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Your thoughts on ''mediums?''


Active Member
Premium Member
First off, I have problems with your assumption that the woman being a convincing actor is too unlikely to be considered possible.

That aside, you really can't come up with other ways that this could have happened?

Are you familiar with Peter Popoff? His approach (for faith healing, not communication with the dead, but still relevant) went something like this: his staff would talk to (or listen in on) members of the audience as they talked about why they came. They'd slip this information to Popoff's wife, who would radio the information to a small earpiece that Popoff was wearing on stage, unseen by the audience. The result was that Popoff would have seemingly miraculous information about people with no apparent way to get it by "natural" means.

These days, social media makes things way simpler. It's very common for a purported psychic or medium to use, say, Facebook to find out details about someone. This is especially easy if the person "likes" the person's fan page or has posted that they're going to the event.

Just because *you* weren't charged admission doesn't mean money wasn't involved. Does this "medium" sell books? One-on-one readings? Weekend workshops?
So sorry that you have problems. This was not a major production like Popoff. The medium did not have any assistants or a earpiece (pretty small room, pretty crowded with 50 people). Actually she was selling a book, but maybe a couple of people bought it (she may have made like $5 off of that). In any case, you don't need to believe any of it.


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
So sorry that you have problems. This was not a major production like Popoff. The medium did not have any assistants or a earpiece (pretty small room, pretty crowded with 50 people).
And no ability to Google attendees before the event?

Actually she was selling a book, but maybe a couple of people bought it (she may have made like $5 off of that). In any case, you don't need to believe any of it.
What was her name?


Active Member
Premium Member
As the video shows, sometimes we freely give material that can be used against us. It is always possible that this woman ended up telling someone about what happened to her son. And, well... there are more reasons to deceive than money.
Anything is possible, although the medium did repeat it with five separate subjects in that room. Or maybe all five spoke to someone about their past. You don't need to believe anything.


Active Member
Premium Member
Plenty of free events have Facebook event posts.

So I can try to confirm your claim that she didn't stand to gain financially.

What was her name?
I attended, but did not enter my name anywhere. You have already made up your mind that she is a fake, so what does it matter whether she gained financially or not?


Active Member
I believe you can communicate with your Grandma and loved ones on the other side. Listen to your heart. She speaks to your heart, not your ears. She's looking out for you and praying for you with your ancestors in Heaven.

quote: dead people cannot think, speak, and are conscious of nothing at all. Eccl. 9:5, 10. They are not 'in heaven', they are in hell. (the common grave of mankind, --sheol, hades--- the place all dead people are when they die--nonexistence. They are in God's memory, awaiting the Resurrection, in 'the last day'. Jesus was in hell until God resurrected him. It is not a literal place, but a condition. the death condition. the opposite of being alive. quote


Veteran Member
quote: dead people cannot think, speak, and are conscious of nothing at all. Eccl. 9:5, 10. They are not 'in heaven', they are in hell. (the common grave of mankind, --sheol, hades--- the place all dead people are when they die--nonexistence. They are in God's memory, awaiting the Resurrection, in 'the last day'. Jesus was in hell until God resurrected him. It is not a literal place, but a condition. the death condition. the opposite of being alive. quote
The poor man was taken to Abraham's bosom. Jesus was seen interacting with Moses and Elijah on mount Tabor.

Scripture says we are one body in Christ. A person doesn't cease to be a member of the body of Christ when they die.

Neither does Scripture say something has to be in Scripture for it to be true.


Active Member
Yes. That perhaps was through TIME?????????????????????????????????????????

quote: 1 Samuel 28 vss. 13-14 show that Saul himself did not see Samuel. Samuel only assumed that the vision the spirit medium described was Samuel. Saul let himself be deceived. vs 3 says that Samuel was dead and in the grave. Other scriptures cited previously prove that in no way was Samuel alive in another realm, or able to communicate with Saul . the voice that pretended to be Samuel was that of an imposter.


Active Member
The poor man was taken to Abraham's bosom. Jesus was seen interacting with Moses and Elijah on mount Tabor.

Scripture says we are one body in Christ. A person doesn't cease to be a member of the body of Christ when they die.

Neither does Scripture say something has to be in Scripture for it to be true.

scriptures do not say that Jesus is literally the same body and being as those who are united in unity of purpose with him. first point.
just like when you married your spouse, you became 'one' for the purpose of uniting in marriage and bringing forth offspring. but you are still two separate beings.

second point--the parable you speak of has no bearing on this topic of discussion, and it is not a literal event, but a parable Jesus gave.

third; if something is in direct conflict with what the Bible teaches, then most students of the Bible would reject it after thorough investigation of the Scriptures.

Hope this helps to clarify the statements given in previous post. :)


Veteran Member
scriptures do not say that Jesus is literally the same body and being as those who are united in unity of purpose with him. first point.
just like when you married your spouse, you became 'one' for the purpose of uniting in marriage and bringing forth offspring. but you are still two separate beings.

second point--the parable you speak of has no bearing on this topic of discussion, and it is not a literal event, but a parable Jesus gave.

third; if something is in direct conflict with what the Bible teaches, then most students of the Bible would reject it after thorough investigation of the Scriptures.

Hope this helps to clarify the statements given in previous post. :)
It wasn't a parable when Jesus was speaking with Moses and Elijah.


Veteran Member
for example, in Revelation 5:8, where John depicts the saints in heaven offering our prayers to God under the form of "golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints." But if the saints in heaven are offering our prayers to God, then they must be aware of our prayers. They are aware of our petitions and present them to God by interceding for us.