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Does Christmas have anything to do with Christ?

Does Xmas (Christmas) have anything to do with Christ?

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Active Member
Yes. Sounds like what I have worked on. However, on sites like NTEB, there isn't a way to stop them. Some do respond positively, most are like the groups of apostates outside of conventions.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The little dot brings a reader to the last post read. I asked a question. It was will a person die by Jehovah for Christmas?


What I am hearing from these folks calling Christmas pagan is that Jehovah will condemn a person for his participation in it. I know that to you condemnation means death. So you say Christmas causes death. Am I right so far?


Veteran Member
How can that be when there was no "J"?

There is No 'J' for Jesus in the Hebrew language either, but rather Yehohshu'a for Jesus.
There is No 'J' for Jeremiah which in Hebrew would be Yirmeyah'
For the Tetragrammaton [ YHWH ] Hebrew name Yehweh is popular for God's name.
One old Jewish professor said the Tetragrammaton is more likely 3 syllables, thus the Tetragrammaton would be Yeho.wah'
A Catholic monk first translated God's Hebrew name into English as: Jehovah.
Jehovah is how God's personal name appears in the old KJV Bible at Psalm 83 v 18


There is No 'J' for Jesus in the Hebrew language either, but rather Yehohshu'a for Jesus.
There is No 'J' for Jeremiah which in Hebrew would be Yirmeyah'
For the Tetragrammaton [ YHWH ] Hebrew name Yehweh is popular for God's name.
One old Jewish professor said the Tetragrammaton is more likely 3 syllables, thus the Tetragrammaton would be Yeho.wah'
A Catholic monk first translated God's Hebrew name into English as: Jehovah.
Jehovah is how God's personal name appears in the old KJV Bible at Psalm 83 v 18

Obviously a translation of a name using a letter not in the Hebrew - would make that translation incorrect.

Jehovah is NOT the Hebrew Gods name.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
What I see is a lesson from the experts that I should not fear saying God's name but that I might fear saying what I believe Jehovah will do. Will Jehovah cause death to all the people who celebrate Christmas?


Active Member
Obviously a translation of a name using a letter not in the Hebrew - would make that translation incorrect.

Jehovah is NOT the Hebrew Gods name.

Hebrew at the time required the reader to add the vowels. They weren't included. You would have no way to determine the exact pronunciation today, that was used two thousand years ago. The religion that Israel created after the death of Jesus, called Judaism, was superstitious and wouldn't pronounce Jehovah's name. That's why today they spell His title, God, as G_D. Still weird after all these years. That's another reason that KJV and most other mistranslations have removed God's personal name from their Bibles. Religion is in it's nature, completely false and that's why Revelation to John says they will all be wiped from the Earth.
You have put this type of crap under my posts a couple of times now.

If they are meant for me -

You need to grow up - and actually provide a rebuttal.


I do not answer people on my ignore list, but I will make an exception this one time.I was not talking to you.The way you spoke to me in this comment you just posted is exactly why you are on my ignore list and have been for almost 2 months now.I do not wish to speak to you now or ever.You are very rude!
You said "if they are meant for me-You need to grow up - and actually provide a rebuttal."

Wow! Come on now...............:noentrysign:

Now that you know I do not post anything to you or for you,you can stop assuming my post are intended for you in any way.Honestly,I don't even know what you posted.I did not even read it.This will be the last time I speak to you.Goodbye.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
A question for all you who condemn Christmas for everyone. Why is it written Colosians 2:16 Not therefore anyone of you judge in regard to food or in regard to drink or in regard to a feast or a new moon or a Sabbath?

But you judge Christmas. How?


I do not answer people on my ignore list, but I will make an exception this one time.I was not talking to you.The way you spoke to me in this comment you just posted is exactly why you are on my ignore list and have been for almost 2 months now.I do not wish to speak to you now or ever.You are very rude!
You said "if they are meant for me-You need to grow up - and actually provide a rebuttal."

Wow! Come on now...............:noentrysign:

Now that you know I do not post anything to you or for you,you can stop assuming my post are intended for you in any way.Honestly,I don't even know what you posted.I did not even read it.This will be the last time I speak to you.Goodbye.

Did you miss that "if they are meant for me"-?

They have been under my posts several times.

Also, generally speaking, I am not trying to be rude. I am blunt.



A question for all you who condemn Christmas for everyone. Why is it written Colosians 2:16 Not therefore anyone of you judge in regard to food or in regard to drink or in regard to a feast or a new moon or a Sabbath?

But you judge Christmas. How?

Well, for one - these verses are talking about the old Hebrew laws and statutes, not Pagan observances.

Col 2:20 Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world, why, as though living in the world, are ye subject to ordinances,

Col 2:21 (Touch not; taste not; handle not;

Col 2:22 Which all are to perish with the using, after the commandments and doctrines of men?



Veteran Member
Premium Member
OK But that doesn't mean it can't carry over. Truth is truth no matter where it is.

Colossians 2:13 When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins


Active Member
He gave us the OPPORTUNITY for the forgiveness of our sins. He didn't just give us a blanket forgiveness. He gave a propitiatory sacrifice, in liew of the ones Israel was required previously to give to God.


Well-Known Member
Idolatry? I have not ever said it was idolatry. I said it was giving glory to that one. God said glory only belongs to Him. Please don't twist my words to fit your emotional argument. One tainted by religion. It's religion that is in opposition to God, not me. I am his worthless humble servant and minister. I do His will and always have. I don't do any more, or any less. It is my job to find honest hearted ones to plant the seed in. God makes it grow. If it doesn't grow, I usually don't know about it. If it does, often I do know. I am not here to argue, prove, or debate.

You have not backed up your claims with "scriptural seeds". But the claims(seeds) you have sown are those of "tares".


pro scapegoat
My last comment re this A. H observance's
All those ORNAMENTS AND I SAY IT AGAIN ornaments put on the tree
Are and always has been a representative of sex organs
Why would anyone in their right mind want anything that allows ungodliness for homosexuals to elaborate their practices
I'm finished with any discussion of foolishness of Xmas the worst observance day of the year.
Fools feed on foolishness and always follow those who lead people astray
Those leaders of society (fact) are all under a cloud that spreads deception that has filtered down from the most ungodly leader of society.
And he is the holder of the office where that ungodly leader shows himself as being godly, and has deceived the whole world to suck up to and go salami salami baloney eventually wanting to control all of society under him
They want control of society for their own ego, they do not want the god created this world to control of the world.
That is where you are going to end up and you will be keeping their values ending up as their slave. A society of slaves and no freedom of choice where to live and play etc.
Don't believe me
Just go to rerum novarum and read all of it to find out how they will take control of society and will do with your life and will distribute the wealth that those who have and will give to those who don't work
Question before I say good bye
They will do this to you
You go away from your house shopping and you come back and find someone else living in your house
You go to the police and they will tell you nothing we can do
They have need and therefore they are entitled to it. That is found in that reading of re rum novarum,
And you because you own the house have to pay their bills
Go ahead and keep this pagan holiday observance and you will find all of those involved will see the beast power come to do that 666. Is that what you want for your children and your life?
Allow only a small part of this practice to enter into the lives of yourself your children and just wait and see what happens when the military, police all back this man of sin, that you supported.

Keep up your practice and enjoy your future life with 666 the beast. God says to come out of her!
If you don't know where all this is or has been going
Here's your answers
Beast no, 666 relates to the PAPACY, practices and it's future leadership.

Leaders controlled under him and not in order that have already infiltrated all leadership of society and not in order of authority
Some of these leaders of society;
Jesuits, Illuminati, Mason's knits of Columbus, GOVERNMENTS and their organizations, (Just check and see who of the leaders are 33 degree masons) You won't believe it.
Now if you still don't believe me go to Doctor Walter Veiths you tube videos and look up total onslaught and there is many well investigated research done on this subject
Then go to beyond today tv and go to archives and watch the video re Xmas or what you can find on the subject of Easter and Xmas
Both are pagan in origin and an extreme offence to God
Do you or anyone else want to get up out of bed one day on the wrong side of GOD?
Be my guest as I I've given you more then enough where to go and learn the truth.
Proceed to the nearest psychiatrist, and best of luck.
FYI! The number of the beast is 616, not 666.


Active Member
You have not backed up your claims with "scriptural seeds". But the claims(seeds) you have sown are those of "tares".
You make assertions that are not even remotely true or honest. I am not here to "prove" anything here. That is a childish concept. I am not a child either.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I am making no argument. I am following God's viewpoint on it, as I do on ALL things in my life, as He commanded. Giving glory to anyone else but God displeases Him. Birthday celebrations are a pagan tradition. The only two mentioned in the Bible resulted in deaths. Jesus said to ignore a birthdate, but to commemorate the death annually. And Christmas has NOTHING to do with Jesus or his birth, as he was born in the fall. It is the word of God you argue with, not with me. Take it up with God, our creator and sovereign.

Mike, GOD has made no "viewpoint" arguments saying one should not celebrate another year of "the life" which came from HIM. That is your unscriptural opinion.