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Does Christmas have anything to do with Christ?

Does Xmas (Christmas) have anything to do with Christ?

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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It depends on what Christmas you are celebrating. That Christmas that people celebrate by leaving their families to shopping to celebrate that Christmas most certainly has nothing to do with anything other than sickening and disgusting materialism. It's pretty bad when all the things Jesus thought of, things were not yet so bad that "those who trample there fellow man to save money for junk and use my name to celebrate the day shall/shall not whatever." Since darkness and gnashing of the teeth, being thrown in a furnace, and some others are already taken, I wonder what the punishment would be?
But if you celebrate the winter holiday the has pagan roots that is widely celebrated by many religions that typically honor the birth of the sun or some god/goddess, and the one you celebrate is the birth of Christ, then you celebrate Christmas.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
It's all bad.
Haha. The good people do on Christmas is bad. Really? Do you ever hear yourself?

Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who say that good is bad and bad is good,Those who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness,Those who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! 21 Woe to those wise in their own eyes And discreet in their own sight!

Maybe the people who say Christmas is all about nasty materialism were never poor. Poor children anticipate Christmas for a change of pace and learn to wait for it for some one special thing or even for some needed items.


Well-Known Member
MikeSavage said:
I am not here to "prove it". I am here to find honest hearted ones, and you don't seem to be one of them. My homework? I think you mean your homework.

Thank you.
I now know not to take you seriously.

Mike, You claim to be a minister of the Bible, but your answer is anything but a true witness for Jesus Christ and GOD the father.
Jesus and the Prophets/Apostles gave their sources for their teachings.
What you are claiming to be truths of GOD are not found to be factual.
Jesus DID NOT forbid the the "doing of birthdays." That is a false reading if The accounts which are given.
In all my years, I have not seen or heard of anyone "worshiping a decorated tree". Such was worshiped in the OT passage as was previously mentioned, but the one has nothing to do with the other.
Trees are not "unclean" until one makes a idol of them.

Mestemia, 1Thess.5:21 admonishes one to: "Prove all things: hold fast that which is good."


Well-Known Member
It's all bad.

Bible S, Life is good; but if one's information/knowledge is faulty, then the concluded "wisdom" given/expounded as a result is certainly bad.

Therefore, the necessity to keep focused upon the Creator GOD and HIS plan of Salvation. The reason for the season.


Active Member
MikeSavage said:
I am not here to "prove it". I am here to find honest hearted ones, and you don't seem to be one of them. My homework? I think you mean your homework.

Mike, You claim to be a minister of the Bible, but your answer is anything but a true witness for Jesus Christ and GOD the father.
Jesus and the Prophets/Apostles gave their sources for their teachings.
What you are claiming to be truths of GOD are not found to be factual.
Jesus DID NOT forbid the the "doing of birthdays." That is a false reading if The accounts which are given.
In all my years, I have not seen or heard of anyone "worshiping a decorated tree". Such was worshiped in the OT passage as was previously mentioned, but the one has nothing to do with the other.
Trees are not "unclean" until one makes a idol of them.

Mestemia, 1Thess.5:21 admonishes one to: "Prove all things: hold fast that which is good."
Coming from someone who hasn't a clue as to what the meaning of most of the scriptures is, how can you honestly say such a thing, and still live with yourself? I also never used the word "forbid". Birthday celebrations clearly are of pagan origin, not Christian. "doing of birthdays" is nothing I've ever heard of, but giving glory to someone because they attained another year of life is against the word of God. All glory goes ONLY to God the Almighty. Both birthdays mentioned in the Bible resulted in death. We know God forbids anything pagan. We know birthday celebrations are pagan in origin. Celebrating a pagan festival of the harvest, Christmas (Saturna) is forbidden because it's pagan, and has NOTHING to do with Jesus. That's a ruse of religion, all of which is false, and Revelation says all will be destroyed. You're not very scripturally literate apparently.


Well-Known Member
It depends on what Christmas you are celebrating. That Christmas that people celebrate by leaving their families to shopping to celebrate that Christmas most certainly has nothing to do with anything other than sickening and disgusting materialism. It's pretty bad when all the things Jesus thought of, things were not yet so bad that "those who trample there fellow man to save money for junk and use my name to celebrate the day shall/shall not whatever." Since darkness and gnashing of the teeth, being thrown in a furnace, and some others are already taken, I wonder what the punishment would be?
But if you celebrate the winter holiday the has pagan roots that is widely celebrated by many religions that typically honor the birth of the sun or some god/goddess, and the one you celebrate is the birth of Christ, then you celebrate Christmas.

SW, If I understand your post, "to each his own".
Agreed, there is much "materialism" associated with the season---no matter the origin/purpose. Most of the purchases are not wanted nor appreciated(unless made known previously).


Active Member
SW, If I understand your post, "to each his own".
Agreed, there is much "materialism" associated with the season---no matter the origin/purpose. Most of the purchases are not wanted nor appreciated(unless made known previously).
The Christ wasn't born in December.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Jehovah's Witnesses are not able to answer any Bible questions that the answers have not been given them by someone else. I have proof.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
To twist "quit touching the unclean thing" to mean Christmas in an unclean tradition should be anyone's prerogative. But then you must by God obey ALL the other scriptures too. Like this one. Philippians 2:3 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves


Well-Known Member
Coming from someone who hasn't a clue as to what the meaning of most of the scriptures is, how can you honestly say such a thing, and still live with yourself? I also never used the word "forbid". Birthday celebrations clearly are of pagan origin, not Christian.

As Mastemia said: "Prove it". You made the claims---now show by the Scriptures where those principles are so?
The birth of Jesus (Christ) was predicted---not by name. As a minister, you are aware of the prophetic sources--I'm sure.
Your insinuations of my knowledge/understanding is noted.

"doing of birthdays" is nothing I've ever heard of, but giving glory to someone because they attained another year of life is against the word of God.

Mike, where does the source of Life come from? GOD. It is HE that gives each the next breath/heart beat to sustain the life--which HE installed in all living things with such.(or living organic matter).
It was GOD who stated after the flood that man is given 120 years to live(birthdays).

All glory goes ONLY to God the Almighty. Both birthdays mentioned in the Bible resulted in death.

Mike, when Eve "bare" Cain and abel that was their "birthday". All the "begat's" were birthdays.

Those "birthdays" you allude to and the deaths were not done by Believers in GOD to other believers, but "Rulers" who in their drunken power did/ordered the "executions". It had nothing to do with one's birthday as such.

We know God forbids anything pagan. We know birthday celebrations are pagan in origin. Celebrating a pagan festival of the harvest, Christmas (Saturna) is forbidden because it's pagan, and has NOTHING to do with Jesus. That's a ruse of religion, all of which is false, and Revelation says all will be destroyed. You're not very scripturally literate apparently.

Mike GOD forbid having idols replace HIM as one's GOD/god. Or anything of their worship which was counter to HIS Instructions.
Christ-mass is the acknowledging of Jesus Christ in a "mass" set aside to honor HIM on an assigned day---because one has no proof of HIS specific birth--date.
Eventually, all this present earth will by destroyed and GOD will "Create a new heaven and new earth".

Speak for yourself. eisegesis is what I see being done to the Scriptures.


Admiral Obvious
Coming from someone who hasn't a clue as to what the meaning of most of the scriptures is, how can you honestly say such a thing, and still live with yourself? I also never used the word "forbid". Birthday celebrations clearly are of pagan origin, not Christian. "doing of birthdays" is nothing I've ever heard of, but giving glory to someone because they attained another year of life is against the word of God. All glory goes ONLY to God the Almighty. Both birthdays mentioned in the Bible resulted in death. We know God forbids anything pagan. We know birthday celebrations are pagan in origin. Celebrating a pagan festival of the harvest, Christmas (Saturna) is forbidden because it's pagan, and has NOTHING to do with Jesus. That's a ruse of religion, all of which is false, and Revelation says all will be destroyed. You're not very scripturally literate apparently.
All those bold empty claims...
But since you have no intention of supporting any of them, they can be tossed in the trash can just as quickly and easily as you presented them.

And you have the gall to call yourself a "minister"?
Shame shame shame
MikeSavage said:
I am not here to "prove it". I am here to find honest hearted ones, and you don't seem to be one of them. My homework? I think you mean your homework.

Mike, You claim to be a minister of the Bible, but your answer is anything but a true witness for Jesus Christ and GOD the father.
Jesus and the Prophets/Apostles gave their sources for their teachings.
What you are claiming to be truths of GOD are not found to be factual.
Jesus DID NOT forbid the the "doing of birthdays." That is a false reading if The accounts which are given.
In all my years, I have not seen or heard of anyone "worshiping a decorated tree". Such was worshiped in the OT passage as was previously mentioned, but the one has nothing to do with the other.
Trees are not "unclean" until one makes a idol of them.

Mestemia, 1Thess.5:21 admonishes one to: "Prove all things: hold fast that which is good."

Correct,Jesus never came out and said do not do birthdays.God on the other hand did forbid idolatry,and that is exactly what birthdays are.It is putting ones self in a place of glory.On a pedestal if you will.All glory goes to God.Only God deserves such recognition.It is a pagan practice that Gods true followers never participated in and still do not do today.You will never find one account of any of Gods true followers participating in birthdays.Only pagans did.
Like in Genesis 40:20-22.

Pharaoh hung his chief baker on his birthday at his feast.He was a pagan king.

In Mark 6: 21-28,King Herod throws a huge b-day fest and beheads John the baptist. and has his head displayed at the party.He was also a pagan king.

Both of these two men were pagans and not followers of God.

Jesus ,his parents nor his disciples ever celebrated Jesus birthdays or their own.

Jesus made his good name known when he died for our sins.Look at what the holy scriptures says about a good name and death.

Ecclesiastes 7:1 A good name is better than fine perfume,
and the day of death better than the day of birth.
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Admiral Obvious
Correct,Jesus never came out and said do not do birthdays.God on the other hand did forbid idolatry,and that is exactly what birthdays are.It is putting ones self in a place of glory.On a pedestal if you will.All glory goes to God.Only God deserves such recognition.It is a pagan practice that Gods true followers never participated in and still do not do today.You will never find one account of any of Gods true followers participating in birthdays.Only pagans did.
I have never in my life seen a birthday that even implies the birthday person is even equal to, let alone higher than, god.
So your claim of idolatry, though I suspect does happen, is not the rule you want everyone to think it is.

Jesus ,his parents nor his disciples ever celebrated Jesus birthdays or their own.
This is nothing but wishful thinking on your part.
You cannot prove this claim any more than your claim be can be shown to be bull ****.


Active Member
I have never in my life seen a birthday that even implies the birthday person is even equal to, let alone higher than, god.
So your claim of idolatry, though I suspect does happen, is not the rule you want everyone to think it is.

This is nothing but wishful thinking on your part.
You cannot prove this claim any more than your claim be can be shown to be bull ****.
Idolatry? I have not ever said it was idolatry. I said it was giving glory to that one. God said glory only belongs to Him. Please don't twist my words to fit your emotional argument. One tainted by religion. It's religion that is in opposition to God, not me. I am his worthless humble servant and minister. I do His will and always have. I don't do any more, or any less. It is my job to find honest hearted ones to plant the seed in. God makes it grow. If it doesn't grow, I usually don't know about it. If it does, often I do know. I am not here to argue, prove, or debate.
The Christ wasn't born in December.

Actually, he was not brother.The holy scriptures tells us that Mary and Joseph were on their way to Bethlehem for the census declared by Caesar Augustus.This did not occur in the winter.This is in Luke 2.

Luke 2:1 In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world

Luke 2:4,5. 4 So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David.5 He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child.

Also if you keep reading it tells us that the shepherds were outside tending to their flocks at night.This is not done in the winter time.The Jerusalem area in december is very cold.

Luke 2:8 And there were shepherds living out in the fields nearby, keeping watch over their flocks at night.

So we can clearly see that Jesus was not born in december when it is vert cold.It had to of taken place before this time.