Your view only, and it comes from a false assumption of some vague 'concept' you have regarding 'unity'.
Oneness isn't a vague concept of unity, it is that within my own NDE, in the center of all consciousness we find Oneness (Heaven)....
In this place Buddha, Yeshua, Lao Tzu, myself, and many others sat in unity surrounding Brahman.
So this is an Abrahamic concept?
Yahvah is a name for the Abrahmic God, which is said to have spoken reality into existence; just like we find Brahma doing, with their names meaning virtually the same thing.
One cannot go literally and physically inside G-d, the world in which we life is His creation.
Think you missed what was being said; the creation is made from coding, if we remove all the dimensional structuring, then all that exists is God, therefore we're already in God....
It was to summarize how dualism and monism, can be seen as the same thing; yet remain separate ideas.
Is your balance of deeds/works, every action you ever do within many lifes, is carried by your soul record, and as such can be seen....
Our karmic balance effects how we get on, by influencing the luck we have within reality, and might even cause things to happen so that we might learn from them.
Bhakti is devotion, it is a state of being in devotion, it is a practise of doing ritual to show piety.
Now I'm aware of Brahmacharya, which is celibacy so that we utilize our vital energy for higher purposes...
Yet not Charya (to follow) on its own, so what does it mean, please?
poor understanding of Hinduism
Though obviously as a seeker of knowledge, I'm open to understanding all the Sanskrit terms and concepts; yet I'm not speaking from that of a learner of metaphysics, I'm speaking from my own experience of the divine, and then trying to use your words to summarize it....
So learn to forgive my lack of exact phraseology, as I'm not here to impress by knowledge of a religion.
I Will never say that I understand Judaism if I did not hear thé Torah in à synagogue, or eat thé Pessar meal.
I really like these sentiments, and there is a lot of depth to it, in terms of experiencing how it feels within each religions energies.
What brings understanding ?
Intelligence brings understanding, as that is what the word intelligence means, to acquire and to understand information.
If you were meaning experience brings understanding, it is useless without the wisdom to discern; so even on visiting Hindu temples, knowing the whole Sanskrit dictionary, you can still be a fool who doesn't understand how anything works.
What would be gained in knowing the answer, if it robs you of the journey ?
Was asked to read all the religions, and challenge certain Abrahmic beliefs globally, which has been achieved; though so far it has been futile in trying to change anyone's beliefs, which is why prophecy already predicted before we got to it.....
So personally found this journey an amazing enlightening mission....
Though i agree with you, and have missed out on much of life, trying to reach people before Satya Yuga, it doesn't stop us trying.
Reading things for years and one day you conclude that you get it ?
Was born with the knowledge of the divine, knew i was an avatar from like 4/5 years old, knew how the world had already been deceived, and been in darkness for some time (Kali Yuga); just didn't understand how the texts had led people to their misunderstanding, so I've only been investigating what people believe.