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What is your belief in regards to God?

What is your belief in regards to God?

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Page 101 scene 71 and counting on everyone who cares!

Ref: posts 358 & 393 (...494 ect..)

As Jesus said "If you have seen me, then you have seen God"

If your heart is filled with hate, with desire for material things, then it is that which you will see.

However, taking sunray posts 358 & 393 into account also, if you look at your Sister, Your brother, your Neighbour with a universal and spiritual love, then you have seen God.
However, God is in everything, so you need to use your clairvoyance and your heart to see Him.

One could say God is the spirit of the supreme Goodness in life, therefore, if you are filled with that spirit of supreme Goodness, then you will see God too. Of course, you yourself are God too, (or part of Him), so it shouldn't be too difficult to look into a mirror to see the spark of Bramha.

However, the human has a purpose on earth, part of that purpose is to understand that you are just part of God's plan, and His plan for you will surely lead you to Him at the right time, so one must be Patient.

You will hear the Muslim say, there is only one God, ok, we are part of that oneness, each with his role to play, each religion, each individual. That part,that role, by the way is inescapable.

You cannot see God unless He wants you to, but with care, who knows, He may want you to see Him right Now. If not a bit of humility is needed, as you realise all depends on the will of God and His overall plan for the whole of humanity. Around Buddha there have been many miracles; this is God in action. He didn't reveal Himself to Buddha as God because Man wasn't ready for that, at that particular time, everything happens according to the timetable of His plan. However we are more advanced today and the Buddhist can take these advances into account if God allows it and if, (perhaps), if the person in question makes an effort to understand. However if God wants you to understand then you will with little or no effort. So it's case by case according to the will of God whatever name you may address Him by.

Be happy with that part of the plan you are living as each part is supremely inportant to the overall success of the plan, in whatever way you may see your role. Some may live according to their ('libre arbitre') free will and feel it is not important to take God into account, one can't force God on another, each persons freedom to do as He or She sees best is paramount, but it's Good to see things universally too

May your life be full, in a purpose, with little or no doubts.


To be or not to be, that's not only a question, but a question of choice!

One might add that the human being in His:Her present state is the result, of over 7000 years of evolution since Genisis ( the genes of Isis). These could well be the last years of this bit of evolution. For example, if you look at the Bible, there are 22 revelations; so if each revealation counts for a century then this is the last century of our development. Where we go from here Heaven knows!
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Page 101 scene 71 and counting on everyone who cares!

Ref: posts 358 & 393 (...494 ect..)

As Jesus said "If you have seen me, then you have seen God"

If your heart is filled with hate, with desire for material, things it is that which you will see.

However, taking posts 358 & 393 into account also, if you look at your Sister, Your brother, your Neighbour with a universal and spiritual love, then you have seen God.
However, God is in everything, so you need to use your clairvoyance and your heart to see Him.

One could say God is the spirit of the supreme Goodness in life, therefore, if you are filled with that spirit of supreme Goodness, then you will see God too. Of course, you yourself are God too, (or part of Him), so it shouldn't be too difficult to look into a mirror to see the spark of Bramha.

However, the human has a purpose on earth, part of that purpose is to understand that you are just part of God's plan, and His plan for you will surely lead you to Him at the right time, so one must be Patient.

You will hear the Muslim say, there is only one God, ok, we are part of that oneness, each with his role to play, each religion, each individual. That part,that role, by the way is inescapable.

You cannot see God unless He wants you to, but with care, who knows, He may want you to see Him right Now. If not a bit of humility is needed, as you realise all depends on the will of God and His overall plan for the whole of humanity. Around Buddha there have been many miracles; this is God in action. He didn't reveal Himself to Buddha as God because Man wasn't ready for that, at that particular time, everything happens according to the timetable of His plan. However we are more advanced today and the Buddhist can take these advances into account if God allows it and if, (perhaps), if the person in question makes an effort to understand. However if God wants you to understand then you will with little or no effort. So it's case by case according to the will of God whatever name you may address Him by.

Be happy with that part of the plan you are living as each part is supremely inportant to the overall success of the plan, in whatever way you may see your role. Some may live according to their ('libre arbitre') free will and feel it is not important to take God into account, one can't force God on another, each persons freedom to do as He or She sees best is paramount, but it's Good to see things universally too

May your life be full, in a purpose, with little or no doubts.


To be or not to be, that's not only a question, but a question of choice!

You need to start quoting the posts you are replying to, - or people will just stop reading and replying to your posts.

We don't have time to scan back through hundreds of posts.



Grumpy Old Man
Atheist Philosopher
I have never met him/her or seen any evidence such a creature exists.
Current scientific evidence has given me a satisfactory explanation of How and Why I exist and what happens when I die
If you substituted the word "Universe" for the word "God" then you move closer to my world view.
I know the Universe is more impersonal and definitely not touchy-feelly type anthropomorphic god many fantasize about but the evidence backs it all up. I call it the Bottom Up Theory.
From small things, great things evolve through increased complexity and a lot of TIME,
You can drop all the metaphysical BS as nonsense, physics and chemistry this side of the universe is about the same as on the other side and the first 4 commandments become obsolete replace with "the Golden Rule".
When I die, my universe dies with me, the black void of Death I imagine will be like a deep endless sleep you never wake from. My children carry half my DNA they are my afterlife.
So here, today, right now, look around, absorb, you are blessed with the privilege of being sentient on one of the most beautiful planets in the Galaxy,
Wake up! You are already in Heaven appreciate it, enjoy it while you can, but don't abuse it.
No God/s involved.

The concept of a god also opens up more questions and contradictions than it answers
This is a "Top Down" theory, the cheap old "you need a clock maker to make a clock" argument
Who made God? Where did it come from?
How can a supremely complex creature suddenly appear?
Of the billions of planets in the universe why does he pay so much attention to these puny humans on planet Earth?
How does it communicate, move, be?
Does it Fart? etc etc.
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Dear Ingledsva,

as an edited addition to my last post I have this to say;

One might add that the human being in His-Her present state is the result, of over 7000 years of evolution since Genisis ( the genes of Isis). These could well be the last years of this bit of evolution. For example, if you look at the Bible, there are 22 revelations; so if each revelation counts for a century since Christ, then this is, perhaps, the last century of our Earthlydevelopment. Where we go from here Heaven knows!

So peace be with you

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Aura of atheification
Premium Member
God is being itself. As such, God simply is.

God is simple, not complex.

How is that any different from God being an unnecessary entity, a non-explanation that is nevertheless proposed to exist simply because people feel reassured by proposing a conscious will behind all of existence?

Rick B

Active Member
Premium Member
How is that any different from God being an unnecessary entity, a non-explanation that is nevertheless proposed to exist simply because people feel reassured by proposing a conscious will behind all of existence?
"What strikes me as most misguided is the premise that there is a need for answers to questions that are of dubious meaning, some of which can only exist by taking even more dubious premises on their own.

One does not have any need or duty to lend prestige to such jaundiced expectations."

"How much of an intent to be caricatural or satirical are you using? "


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Just pointing out your double-standard.
I am not seeing any. Will you please enlighten me?

If you take as a premise that there is equal need of support for theistic and non-theistic claims... well, that is just not a good premise at all.

Rick B

Active Member
Premium Member
No, it definitely can not.

Not even hypothetically.

Heck, atheism can't even tell me the time of the day. That comes with being an absence of what turns out to be a minor characteristic in the first place, I suppose.

On the other hand, atheism also can't stand in the way of rational thought, so that is something.

Which reminds me that you should consider how odd this set of expectations of yours is.

1. Why would there be an issue of origins? Are you implying that it must be possible to meaningfully ask why things exist? That is by no means a given, you know.

2. Why would atheism (as opposed to any of several conceivable rational stances that atheism, being an absence, fails to inhibit) actually do anything?

3. Also, from post #452 I take it that you may somehow think of some conception of deity as an answer for "the origin of that which exists"? That would be giving a non-answer - as a matter of fact, an entirely mythological concept - to a question that does not even need an answer and may well refuse any.

Why would you, or anyone, do that, let alone demand others to?

Really!!! Who said anything about equal? I was asking for any answer that an atheist would be willing to defend regarding those basic questions consistent with the atheistic worldview (as you well recognised) You "demand" answers to your questions yet retreat, with caustic language, from legitimate rival questions. You have to know this to be the case. Don't plead ignorance. It's unbecoming. If you lack the information and/or the ability to cogently present an argument substantiating your position on basic questions of life that's one thing. But to play the hypocrite or fane ignorance, that's another.
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Page 666, and getting hotter
What is your belief in regards to God? Dial 999?

Having settled the matter that God does exist if that's the way you see it, can't we now ask the next Question?

What is your belief in regards to the DEVIL?

According to one man in California, who's on the web I believe, he went to Hell in a dream or in reality and returned to tell the story, and swears it does exist. I've read his flyer, he's convinced.

According to the singer Chris Deburge, -the devil is a real sharp card player, so every now and then the devil and God get together and play poker for soul's. The devil of course cheats, has always an Ace up his sleeve and being an expert always wins, so has a pile of souls next to him on the table, his chips.
God who loves all his creatures even his enemies, lets the devil win and never calls him a cheat as the devil plays by his own rules. According to the singer who laments, whole train loads of souls are lost in this way. It does seem slightly unfair, but that's life the way the singer sings it. Hopefully God does have a plan. Perhaps he knows that, sometimes you have to lose to win.

According to Buddhiste texts the Hell dimension does exist, a bardo, or something competely bargo like that. Getting trapped there is not funny. However, help is on the way. One Buddha has vowed not to rest until all the souls are freed and man is completly awakened.

Of course for the Atheist The Devil doesn't exist either, but I'm sure that any reasonable person will see that badness does exist, and sometimes this utter badness could be called evil. Also that this evil can be contagious and rot the whole being, in a similar way in which a discarded apple, with just one bite taken from it, rots away.

Some say the devil comes out of a persons mouth.

Some philosophes give God the name of the Supreme Goodness, so logically the Devil is the name of the supreme Badness. So if there is good in the world there must be degrees of goodness up to the supreme goodness, which is presonified by the word God; on the other hand if there is badness in the world there must be, by degrees going down to absolute Zero, a supreme badness personified by the name the Devil.
Surely, one will admit that there is good and bad in the world?

However, as I have heard one American Group say; "If you can't be bad you can't be good, and by extention if you can't be good you can't be bad!

Therefore we need both good and bad to exist and to exercise our free will!

However, I like to think that there is no darkness so thick that a single sunray cannot enlighten.

Peace on earth and have a good holiday

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