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Your Reason for "God does not Exist".


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
When all statistical effects stop its work, then only prayer starts its effect.
Truely this is the name of True Prayer.
Statistics is the quantitative measurement of real effects. If "true prayer" lies beyond the scope of statistics, then it lies outside reality.

Are you trying to say that prayer has no real effect?

Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Give me One.(any)


OK, a big one is people say the Christian god answers prayers. We know that's not the case. Studies have shown that people who pray for things and people who don't pray for things get what they want at the same rate. That debunks prayer. Also, logically an omniscient, omnipotent god cannot coexist with our free will.


Are you trying to say that prayer has no real effect?
Prayer is not ment by abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz done for the sake of anything.

Prayes does need any decided time or place.

Prayer is not the thing to do,it can appears automatically any time any place, when anybody is heartly in need for which pirticular thing.

Normally the waves of prayer for things use to come out from everybody weather he/she may declare himself/herself as religious or ireligious.



Premium Member
Similarly: I took the time, reviewed several different religions, reviewed several scientific theories, reviewed philosphies, reviewed societies of the past, looked within myself, and put it all together in a proof for myself.
Its is my proof based on a lot of my life you could not understand it as a whole and would not agree with me but it is valid as is everyone else's.

But: Why the Result is Opposite.


Because your not me. Its that simple. God or lack of god is not provable period, so if you proved it it could only be for yourself based on your understanding of what or who God is. My understanding in fact no one's understanding will ever be the same as yours so no one will get the same result you do.

Your result is as valid as mine this is not a quandry. Opposite results are valid. See algerbra 3 squared = 9 and -3 squared = 9 Bolean Algebra is a better expanation but this is quicker.

Calculus also provides for multiple solutions, ranges of solutions. In Philosophy there is always more than one solution. There's a quote about there being many solutions to the same problem.

With God there is more than one solution, your quest provides your result.

The issue is to get people to stop forcing there view on to others.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Can a dead docter treat the patient, so why to go with myths.
Why not people serch for the living docter, but beware serch for the docter not barber, otherwise your_____ will be cuted,
Don't go with the dress or any showoff, just see the art working inside.

When all statistical effects stop its work, then only prayer starts its effect.
Truely this is the name of True Prayer.
That isn't a coherent statement. I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.

& how easily nature can destroy in seconds.

Only for those who chellange.

Due to some unnaturel activities done by Man.
No, suffering did not originate due to man. This claim comes from people a lot, but it is incorrect.

The fossil record shows conclusively that creatures lived and died way before humans ever emerged on this planet. In fact, there were several mass extinction events where most of life was killed. So nature was a cold and brutal force long before humans ever came around.

Yes, humans do cause some suffering. But nature is capable and has always been capable of doing damage, inflicting suffering, and causing death.

As declared by some scientists docters
As demonstrated by empirical studies and demonstrated in biology. When areas of the brain are damaged, memories can be erased or personality can be completely altered.

Is it possible to tell the taste of apple without giving the example of apple,
Similarly There is God.
Those who taste it, know it.

Those who believe they have tasted it believe that they know it.


OK, a big one is people say the Christian god answers prayers. We know that's not the case. Studies have shown that people who pray for things and people who don't pray for things get what they want at the same rate. That debunks prayer. Also, logically an omniscient, omnipotent god cannot coexist with our free will.

Prayer is not ment by abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz done for the sake of anything.

Prayes does not need any decided time or place.

Prayer is not the thing to do,it can appears automatically any time any place, when anybody is heartly in need for which pirticular thing.

Normally the waves of prayer for things use to come out from everybody weather he/she may declare himself/herself as religious or ireligious.

There is only one god who is listening to all of us.



That isn't a coherent statement. I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.
Religious creation myths have been debunked because those persons are not alive who have made them.
If they would have been alive today, only they can give us the right knoweldge of what they have made or written.

No, suffering did not originate due to man. This claim comes from people a lot, but it is incorrect.

The fossil record shows conclusively that creatures lived and died way before humans ever emerged on this planet. In fact, there were several mass extinction events where most of life was killed. So nature was a cold and brutal force long before humans ever came around.

Yes, humans do cause some suffering. But nature is capable and has always been capable of doing damage, inflicting suffering, and causing death.

If we pick any 1000 years old skeleton from the grave,
Yes! we can imagine or can draw the estimated stucture of the body, But can never know that what kind of nature or behaviour that person have that time.
Moreover it is also impossible to know the compleate nature or behaviour of the person who is standing infront of us TODAY.

So, How is it possible to judge, about the creatures of that time, their nature, or their behaviour, or what they have done that time, or what are their hobbies, or thier desires etc.. FROM THE FOSSIL RECORD.

As demonstrated by empirical studies and demonstrated in biology. When areas of the brain are damaged, memories can be erased or personality can be completely altered.

This all or which happens, All is the result of done deeds, or this was already decided to happen due to done deeds of person.

If the brain is damaged in any accident,
...................This is the result of done deeds.
If their is any lost of memory,
...................This is also the result of done deeds.
If the personality is compleatly altred,
...................This also is the result of done deeds.

Those who believe they have tasted it believe that they know it.
As you think to Believe.
Or as you like to Believe.

Last edited:


Because your not me. Its that simple. God or lack of god is not provable period, so if you proved it it could only be for yourself based on your understanding of what or who God is. My understanding in fact no one's understanding will ever be the same as yours so no one will get the same result you do.

Your result is as valid as mine this is not a quandry. Opposite results are valid. See algerbra 3 squared = 9 and -3 squared = 9 Bolean Algebra is a better expanation but this is quicker.

Calculus also provides for multiple solutions, ranges of solutions. In Philosophy there is always more than one solution. There's a quote about there being many solutions to the same problem.

With God there is more than one solution, your quest provides your result.

The issue is to get people to stop forcing there view on to others.

Very Good, Very Nice,

I am totally agreed with you, Infact i salute you.

But just thinking that:
Why are you here on the FORUM ? or
For what you are here on the FORUM ? or
For what this FORUM has been made for ?

Can you answer thsese Questions Above ?


Magic Man

Reaper of Conversation
Prayer is not ment by abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz done for the sake of anything.

Prayes does not need any decided time or place.

Prayer is not the thing to do,it can appears automatically any time any place, when anybody is heartly in need for which pirticular thing.

Normally the waves of prayer for things use to come out from everybody weather he/she may declare himself/herself as religious or ireligious.

There is only one god who is listening to all of us.


I'm sorry, this honestly makes no sense whatsoever to me.


Its only a Label
Friend chinu,

Existence exits!
God is only when the mind is or else there is nothing as God.
When the Mind stills one is a part of the *whole*.

Love & rgds


Active Member
Define God, until that is done i can not properly state whether or not i believe or disbelieve in said god. If you take a god that is somewhat clear defined, like the Christian god, I can tell you, I don't believe in it, because its ridiculous. Or the Hindu concept of Brahma, then i can tell you i do believe in it.


Active Member
Friend chinu,

Existence exits!
God is only when the mind is or else there is nothing as God.
When the Mind stills one is a part of the *whole*.

Love & rgds

I would disagree. One is apart of the *whole* whether or not one's mind is still.


Active Member
Very Good, Very Nice,

I am totally agreed with you, Infact i salute you.

But just thinking that:
Why are you here on the FORUM ? or
For what you are here on the FORUM ? or
For what this FORUM has been made for ?

Can you answer thsese Questions Above ?


Not to prove or push one's believes, but to talk/discuss them


Murphy's Law is the TOE.
My reasons for believing that there is not such a thing as a real God, in the capital G traditional sense, is that there is no evidence indicating that it exists.

Also, there is no logically necessary reason dictating that it must exist.

Also, I had a vision in which He declared to me that He is, but somehow isn't, the supreme imaginary, non-being. I tried to argue with Him about this not making sense, but He claimed, in spite of His previous claim to being non-existent that he was still entitled a claim to being the ultimate authority. I was too tired at the time to try to argue further that I wasn't going to buy into His whole divine revelation schtick unless He provided some substantial evidence backing up His claim to being non-existent.

I'm still waiting for His come back.


Uber Tool
Like a child who is crying & shouting a lot when brought to the docter for treatment by his mother to cure the disease, But he is unknown that's why he is shouting & does't know the "Love" of his mother.


Soul(child) cryies & shout a lot when brought to the DOCTER (three docters: Poorness, sickness & dishonour) for treatment by God (mother) to cure the Diseases (five diseases: Lust, Anger, Greed, False attachments & Vanity ), But Soul (he) is unknown that's why Soul (he) is shouting & does't know the "Love" of God (mother).


I have no idea what you mean by any of this.


When the Mind stills one is a part of the *whole*

I am agreed Zenzero ji, But!

To compleate any formula we need atleast two numbers
Like: 0 x 1 = 0
We cannot compleate any formula with one number
Like: Blank x 1 = What, This does not make any sence or compleate any formula.


To compleate the formula of STILLING THE MIND we need atleast two
Like: God x Mind = GOD (no-mind)
We cannot compleate any formula with one
Like: Blank X Mind = What, This does not make any Attrection or Appeal.

And to Still the "Mind", Attrection & Appeal is necessary, otherwise the formula is senceless, & One cannot solve this weather he/she may try for Endless Time.

So, As a result "God" play the role of Second number to compleate Formula,
So, the true faith on "God" is very necessary to reach the state of No-Mind.
Otherwise Stilling mind is IMPOSSIBLE.

All the past spiritual personalities like Jesus, buddh, or muhammed were not mad they always advocated people to devlop thier faith on God or Allah or etc...
Because they know that to become the part of whole is impossible without this.

God, Lord, Allah, rabb, permeshwar etc..all these play the role of Second number to compleate the formula to become one with the whole or to reach the state of No-Mind.
