely in check.

It is way too set on being led by scripture as opposed to religious wisdom - so much so that I no longer see fit to call it a religion at all.

Most Muslims are indeed peaceful, but that is ultimately a non-argument. Most people need some sort of provocation before becoming violent, after all.

The closest I can now come to defending it is pointing out that attempts at isolating from it are bound to backfire. We all need to build trust relationships. It scares me to see people who are already mistrusting and trigger-happy think of isolationism as a "solution".

I agree with you and fully support the view of building trust. Tearing down trust and creating more suspicion will only make the problem worse.

What worries me is the generalisation going on.

We had a few young Persian Baha'i youth visit a small country town a month ago and almost immediately gossip spread throughout the entire place that there were terrorists in town and to be careful.

Where does this generalisation and mistrust end? Innocent people who are not even Muslims but just have a middle eastern appearance are now viewed suspiciously. There is something gravely wrong . We mustn't judge all Muslims or all 1.7 billion people. But it's going on everywhere and we are concerned.

So the Iranian Baha'is who fled persecution as refugees to the west are now seen as terrorists when they aren't even Muslims and have to face, all over again, what they fled from.

The Emperor of Mankind

Currently the galaxy's spookiest paraplegic
Is this something to look forward to?

I don't like that video. It makes sweeping generalisations about Muslims as a group; assuming they're all homogeneously minded towards spreading Islam as a religio-political force. They're not. A lot just want to live a peaceful life with their families and worship their god.

The use of population levels as indicators of increased Islamisation of a country is a really daft method. For instance, Muslims are peaceful citizens in the UK which has a Muslim population of 4% and who have already established markets for halal food long before hitting the 5% mark. The video makes the assumption that Islamisation is an easily-observable methodical process that happens in line with population increases but at the same time wants its viewers to treat Islamisation as a stealthy subversion of Western culture. Which is it?


A Free Man
I don't like that video. It makes sweeping generalisations about Muslims as a group; assuming they're all homogeneously minded towards spreading Islam as a religio-political force. They're not. A lot just want to live a peaceful life with their families and worship their god.

The use of population levels as indicators of increased Islamisation of a country is a really daft method. For instance, Muslims are peaceful citizens in the UK which has a Muslim population of 4% and who have already established markets for halal food long before hitting the 5% mark. The video makes the assumption that Islamisation is an easily-observable methodical process that happens in line with population increases but at the same time wants its viewers to treat Islamisation as a stealthy subversion of Western culture. Which is it?

I didn’t like it either but we shouldn’t ignore things just because we don’t like them. A lot has changed since it was uploaded in 2010 so the facts and figures are probably in need of an update. However, the ones shown are frightening enough.

As stated beneath the video –

[Islam is not a Religion!!!

In the last few months I have been in debates with many Muslims and the thing I hear the most from them is that "Islam is a complete way of life". They rightfully go on to say, "that tells you when to pray, what to eat and even when to sleep".

The west needs to realize that there is no separation of Church and state in Islam!!]

I feel sorry for Moderate Muslims. No doubt, a lot moved to the British Isles to escape Radical Islam only to find out that it has now followed them here. If they still want to escape it, where can they move to now?

Is the establishment of markets for halal food a good thing? This practice should be prohibited in civilised countries.

Stating that Muslims are peaceful citizens in the UK is a sweeping generalisation when you read articles like this


Remember what happened to this Moderate Muslim.


The problem is that all the followers of Islam from Moderate Muslims right through to members of ISIS all follow the teachings of the same book and the same prophet.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
I don't like that video. It makes sweeping generalisations about Muslims as a group; assuming they're all homogeneously minded towards spreading Islam as a religio-political force. They're not. A lot just want to live a peaceful life with their families and worship their god.

The use of population levels as indicators of increased Islamisation of a country is a really daft method. For instance, Muslims are peaceful citizens in the UK which has a Muslim population of 4% and who have already established markets for halal food long before hitting the 5% mark. The video makes the assumption that Islamisation is an easily-observable methodical process that happens in line with population increases but at the same time wants its viewers to treat Islamisation as a stealthy subversion of Western culture. Which is it?

That video is a lot of scaremongering nonsense.

They only show mostly Muslim countries and only about 12-15 countries. There are 360 countries and territories in the world!!! So what have they to say about the other 345 countries - nothing?

The majority of Muslims in the other 300 countries just get on with their lives. This hate and prejudice is so distasteful and sickening.

These type of brain washing videos are disgusting, trying to portray Muslims as evil terrorists who want to take over the world. People who make these videos are just spreading hatred against Muslims.
Last edited:


That video is a lot of scaremongering nonsense.

They only show mostly Muslim countries and only about 12-15 countries. There are 360 countries and territories in the world!!! So what have they to say about the other 345 countries - nothing?

Anyone who knows anything about Sharia Law should be scared. They're working to establish it especially in the West--the US to a degree for now, but in Europe it's full bore, emigrating military age men there and here, AND WE LET THEM--giving only lip service to vetting them.

RE: Taqiyya, the doctrine that a Muslim can lie in order to further the cause of Islam. This is some high octane stuff:

It's amazing that two of the Democrat Party's most vocal constituencies, women and gays, are marked by Islam for severe subjugation and death, respectively. And we can kiss freedom or religion or government goodbye. The Dem's policy appears to be support whatever the right wing supports, no matter how vile.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
Anyone who knows anything about Sharia Law should be scared. They're working to establish it especially in the West--the US to a degree for now, but in Europe it's full bore, emigrating military age men there and here, AND WE LET THEM--giving only lip service to vetting them.

RE: Taqiyya, the doctrine that a Muslim can lie in order to further the cause of Islam. This is some high octane stuff:

It's amazing that two of the Democrat Party's most vocal constituencies, women and gays, are marked by Islam for severe subjugation and death, respectively. And we can kiss freedom or religion or government goodbye. The Dem's policy appears to be support whatever the right wing supports, no matter how vile.

No that's just scare mongering. Muslims are good peaceful people who just want to live normal lives.

I believe this has all been blown way out of proportion.1.7 billion people are good not bad. They are human beings not monsters.

It's so sad this scaremongering to try and get gullible and naive people to fear middle easterners and exposes an intention to incite and inflame hatred rather than one to promote trust and peace.

You would have my ear if you spoke about creating trust and friendship instead of demonising an entire race and culture and religion which can only make matters and relationships worse between east and west.

They are equal human beings. And very good ones too. I'm not going to drop down to the level of demonising because of some terrorists who get massive publicity.

Look at recent history and you'll see who we should be wary of. WW1 and WW2, Hiroshima Nagasaki . Let's have some context and perspective here and balance and justness and fairness please.

Compare all the terrorist attacks including the world trade centre to these figures and who are the worst killers?

We crying over all this Islamic stuff simply because it's 'Islamic' and we've been brainwashed to hate it. I'm not buying into this propaganda because it's baseless lies. Are these tyrants Muslims? Theyve killed more than any Muslims have killed in a thousand years.
Muslims are not dangerous or evil.

Joseph Stalin - 42,672,000
Mao Zedong - 37,828,000
Adolf Hitler - 20,946,000
Chiang Kai-shek - 10,214,000
Vladimir Lenin - 4,017,000
Hideki Tojo - 3,990,000
Pol Pot - 2,397,0003


Admiral Obvious
No that's just scare mongering. Muslims are good peaceful people who just want to live normal lives.

I believe this has all been blown way out of proportion.1.7 billion people are good not bad. They are human beings not monsters.

It's so sad this scaremongering to try and get gullible and naive people to fear middle easterners and exposes an intention to incite and inflame hatred rather than one to promote trust and peace.

You would have my ear if you spoke about creating trust and friendship instead of demonising an entire race and culture and religion which can only make matters and relationships worse between east and west.

They are equal human beings. And very good ones too. I'm not going to drop down to the level of demonising because of some terrorists who get massive publicity.

Look at recent history and you'll see who we should be wary of. WW1 and WW2, Hiroshima Nagasaki . Let's have some context and perspective here and balance and justness and fairness please.

Compare all the terrorist attacks including the world trade centre to these figures and who are the worst killers?

We crying over all this Islamic stuff simply because it's 'Islamic' and we've been brainwashed to hate it. I'm not buying into this propaganda because it's baseless lies. Are these tyrants Muslims? Theyve killed more than any Muslims have killed in a thousand years.
Muslims are not dangerous or evil.

Joseph Stalin - 42,672,000
Mao Zedong - 37,828,000
Adolf Hitler - 20,946,000
Chiang Kai-shek - 10,214,000
Vladimir Lenin - 4,017,000
Hideki Tojo - 3,990,000
Pol Pot - 2,397,0003
How is this post anything other than the opposite extreme you claim the post it is in reply is?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Anyone who knows anything about Sharia Law should be scared.
Actually, if it's proper Sharia, it doesn't apply to non-Muslims. It's more along the lines of Wahhabi Islam to believe everyone and the world should be subjugated under Sharia, and even then often only the most extreme forms of it, as we don't even see Saudi Arabia, who is officially Wahhabi, spreading out and trying to dominate the world. And in reality, "Sharia Law" suffers from the same fundamental problem that "Biblical Law" does, which is that there is no universal consensus as to what that exactly means and entails. To some Christians and Muslims, this means stoning homosexuals. To other Christians and Muslims, this takes the form of focusing on their mandates of charity and loving thy neighbor.
RE: Taqiyya, the doctrine that a Muslim can lie in order to further the cause of Islam. This is some high octane stuff:

"The obvious problem with lying is that once you know a group of persons will intentionally deceive, everything they say or do is called into question. And therein lies one of the rubs with Muslims. How can any non-Muslim know when a Muslim is telling the truth or telling a lie? We can’t." :grinning:

I asked a Muslim waiter today where the bathroom was and he said to go downstairs and turn left. Might have been Taqiyya though and he was actually directing me towards an al-Qaeda sleeper cell. I did find the bathroom without being exploded to bits, but that was probably more by luck than design.

Also a Muslim taxi driver said he would arrive at my apartment in 5 minutes, but it actually took 7 minutes which pretty much proves they can't be trusted. He probably spent the extra 2 minutes beheading people or establishing a caliphate or something.

Just because your paranoid, doesn't mean they're not after you... :unamused:


Peace be upon you.
........proper Sharia....... To other Christians and Muslims, this takes the form of focusing on their mandates of charity and loving thy neighbor.
Peace be on you.
Shariah is a misunderstood and misused concept. God reveals His desire of how a believer should shape his destiny. God’s will is manifested in the form of certain laws or principles. These laws or principles constitute shariah. Shariah is not unique to Islam. Every faith has its own form of shariah.

At its core, shariah is intended to develop and sustain a moral and just society. Unfortunately, certain Islamic countries have failed to observe the precondition of absolute justice before imposing shariah.

Extremists and their religious clerics invoke shariah to justify the killing of the innocent and vulnerable. They abandon the Quranic principles of governance in favor of discriminate and grossly improper applications of Islamic law. They view shariah as an instrument of conquest and carnage instead of justice and decency.

Religion should not be the business of the state.

Every country has a climate and not all the flora can flourish in that climate. Dates flourish in deserts but not in the chilly north. Similarly, cherries cannot be sown in the desert; they require a special climate. Shariah also requires a special climate. If you have not created that climate, then Shariah cannot be imposed.

Every prophet ‑ not only Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) ‑ every prophet first created that healthy climate for the law of God to be imposed, willingly not compulsorily. And when the society was ready, then the laws were introduced and stiffened further and further, until the whole code was revealed. That society was capable of carrying the burden of the law of religion, whether you call it Shariah law or any other law.


Does Sharia Law Negate Human Rights? Real Talk



We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
How is this post anything other than the opposite extreme you claim the post it is in reply

The time now is for building trust and friendship and trying harder to establish reconciliation and peace. We need unity between east and west and to work together.


We are all the leaves of one tree
Premium Member
How is that line from your extremist post an answer to the question?

Th thread is about our opinion of Islam. People here posted defamatory material no videos bout Islam. I refuted it as bigotry.

I do not support the condemnation of any race or religion.