Words are ambiguous, and there maybe slight variances in our understanding them; yet with enough explanation, they should meet in the middle.
Buddhanature is to be Anattaa; there is no self...
The true self is being One with the source, i.e. Brahman, who sits within 0neness/Nirvana...
It is very similar to Advaita Vedanta; yet selfless, rather than full of self.
So as explaining Buddha's nature, like Yeshua's nature, Like Lao Tzu's nature is the steps to Heaven/Nirvana.
We're in a realm of desires, where things are all corrupted, our goal is to remain selfless, leading a life of Oneness, helping others, and if we maintain this, we can finally ascend one day out of the Maya, and go home out of the cycle of rebirth.
Our true nature, is that we're individual sparks of the divine; yet we see ourselves as separate, that is why Buddha understood to remove the self/ego returns us to the natural way.
Yes...Imagine in a computer system, we've got 1s and 0s; now what if those were consciously aware, then the computer system would be dynamically evolving, like this reality we're within.
It depends where in the dimensions those spirits are...
From my NDE those at the bottom of the pyramid/Matrix are full of self...
Hell is consumed by those transfixed on their own self pity, sorrow, remorse, etc.... All forms of Ego...
As you ascend into Heaven/Nirvana/0nesss the less self there is....
Until enlightenment is achieved as such, that you come to the Core, and see that as the only self existing entity.
Another way to understand this, is we're only self aware code inside a computer system, God is the processor, without God there isn't anything anyways.